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Farmers Bemoan High Input Prices

2 years agoFri, 16 Sep 2022 13:09:06 GMT
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Farmers Bemoan High Input Prices

Farmers have expressed concern over high input costs, especially fertiliser, and have implored the government to intervene and eliminate “profiteering” by businesses.

Business Times has established that a 50kg bag of top dressing fertiliser is now selling at US$60, a 33% increase from US$45 last year.

The price of basal fertiliser has also gone up by almost 50% to between US$35-45 per 50kg from around US$25-30 last season.

Zimbabwe National Farmers Union (ZNFU) secretary general, Stewart Mubonderi called for “sensible pricing”. He said:

We have an excessive profiteering problem in our nation, where individuals want to earn a lot of money in one night, but there will be very few buyers due to the high prices.

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So we ask the corporations doing this to be sensible and provide farmers with fair pricing, and also the government to engage them constructively and ensure that these unwarranted price increases we are seeing are stopped and avoided.

The president of the Zimbabwe Commercial Farmers Union (ZCFU), Shadreck Makombe, said the high input prices would negatively affect the 2022/23 season. Makombe said:

There is a need for the government to intervene in the short term through targeted and time limited input subsidies so as to alleviate the plight of vulnerable farmers and to ensure affordable and viable inputs.

It [the price of diesel] has been going down. We would have expected the prices of goods to also go down in tandem with the going down of diesel, which is one of the major inputs in prices.

Unfortunately it’s not happening that way. So at the end of the day farmers are the ones who are suffering.

Makombe proposed that manufacturers of farming inputs deal directly with farmers to eliminate middlemen in order to reduce the high prices.



Asalif · 2 years ago
*****subsistence farming
mdara Loli pop · 2 years ago
munhu mutema chake I communal farming kwete commercial ba. Iyoyo it needs Capital expertise and mechanisation which is beyond reach and scope kuruzhinji rwe vatema. Ipai varungu mapurazi zvinhu zvifambe kwete kuswero nyeperana kwamuri kuita uku. Now it's more than 20 years nyika ingori food insecure chete.
Asalif · 2 years ago
Inonzi substance farming mkoma not communal 😂😂😂😂
Jembi · 2 years ago
Ko takamboona pakanzi varimi varikukurudzirwa kurima mbanje, asi ine ma inputs aka cheaper kudarika fodya, gorosi, chibage nezvimwe zvirimwa ? Varimi vembanje ndivo vega vasingachemecheme
Blank Slate · 2 years ago
Kkkkkkkkk very true.
Oldfarmer · 2 years ago
Every year the new farmers mourn about this and that. In our time we never relied on the government to support our operations, coz we were real farmers, not you farm invaders. How come you are always boasting that the "chaotic" land grab was successful.
Nothomegrown · 2 years ago
That's all farmers do is moan resulting in the WFP supplying Zim food aid.
GMB · 2 years ago
We don't care whether the farmers get the money from s.atan or the de.vil himself , Cottco, TIMB and us will soon announce producer prices in rtgs. We are expecting a bumper harvest and we promise to pay farmers timeously. Murimi munhu! Kusvika maziva pekuvhotera tirikuenda kwatirikubva. 2023 vote CCC
Asalif · 2 years ago
Paperi neZanu of 😂😂😂😂
Zuze · 2 years ago
Mukore uno here nhai veduwee? Uyu Asalif anenge mwana waamai vane varume vakawanda. Nhai anonzi chii zviya mukadzi and varume vakawanda?

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