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Mnangagwa Off To New York For UN General Assembly

2 years agoTue, 20 Sep 2022 05:41:17 GMT
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Mnangagwa Off To New York For UN General Assembly

President Emmerson Mnangagwa left the country on Monday night for New York, United States of America, to attend the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

This year’s UNGA will be the first to be held face to face following a two-year break because of COVID-19-related travel restrictions.

For the last two years, UNGA has been taking place virtually through pre-recorded speeches.

Mnangagwa was seen off at the Robert Mugabe International Airport by Vice President Constantino Chiwenga, Cabinet Ministers, senior Government officials and service chiefs.

He is expected to address the UNGA during the course of this week.

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UNGA 77 which is running under the theme, “A watershed moment: transformative solutions to interlocking challenges”, started on Monday, 19 September.

In a press briefing on 14 September, UN secretary-general António Guterres said dialogue and debate are key to finding solutions to the challenges facing the world which include war, hunger and climate change, among others. He said:

Our world is blighted by war, battered by climate chaos, scarred by hate, and shamed by poverty, hunger and inequality.

As fractures deepen and trust evaporates, we need to come together around solutions. People need to see results in their everyday lives, or they will lose faith in their governments and institutions, and they will lose hope in the future.

That hope can indeed only come through the dialogue and debate that are the beating heart of the UN and that must prevail next week against all divisions.

UNGA is the main policy-making organ of the Organization. Comprising all Member States, it provides a unique forum for multilateral discussion of the full spectrum of international issues covered by the Charter of the United Nations.

Each of the 193 Member States of the United Nations has an equal vote. | The Herald



Felistus · 2 years ago
Rova basa mudhara wangu.
cde Chipopi · 2 years ago
Enda unogadzirisa ukama ne nyika dzekuma dokero kwete kusiya watuka ma British nema Americans , asi vanhu vako vachipa kaura ne nhamo kuno
The King of Serpents · 2 years ago
Akaita izvozvo nyika inoguma. Arikuendera kunogara mu 5 star hotel, shopping and New York hookers.
Tete · 2 years ago
Regayi zvinopedzerana na Susan ikoko. Vakamborara vese, havashayani. Akusurira arikuendawo here?
baTine · 2 years ago
mukuru woendazve ku UN 𝗸𝘂𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗮𝘂𝗿𝗮 𝗻𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗶𝗿
Mdara Odza · 2 years ago
A whole man leaving his country in a chartered Gulf stream jet to address chairs and other pieces of furniture at the UN General Assembly. Embarrassing.
. · 2 years ago
Usvikonakirwa nemari dzematax payers mdhara nxaaaa
Gwedu · 2 years ago
UNGA Kuna Susan ikoko
NoConfidenceIn · 2 years ago
We have no faith in the UN, a useless entity
hh · 2 years ago
mnangagwa wauraya nyika nyika pasi neZanu pasi necorruption pasi nehurombo
The High Priest · 2 years ago
Ko mudhara uyu aenda asina kugadzirisa nyaya yemi**** yevashandi vehurumende, next Monday tools down, ko ndisu tadii.
Tio4 · 2 years ago
Ndokunenge kuchiitwa address futi here na Susan Mutami ?

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