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HomeCrime and Courts

Justice Minister Says Fired High Court Judge Mushore Sold A Govt Vehicle

2 years agoMon, 19 Sep 2022 07:59:00 GMT
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Justice Minister Says Fired High Court Judge Mushore Sold A Govt Vehicle

Sacked High Court judge, Justice Edith Mushore, sold a government vehicle, a top-of-the-range Land Rover Discovery given to sitting judges.

A fortnight ago, President Emmerson Mnangagwa removed Justice Mushore from the office of Judge of the High Court for misconduct.

The removal followed recommendations from a tribunal constituted in terms of the Constitution to investigate Mushore’s year-long absence from the Justice Cheda-chaired tribunal.

The Herald says Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Ziyambi Ziyambi, confirmed the sale of the vehicle.  He is cited as saying:

Yes, indeed, she sold one of the Government issued vehicles. We are not sure why she did so. She has left more than 90 incomplete cases.

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Justice Mushore did not attend the hearing despite valid notifications being sent to her. It was on that basis that the tribunal made recommendations that she is not fit to hold the office of a judge.

Initially, when she was asked to explain her absence from work last year, Justice Mushore said she was unwell, but failed to produce a sick note, according to The Herald.

Some context:

Mushore was appointed to the bench in 2015 from private practice where she was an Advocate of the High Court.

Justice Mushore, who was attached to the Family Law Court at the High Court, last reported for work in mid-June last year.

Judges are not allowed to be absent from work for more than three days without official leave.

In May 2021, Mushore was one of the judges who ruled that Chief Justice Luke Malaba had ceased to lead the bench upon reaching the age of mandatory retirement. Malaba appealed the ruling and won, and he remains the Chief Justice to date.

Some believe she was punished for that ruling.

Pindula News



musiiwa · 2 years ago
how was the sale cleared by police traffic for cash to change hands.????? 😂😂
g · 2 years ago
as an officer of th court she has powers to sale th property and change iwnership without going yo CID,CID is a smaller office than the office sh is occupiying
Machiavelli · 2 years ago
Not being lawyer, I always hesitate commenting on judiciary issues. From a layman's observation since the start of this saga the silence by Edith Mushore and/or her legal representatives speaks volumes. In an attempt to rationalise the issue I will try to reconstruct the chronology of events:- 1. In May 2021 Justice Edith Mushore and Three Others pass judgement that Chief Justice Luke Malaba is holding office unconditionally.; 2. Shortly thereafter Luke Malaba appeals and continues in office; 3. June 2021, Edith Mushore stops coming yo work, leaving substantial cases uncompleted; 4. Somewhere along the line President appoints a Tribunal to judge Justice Mushores ability to continue holding office; 5. The only response on record by Edith Mushore after being summoned to a hearing by the Tribunal is to the effect that she was unwell; (how when and by whom this was communicated to the Tribunal is not clear); 6. Tribunal makes a tiling an presents its findings to the State President; (recommendations not made public); 8. State President fires Edith Mushore; 9. Minister of Justice goes public about Edith Mushore selling a government issue vehicle. Interesting sideshow includes a) the deafening silence by the Judicial Services Commission (the presumed employer of Edith Mushore). b) The dearth of response (s) from Edith Mushore and/or legal representatives; c) the lack of publicity of exactly what Edith Mushore was accused of, evidence for and against, and the verdict (ALDI ALTERUM PARTEM RULE?) What I as an ordinary citizen would like to know is whether there was a link between the judgment against Luke Malaba and the decision by Edith Mushore to stop coming to work.
Chief inspector · 2 years ago
Here why I don't believe this statement 1. Its from herald ( zanu) 2. Its from ziyambi zibharanzi(zanu) 3. We haven't heard Edith's side of the story
This so called second administration is full of comedians. Today Edith Mushore this, tomorrow Edith Mushore that. Why are they moving in circles ? Ziyambi Ziyambi must deal with this case once and for all and stop making noises about the former High Court judge. Ziyambi Ziyambi has not told citizens the whereabouts of Edith Mushore and why they have not arrested her if she is still in the country. If she truly sold a government vehicle and if she is now out of the country, they should forefiet party of her terminal benefits. Let us give closure to this case and open up news of how the Chief Justice, fairing on the bench. [ ZIYAMBI ZIYAMBI MUST BURY HIS HATCHET WITH EDITH MUSHORE ]. Yours faithfully William Sonboy CHINEMBIRI [ THE BUSH LAWYER ].
This so called second administration is full of cmedians.
Tickey · 2 years ago
Good for you Edith. Tough luck EDith Next round please
The Adjudicator · 2 years ago
Can't judge another Judge but as an Adjudicator let me clearly emphasize that this case if it's given to my hands l will strike the desk with my Gavel and say, "Court adjourned." Let me just say once again, "ED PFEE." VIVA ZANU PF!!!
You · 2 years ago
You like our judges are a disgrace
Surprised Onlooker · 2 years ago
Zim judges should now carry out their duties in their own clothes they have long lost their mandate they should put own of their favorite parties instead they do our bench a big favor kkkkkkkkk

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