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OpenTreasury Cancels Tender Authorised By Parliament, Directs That Suppliers Be Blacklisted

The Ministry of Finance and Economic Development has cancelled a laptop tender that the Parliament had awarded to two companies citing exorbitantly inflated prices. In a letter seen by Pindula News, Finance secretary, George Guvamatanga said the suppliers must be blacklisted. We present below the letter addressed to Clerk of Parliament Kennedy Chokuda:
Reference is made to the above subject matter.
It has come to Treasury’s attention that Parliament of Zimbabwe had awarded a tender for the supply and delivery of laptops and desktops to the following companies as follows:
BIDDER DESCRIPTION TOTAL PRICE (USD) Blinart Investments P/L ANCE 173 Laptops 1 602 755.77 Mid-End Computers and Hardware (P/L) 79 Desktops 243 052.36 Treasury notes with concern that these suppliers are charging USD9 264.48 and USD3 076.61 for a laptop and desktop, respectively. These USD dollar prices have been exorbitantly inflated way beyond those that are prevailing in the market and hence, are not acceptable.
Notwithstanding the high prices, this tender award is in complete disregard of the Treasury minute dated 3 August 2022, directing line Ministries to ensure value for money for Government and hence, to rationalise all procurement processes with a view to operating within the confines of the willing buyer willing seller foreign exchange rate.
In this regard and to ensure value for money for Government, in line with the Public Finance Management Act [Chapter 22:19] which empowers Treasury to manage and control public resources, Treasury directs that this tender be cancelled and the concerned suppliers be blacklisted from any future Government procurement process.
Pindula News