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RBZ Forex Auction: Zimbabwe Dollar Official Rate As Of 20 September 2022

2 years agoTue, 20 Sep 2022 15:19:38 GMT
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RBZ Forex Auction: Zimbabwe Dollar Official Rate As Of 20 September 2022

The Zimbabwe dollar has continued its downward spiral against the US dollar. According to the results of the official foreign currency auction conducted by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) today, 20 September 2022, the weighted average rate has fallen to US$1: ZWL$613.3681.

Last week, the foreign exchange weighted average rate was US$1: ZWL$604.2580.

In an update seen by Pindula News, the central bank reported that a total of US$13.66 millionwas allotted to various sectors at this week’s RBZ foreign currency auction.

The bulk of the allotment went to raw materials followed by machinery and equipment, the same as last week.

245 bids were received on the Small to Medium Enterprises Forex Auction, with 230 accepted and 15 disqualified. The total amount allotted was USD2,099,695.45 down from the USD2,196,092.29 allotted last week.

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On the Main Forex Auction, a total of 103 bids were received, 100 were accepted and 3 were disqualified. The total amount allotted was USD11,562,566.29 down from USD13,429,628.61 allotted last week.

SME FX105/2022

Number of Bids Received

MAIN FX111/2022


Number of Bids Disqualified : 15
Total Number of Bids Accepted : 230
Total Number of Bids Allotted : 229
Total Value of Bids Accepted : USD2,109,508.47
Amount Allotted : USD2,099,695.45
Highest Rate Received : 655.0000
Lowest Bid Rate Allotted : 570.0000
Weighted Average Rate : 613.3681
Raw Materials 544,543.20 5,481,712.32
Machinery and Equipment 664,958.47 2,897,448.71
Consumables (Incl. Spares, Tyres, Electricals, etc) 286,454.89 781,648.34
Services (Loans, Education, Dividends, Disinvestments, etc) 288,805.86 1,095,578.45
Retail and Distribution (Incl. Food, Beverages, etc) 163,244.46 766,563.72
Electricity 51,255.00
Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals 92,325.75 353,813.31
Paper and Packaging 59,362.82 134,546.44
TOTAL 2,099,695.45 11,562,566.29


1. Bids with overdue CD1s, outstanding Bills of Entry (BOEs), insufficient ZW$ and those with sufficient FCA balances were also disqualified.

2. Some Bids were allotted on a pro-rata basis.

3. Willing buyer Willing Seller Bid Rate as of 9 September 2022 was ZW$568.1885.



fifi · 2 years ago
God's Power is put First, be it zanu pf , ccc or any other political party is welcome, pliz zimbos Do Not stress yourselves politically kkkkkkkk
Harry Potter · 2 years ago
Someone once said "if you trust the Government, you probably failed class history", in Zimbabwe this has been proven to be true. Now what we should do fellow citizens is either 1) we should register to vote in our numbers, vote to remove ZanuPF for good next elections or 2) We should use whatever means to remove ZanuPF for good before the 2023 elections. This circus should go
St · 2 years ago
Haa nezanu hapana kwatirikuenda tadzokera kwatakambenge tiri .Tsvangirai akaedza kutibisako nyika ukambova nemufaro .Vakashandisa chisimba tadzorerwazva katakambenge tiri Mwari pindirai 2023 mutisunungure pajoko ratiremera pamafudzi kwenguva refu iri
Bhuru the Serial Father · 2 years ago
Mr Speaker Sir, Tingade kuziva kuti Blinart yekuda kutitengesera ma Laptop anodhura yawana marii ku auction yaitwa nhasi. I thank you.
Zupco 👨‍✈️👨‍✈️🚎🚎 · 2 years ago
yoooh , from 1:1 upto 1:613 within 4yrs
Steven Chidhumo · 2 years ago
This is a good performance by the zim dollar, it shows the gvt is doing a great job as the zimdollar loses its value every Tuesday. We are slowly getting there, it's either 2023 or earlier ZanuPF will be gone for good. Keep on taking Zimbabweans for fools until Zimbabweans really know what should be done
Inflated · 2 years ago
It will be 1::900 by December
Kana ukarota nyika ino isinga tongwe ne ZANU PF, muka ubike doro!!! Bika doro uti mudzimu makundirasha musandipa hope dzakadai. Vano ona onesai vanenzeve trererai kana ndichi taura, musangano uyu unoyera uchatonga ugotonga vano ukura vachingo ukura, ZANU PF ichingotonga Ndini wenyu Dr William Sonboy Chinembiri [THE BUSH LAWYER].
+-+ · 2 years ago
Sounding a lot like Ian Smith and we know how that went. Dai matobika Doro murimi maZANU coz humbavha kwakupera and hapana zvimwe zvozivikanwa hence the panic. Akazvitemba haaswero pindire nyaya dzeOpposition! Tingatobika doro tikarota ZANU yavakugona kutungamira!
Triple see · 2 years ago
We poured sand....it's not edible

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