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Mbeki Says South Africans Are Not Xenophobic

2 years agoThu, 22 Sep 2022 18:10:49 GMT
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Mbeki Says South Africans Are Not Xenophobic

Former South African President, Thabo Mbeki, has refuted claims that the bulk of crimes in that country are committed by foreign nationals.

Mbeki said it is wrong to paint all foreign nationals with the same brush, adding that foreigners who are committing crimes in South Africa must be arrested and deported.

He made the remarks during a conversation with students and diplomats in Pretoria. Said, Mbeki:

We need to walk away from the false notion that the bulk of crime in this country is caused by foreigners. It is not correct.

The bulk of crime in this country is caused is committed by South Africans. There are foreigners who commit crimes.

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You should arrest them and charge them. This is what we should do and avoid labelling other people.

Mbeki also said South Africans are not xenophobic.

The former President said that South Africa owes African countries for its independence, especially countries such as Angola and Mozambique where thousands of people were killed by the racist regime for supporting the country’s struggle for freedom. He said:

The African continent has felt, for a very long time, very, very close to this country, that it has its own responsibility to assist in the liberation of the people of South Africa.

You take a country like Mozambique just across our border, which lost thousands and thousands of people killed because it was refusing to walk away from the support here. The same thing happened in Angola.

| SABC News



solo · 2 years ago
aaah the truth we all know... please we are not children
fun time · 2 years ago
Enough of your diplomatic guff!! Any further harassment on the foreigners will invite a well trained battalion in your barren land and the soils which you built your houses on will boil.
Sorojena · 2 years ago
Xenophobic is an overstatement, in fact South Africans are violent. It's traditional for South Africans to move around armed with guns.
Mbeki says South Africans are not xenophobic · 2 years ago
mboko says Mbeki is a ****
MAKUNIKE KUZIWA · 2 years ago
Three Zimbos burnt beyond recognition in SA and no arrests but zimbos why return home lest u become trophies.
Illegal Foreigner · 2 years ago
Ngavauye kumusha avo vavhote
Trumpet · 2 years ago
Mbeki now saying the truth of who sacrificed and helped South African during apartheid. He only supported Zanu PF and Mugabe because of his mining interests in Zimbabwe. Politics. Politics.Politics
Cde hondo · 2 years ago
Mbeki shut up yu messed up with your quiet diplomacy
The King of Serpents · 2 years ago
He messed up zveshuwa. Maybe he was given money, farms or mines.
Citizen raPep naChamisa · 2 years ago
South Africans are not xenophobic,but they’re just citizens who are blinded by poverty into thinking that all foreigners are enemies just like the Zanu Pf members in Zimbabwe
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Nyora ne shona pamwe zvingaite musoro
Citizen raPep naChamisa · 2 years ago
Ha wangu iyoyo yaproblem yevabereki vako vakatadza kukupfuudza grade 7
mai kiki · 2 years ago
Nhaiwe munhuasinazita. Inga zviri kunzwisisika wani. Iyo nyaya yekuda kuita malecture paPindula iyi. Heyaa
Citizen raPep naChamisa · 2 years ago
@Mupfungwe chaiye ,kana ndimiwo Mashura akadai

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