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Family Loses 7 Children To Measles In Two Weeks

2 years agoSat, 24 Sep 2022 06:38:28 GMT
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Family Loses 7 Children To Measles In Two Weeks

Seven children from an Honde Valley family recently succumbed to measles within a space of two weeks.

The seven children were aged between three and 11.

The Rode family’s remaining eight children were only spared after their parents took the bold decision to quit their white garment church and seek medical services for them, according to The Herald.

Religious beliefs that discourage seeking medical services have been identified as the major cause of the current measles outbreak and the resulting deaths.

Mr Tendai Rode of Nyamaende in Honde Valley told Zimpapers’ Television Network (ZTN) that it was painful to bury his children one after the other within such a short space of time. He said in an interview:

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I am married to three wives and I was blessed with 15 children. All my children got infected with measles. This happened within a week and on day eight, some of the children who had developed a skin rash started coughing.

The following day, the first child, aged three, died in the morning. The other one, aged four, died in the afternoon. We buried them the following morning.

The other child, aged five, succumbed to the same disease two days later. Barely a day later, the other girl who was doing Grade Two also died.

The other child died the next day. We were all traumatised because five children had succumbed to the disease within a week.

Watching my children dying one after the other made me think twice about my religious beliefs. I saw it prudent to quit my church and seek medical attention for my children at the local health institution.

However, my 11-year-old boy who was being attended to at the clinic failed to make it. He died that very evening. The other one died three days later.

So five of my children died before we could seek medical attention for them, while the other two died after our visit to the clinic. All the children were not vaccinated as this was against our religious beliefs.

However, the measles tests done on my children were not conclusive. The skin rash had disappeared, but their coughing persisted. This disease cost me dearly and I have nowhere to start. All our resources were drained during the seven funerals.

Statistics from the Ministry of Health and Child Care say as of last week, Manicaland had recorded 3 010 cases and 347 deaths, mostly in Mutasa District. Of those cases, 507 were vaccinated, while 1 982 were unvaccinated. The status of 527 people was unknown.

In response to the measles outbreak, the Government has deployed mobile teams to vaccinate children between the ages of six months and 15 years.

Measles is caused by a highly contagious virus that spreads from person to person via airborne transmission, including breathing, coughing and sneezing.

Among other symptoms, infected persons develop a skin rash, high fever, cough, runny nose, irritated red and watery eyes.

Pindula News



Anonymous · 2 years ago
Nimrod · 2 years ago
Very unfortunate for the innocent lives lost. May their souls rest in peace. However the reporting on statistics is very poor: 3010 cases made up of 507 vaccinated,1982 unvaccinated and the status of 527unknown is not adding up.. 347sadly passed away, but the reader would want to know from which group those who passed away came from. lteould be very useful to knowifany of those who died had been vaccinated
gora · 2 years ago
r i p ndinoti zororai murugare kunyangwe makashanda wena
Mandi Chimene · 2 years ago
2015 ndakaenda kuPari ndine hama yairwara maive neumwe mukuru wekuJohane Marange aive apihwa mubhedha vaitaura kuti akauya asingazive kana chinhu but within 12 days anga ato recover akutonyenga ma nurse achichema havi yebonde kuti ndagarisa. Aitaura kuti ane 9 wives so every day anorova 3 wives and basa rake kurova vakadzi chinhu vana vachiwanda
Kopo · 2 years ago
Govt inoramba yakat zii.. just to safe guard these mapostori-zanu pf votes
mmm · 2 years ago
Mapositora munoshota shamhu big time
muporofita wenhema · 2 years ago
Africans are imbwas.
chidhakwa · 2 years ago
hurumende kana iri hurumende ngaibhane position yekwamarange zviorere vanhu ava vaneutsunye kuunganidza vana vangu pamurume one kuuraya vana eishh
Soviet Union Leader · 2 years ago
pindula why do you censor our comments?
Soviet Union Leader · 2 years ago
mapostori for ED
Wezhira · 2 years ago
There should be laws that regulate the vaccination of all minors from diseases whether uriwe church ipi zvayo.Failure to comply should result in the arrest of the offenders because we are losing innocent souls.
Faith · 2 years ago
This article is full of lies. This is just propaganda against white garment churches. So if you denounce someone's beliefs that doesnt make him wrong. What you believe is right thats faith. Believe what you want and let others do so with all the freedoms. freedom of worship. Akakuenda kudenga kwacho akaudzwa kuti mapositori ari wrong ndiani. And kushandisa news ku spreada manyepo thats wrong
porongi · 2 years ago
ndatotsamwa so how can a father figure be so foolish kusvika pakuurayisa mhuri yose nekuda kwechitendero,wozopepuka mhuri yapera zvobatsirei ,dai uri pano ndakuvhara nembama kana kukubvisa mazindebvu anokunyengera nebanga dai ndine Simba ndasunungura mhuri dzenyu nekuvharisa chichurch chenyu chema womanizer ichi
Swat · 2 years ago
Dai kuchifa Ivo Ana baba vacho vanoita zvisina kwana nw vakuuraisa vana vadiki vasinga vote. Ndoska ED asina basa nekufa kwevana nekt hava vote mapositori changamukai inguva ichiripo muchapera mese makaita zvekutamba
VicmanReloaded · 2 years ago
child endangerment negligence don't we have a law to arrest these numbskulls
Tawanda · 2 years ago
Government is working on a law along those lines
Scar The Lion · 2 years ago
lnga Vanhu vapindwa naSatan. Zanu pf ikaita utsinye vakutoonawo kunge Mwari vari wicked. Vanhu ngavasadaro veduwee😨😨
Marange · 2 years ago
Mwari anochengeta vanhu asi zvivi zvinosudurutsa vanhu kuna Mwari. Murume uyu ngaazvibvunze kuti aifamba sei pamberi paMwari.
God's will · 2 years ago
God's Punishment for supporting evil zanupf.
.com · 2 years ago
Chikoro chishomasa pavanhu vekwaMarange ava
Cresta · 2 years ago
Wakadzidzrana nesu hre **** iwe believe in what u have uri dhongi
i · 2 years ago
imi vanhu vekwamarange ku****a kwenyu
Minnie · 2 years ago
muchizvinyanyawo kuzviita holy holy anyway my their souls rest in peace
worried citizen · 2 years ago
haaa makanyanya kupata i bhaibheri ripi ramoverenga ronzi vana hamuende kuchipatara,mugood samaritan uya akaendesa munhu akaona akapondwa kuclinic zvoreva izvo kuti mubible maclinics aishandiswa imi moti hatiendi kkkk,MWARI anobetsera anozvibetserawo,dai mainamata munamato inonzwika nedenga havaimbofa vese vana ava murukuzvifadza nenhema mkaungana hpna MWARI pamoungana paya basa kutora vana vadiki kuita vakadzi moda shamhu inemunyu imi
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Really a sad incident
gora · 2 years ago
iweee shamwari rega ndikutaurire Mwari unobatsira munhu unotambudzika nekumutsvaga wena
Chibaba · 2 years ago
mapositori akaita sei chaizvo kuuraisa ma innocent souls like that 😭😭
Howard Ndaruza · 2 years ago
if these so called white parments woke up from the deep sleep they are in even Zim will wake up tu cz their doctrine iz much mo stronger than mutoriro which hz killed amass even chitepo skul of ideology dz nt make someone a fool like these guyz are doing musha mumwe chete kuita marinda akadero in one week. and these guys vatoonawo vari kumisangano kwavo ikoko y can't they also go there with soldiers munhu wese abaiwe ikoko
Citizen raPep naChamisa · 2 years ago
Wow 7 innocent souls brought to suffer in this hell (Zanu-Mbabwe) with us.At least the Lord took them to heaven vasaty vaona zvizhinji
Chipoko chaQueen · 2 years ago
It’s so unfortunate,but vanhu itai mushe imi 7 children in 9 years🤷‍♂️Mukore uno? I think it was God’s plan kuty avaradzike zvichakanaka.God knows what would’ve happened to those kids if they grew up nemubereki asingazive simple things like family planning and vaccination zvayo
Godless · 2 years ago
God does not exist. God only exists in your mind.
Mutsatsi · 2 years ago
Zvidhara zvacho hazviite bonyora saka haaa kutsatsa chete kusvika mhuri yakura
Scar The Lion · 2 years ago
Ana godless ndimi murikukonzeresa usatanism muchikoro umo. Zuva pekugumira pakutaura nyobvo. Zvimwe dherera asi kwete Mwari nekuti isu vanotigonera. Dzidza kuzvidzora pakutaura nyobvo. Zvirinani kunyarara pane kutaura nonsense.
Mapostori itai mushe · 2 years ago
Zvikoro hazvina kuvakirwa kuti munhu wese apinda mu class apase, asi kuti wese apindamo anoita njere dzirinane dzinobetsera kuti agone kutsiurika nekuti level of understanding inenge iri bhoo

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