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"Dont'. Don't. Don't" Biden Warns Putin Against Using Weapons Of Mass Destruction Against Ukraine

2 years agoSun, 18 Sep 2022 08:48:01 GMT
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"Dont'. Don't. Don't" Biden Warns Putin Against Using Weapons Of Mass Destruction Against Ukraine

United States president Joe Biden has warned his Russian counterpart, President Vladimir Putin against using weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in Ukraine.

He said in an interview with CBS News scheduled to air Sunday night:

Don’t. Don’t. Don’t. You will change the face of war unlike anything since World War II,” 

Biden would not comment specifically on a U.S. response if Russia were to use chemical or nuclear weapons in Ukraine. He added:

They’ll become more of a pariah in the world than they ever have been. And depending on the extent of what they do will determine what response would occur.

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Following a meeting with European Union and G-7 partners and NATO allies in March, Biden said NATO would respond “in kind” to any use of WMDs in Ukraine. Biden said, referring to Putin:

We will respond if he uses it. The nature of the response depends on the nature of the use.

A month later, Biden chastised Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov as “irresponsible” after Lavrov told Russian state television that the risks of nuclear war were “considerable.” Biden said:

No one should be making idle comments about the use of nuclear weapons or the possibility of the need to use them.


Just days into his invasion of Ukraine, Putin ordered Russia’s nuclear forces on high alert for the first time since the fall of the former Soviet Union, prompting the White House to assemble a team of national security officials — the so-called Tiger Team — to study potential responses in the event Russia deployed chemical, biological or nuclear weapons against Ukraine, neighbouring nations or NATO convoys of weapons and aid headed for Ukraine.

In 2000, Russia updated its military doctrine to allow the first use of nuclear weapons “in response to large-scale aggression utilizing conventional weapons in situations critical to the national security of the Russian Federation,” according to the U.S.-based Arms Control Association.

The 1997 version of the doctrine had allowed the first use of nuclear arms only “in case of a threat to the existence of the Russian Federation.”

The newest version also states for the first time that Russia has the right to use nuclear weapons to respond to all “weapons of mass destruction” attacks.

Meanwhile, Russia’s targeting of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant has renewed nuclear anxiety across Europe. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi reported Saturday that the plant, Europe’s largest, is once again receiving electricity from the national grid.

Ukraine recently reclaimed some lost territories allegedly due to aid from its allies, the United States included.

There are fears that Russia might want to use sophisticated weapons to outsmart Ukraine and its allies.

Russia invaded Ukraine on the 24th of February 2022 citing gross human rights violations against Russian-speaking people in the neighbouring country. Ukraine dismissed the allegations of human rights abuses as propaganda and an excuse for invasion.

Pindula News



Hitler · 2 years ago
Vana Putin ngavadzikame isu vana mudhogo takambozviedza tikakundikana
Putin started that war thinking that it was "a stroll in the park." Putin thought it was a 3 days war. He had not put NATO in the equation or perspective. He will not resort to nuclear or chemical weapons because he knows if he does that he will have empowered NATO to destroy Russia. As I write this chat Russia is suffering embarrassing defeats in the battle. [ RUSSIA SHOULD BE SHAMEFUL. IT MUST BE CHARGED WITH GENOCIDE ]. [ CITIZENS MUST REGISTER TO VOTE AND VOTE CCC POLITICAL PARTY FOR REAL CHANGE]. Yours truly William Sonboy CHINEMBIRI [ THE BUSH LAWYER ].
Moyo · 2 years ago
Bravo!!! Eye opening
I · 2 years ago
Bindula · 2 years ago
Pindulians, why do you feel the need to choose sides in a war that we as Africans are supposed to take advantage of? This war has opened new avenues in the global economic space and it doesn't look like its stopping any time soon. Africa has the oil and gas reserves. We have the climate for successful grain production (+8 hours of sunlight: good for solar projects too.). Africa has the minerals. America, Europe and Asia are more than happy to watch us being the developing world. They are happy to take your minerals and talent to develop their world. They are happy to sell you finished goods and dump second hand products on our continent. That's how world order works. If we continue to stand in the shadows we will always be the victims. Next time before you choose a side, think of yourselves first. That's how a capitalistic world works. Thats how world order was established. CASE CLOSED.
flames · 2 years ago
no more American dominated world..
Anonymous · 2 years ago
CIA said Russia is the greatest threat to American hegemony.
PUTIN · 2 years ago
He's just made coz we bombed Syrian oil fields where the US was stealing massive amounts of oil 🤣
ED Shweeee · 2 years ago
@Shona King/Amadhle amagundwane, can you share information yauinayo. Vazhinji tiri kuziva kuti Russia yaane 7 months ichirwisa kanyika kadikidiki and mazuvano iri kuhlabiwa zvomene
mubhabhatidzi · 2 years ago
the truth is that Biden is afraid of direct war with mighty Russia 😟
Shona king · 2 years ago
Ukraine is getting destroyed they lost half of their troops out of 1million troops and Twitter bots are telling you that Ukraine is should join Ukrainian telegram channels to see the truth.
Sixpence · 2 years ago
Tosh, what can Russia do in December that it has failed to do in the last 7 months? Zelensky kapedza masports naPutin. Chasara ndechekuti Putin apandukirwe nevanhu vake. KuUkraine kuri kufiwa uku. Kuaona Russia yaakubhadhara mercenaries kuti varwe hondo yavo zvinoreva kuti pane nyaya. Haina masoja ayo ari kuda kunorwa ku Ukraine
Soyuz > Crew Dragon · 2 years ago
During world War II Russia fought both Japan and Germany simultaneously and took the kuril islands from Japan and Kilinigrad from Germany as Russia is fighting Europe and America combined.
Tickey · 2 years ago
Tinotonzwira imi ana Maparamuro tsitsi munoswero pisika mudhi.dhi WARD nerurimi.
Africa do you hear that? · 2 years ago
The WEST ask for human rights from African leaders while they busy building nuclear, now they got their match Russian, China, North Korea and some sitting between the lines African countries are asked to stop using coal blaming it on ximate change while the is so much smoke from the war in Ukraine Ngwarai vechitema varungu vatide ava
Sting · 2 years ago
Strue bro havadi tibudirire hanzi Europe and US first. Nigeria ine oil but havadi kuitenga Algeria kune gas hanzi heee inetuma something tusiribho health wise.
Kong · 2 years ago
There is no need of sending millions of people to war if you can just end it by pressing a red button.
Maparamuro · 2 years ago
America has been responsible for all wars after the second world War. All wars benefit the American weapons industry which earns billions of dollars from arms deals. USA can provoke or incite people to fight just to create a market for its arms or to test their latest arms technology. They survive on instability in other parts of the world.
Tickey · 2 years ago
Endaka unorwisa America yacho kana une shungu
Maparamuro · 2 years ago
Unonzwisa tsitsi
Tickey · 2 years ago
Totonzwira imimi ana Maparamuro tsitsi munoswero pisika **** WARD nerurimi
Bounty Hunter · 2 years ago
I do wish our ZMA go into SA to help Zimbabwean speaking people citing gross human rights violations
Zuze · 2 years ago
Endai munokwaturwa. Hamuna zvombo. kijairira kupfura vanhu vasina pfuti vasingadzorere
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Bro that's different coz Zimbabweans doesn't have land or heritage in SA but eastern Ukraine and Southern Ukraine belonged to Russian people until Lenin gave the territory to Ukraine.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Thousands of NATO troops are already fighting in Ukraine...just in Ukraine combat uniforms.
Sixpence · 2 years ago
Haunyare kunyepa. NATO uri kutumira nzvimbo chete. Kana uine **** enda unobatsira Putain wako iwe mupurwa
Anonymous · 2 years ago
There is a video of thousands of troops speaking English in American accent and British accent..
Sixpence · 2 years ago
When did you interview them? Tipeiwo video clip please
Gwedu · 2 years ago
Your tongue must be heavy whenever you feel like talking about nuclear. Putin can loud and loud but one thing to note once he uses nuclear weapon US and allies aer very much capable of more than once. Therefore, chero Russia mukaiomberera maoko zivai kuti hazvisati zvatanga....kana ari murume Putin ngaa bhombe UK iyo pa west apo. Then the real drama begins. Industry collapse of course it's another war to be fought on a separate entity, military war is the one that neclear is capable of but .....even you in Africa you will not even afford kutenga ma chang's awajaira. It's not easy and it's not right
Kinzhal missle · 2 years ago
Correction* Russia is occupying the nuclear power plant and Ukraine is shelling the plant in order to force the Russians to leave.
Revelation · 2 years ago
Biden needs to worry about the fall of industry's in Europe due to energy shortages....they are just doing a favor to China.
Mafirakureva · 2 years ago
Europe is eminently capable of looking after its own energy needs. They don't need the USA. Besides NATO has economic might to survive Russian gas throttling. Russia has very little that USA and Europe need.. If China is so pally wally with Russia why hasn't it helped Russia up to now?
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Europe doesn't have energy resources...Russia supplies Uranium oil gas and coal...that's why Europe is trying to purchase coal from South Africa.
Kong · 2 years ago
People are already protesting around Europe due to energy shortages.
Surprised Onlooker · 2 years ago
China has more brains than Russia too big but foolish vapera kuUkraine.
tongai · 2 years ago
obviously u are not up-to-date with current affairs...
Shona king · 2 years ago
Just a simple Google will tell you Europe is having a tough time with energy crisis.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Nuclear war will lead to a new world order....I'm already sick and tired in this world of sanctions we are living in.
S-400 · 2 years ago
Why stockpile nuclear weapons if you can't use them. Biden just saying what everyone wants to hear but even if Putin use tactical nukes no one will do anything.....nuclear war is inevitable.
Worzell Gummidge · 2 years ago
Nuclear weapons are a Frankenstein Monster which destroyeth its own maker. With Nuclear war nobody wins. It's just like polluting the atmosphere forgetting that we all breath the same air. The resultant climate change from nuclear explosions, pollution of the land, air & water is no respecter of persons, status or geographical location. Nuclear weapons will result in death and destruction of all mankind including the Russians. Nuclear war will lead to an Extinction Level Event. There will be no life & no earth to talk of in the event of a full scale nuclear war. The atmosphere will be destroyed & the earth will be knocked out of orbit & will hurtle into deep dark space. The nuclear power plant meltdown in Chernobyl taught the world a vital lesson about the life threatening hazards of nuclear power in general. The area within a hundred kilometers radius of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is still uninhabitable & scientists estimate that it may take 100 - 200 years for the nuclear radiation to naturally dissipate. Imagine if nuclear weapons are used everywhere on a grand scale. Will humanity survive?
Sorojena · 2 years ago
What benefit does it give Poo-tin , if he wins the world and loses his life. Poo-tin risks being murdered by his inner circle if he persists on his nuke thing.
Chief inspector · 2 years ago
Ndamboverenga hangu but pawati " the earth will be knocked out of orbit & will hurtle into deep dark space." Parikuda further elaboration. Nuclear weapons are not good zvavo but can they knock earth out of orbit???
___ · 2 years ago
nhema idzi madzinzwepi,the eart won't move away from it's orbit that easily same way, throwing a pebble to an elephant won't do much damage.
pure African · 2 years ago
Russia is over headed it's allies but though will still stand allong side it & willing to help with soldiers if it is possible
Zookeeper · 2 years ago
Tichanakigwa hedu isu gore RINO.....# I stand with Russia
Surprised Onlooker · 2 years ago
Starting use of nuke weapons is no solution for Russia or america it's like starting a war it will affect the planners of that war that's being foolish and reckless .
Worzell Gummidge · 2 years ago
@Zookeeper. You are a zoophiliac suffering from zoonotic zealotry. An African has ni business supporting Putin's aggression against Ukraine. Africa benefits more from Ukraine from whence they purchase wheat, grains & Aluminium products. Ukraine never interferes in the politics of Africa. Unlike Russia which sponsors dictators & vetoes any UN action against African genocidal maniacs who massacre their own people. The cruelty of Putin is visible for all to see as he impeded the flow of goods & services along the Baltic Sea in order to starve Africa into supporting his war. The war on Ukraine has nothing to do with Russians. It is Putin's personal war for political survival as he creates a fictitious security crisis which enables him to stay in power forever.

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