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Family Says Their 6-year-old Boy Was Killed By An Invisible Being

2 years agoSun, 25 Sep 2022 15:26:28 GMT
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Family Says Their 6-year-old Boy Was Killed By An Invisible Being

A Bulawayo family claims that their six-year-old son died after being hit with a brick on the head by an invisible being.

The deceased reportedly claimed that he could see the said invisible being describing it as a small boy.

The incident occurred in Cowdray Park last Thursday and has left family members and neighbours in shock, Sunday News reported.

Police in Bulawayo has since opened an investigation to ascertain the cause of death, with police provincial spokesperson Inspector Abednico Ncube confirming that they were handling the case as sudden death.

What happened:

The six-year-old was said to have been playing outside with his three-year-old sister when he started calling his mother claiming that there was a small boy suspended above the ground who had hit him with a brick.

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The 32-year-old mother is said to have come to investigate but saw nothing.

However, the child continued pointing several times in the direction where the mysterious small boy was but the mother could not see the mysterious boy.

The deceased reportedly began to froth from the mouth while struggling to breathe.

Insp Ncube said the boy’s mother quickly called her brother and requested a motor vehicle to take the now deceased to the hospital.

The boy reportedly died on their way to the hospital prompting them to go to Cowdray Park Police Station with the lifeless body where they filed a report.

Pindula News



Mohammed Zaka ali · 2 years ago
satanism in Bulawayo yooo kunzima vele
never · 2 years ago
This world is fast becoming a movie everyday mysterious things being reported Lord help us we are in trouble.
mk · 2 years ago
vanhu varikubata bata kunze uku zvogona zviri chokwadi but varoi vasadaro pliz
g · 2 years ago
Inbox i just discovered kuti murume wangu of 18 years akaenda akanoromba.Ndakaona message mufone make achitaura nefriend yake achiti kuchekeresa first born hakuite asi dai vatora last born zvaisanyatsobatika zvakanaka zvavaitaura ndikabva ndaenda kumasowe.Madzibaba vakandipa muteuro wekuti ndizvionere ndopandakaona chinhu chinenge kamba pasi pemubhedha chine chuma asi pamuromo paibuda ropa akabva andisvikira ,dambudziko ravepo ari kuti wakatoona saka wamazviri or else unofa kumasowe kuya ndiri kuenda asi hapana pundutso .Chikafu hachisi kudzika hama kugara ndichitya kumba kwemurume kunofa vanhu september wega wega now i believe ndihubby anouraya vanhu nekuti ndiye anotenga zvese panhamo nebox nebox zvese hazvo ende hapadyiwe chikafu chemhanga mhanga ini ndorotawo ndichivatwa nekanhu kapfupi pfupi nekuyamwiwa nekamwana kane musoro muhombe .I have talked to the kids kuti vanoroteiwo it seems ndiri nani vana vanzwa nekushandiswa kudyiswa usiku mudiki ari kunzi ngaafe anotoona nyoka ichifamba mumba,Ladies i need spiritual help ndibatsireiwo.is it possible kuti munhu anojoiniswa hurombwa asinga or nekuti akadya mari yehurombwa? Mari tinayo marori tinawo asi pa3 months panodonha 1 rouraya driver ototenga mamwe 3 ndakutanga kuzviona kuti hazvisi normal .Mumba makundiremera mimvuri inongotendera mumba kurara nevarume chero masikati ndakagara kuyamwiwa apa murume wangu haadi bonde neni please ndibatsireiwo vanhu vaMwari ndikatiza anondibata nekuti kwese kwandoenda anokuziva ndakuda kuti zvinhu zvake zvipanduke zvimuuraye iye
NFETH · 2 years ago
nyaya iyi inoda a proper and deeper inquiry .
Faith · 2 years ago
To those who have seen people die, u will find out that they will see supernatural beings. They can even try to show you sometimes or try to explain what they will be seeing.
Soviet Union Leader · 2 years ago
every day Bulawayo haishaye nyaya inopisa, if not armed robbery, murder, whichcraft its mjolo 🙌🙌😂
,,, dott · 2 years ago
Chipatara hachishande pazvinhu zviri spiritual, zvinenge zvakutoda vezvemweya
Nimrod · 2 years ago
yah mara · 2 years ago
worried citizen · 2 years ago
well said pindula,this is a good move,don hesitate to do this as soon as someones violates these rules,tange tanzwa pano
Faith · 2 years ago
bho makuruwani
Ginious · 2 years ago
i second you
EDITOR'S DESK · 2 years ago
DEAR audience, friends and all those who consume our writs, we have noted with great concern that there some individuals who are in the habit of impersonating others here on this platform. We do hereby encourage you our readers to desist from impersonation as it is a crime under cyber security issues. Those who are doing so are infringing other people's fundamental rights of freedom of expression and opinions. We therefore warn those who have doing so to stop it forthwith lest we will submit your gadget's IP address and IMEI details to all network providers to discontinue their gadget from receiving network coverage. We want you to keep on enjoying our content as we want you to be always informed, educated and entertained by our news writs. We can not survive without you our readers but at the same time we want each other here to respect peoples' freedom of expression and opinioning. Let's be united as we ought to build a One Strong Zimbabwe, a single but big community with people of varying political beliefs. Thank you and enjoy your evening and night. Pindula team.
concerned citizen · 2 years ago
what about tribalists? You said nothing about them. Some people comment along tribal lines
calisto robert · 2 years ago
mmmm this is sad ...zvezvidhina izvo hazviko vanhu ngavataure chokwadi ..
mnhanga · 2 years ago
Ginious · 2 years ago
mweya ye**** iriko.demons can throw stones ,move things etc bt iyi nyaya iyi inoda kuongororwa pple can blame mysterious things vauraya mwana
Citizen raPep naChamisa · 2 years ago
MuNdebele Culture hakuna zvikwambo uko taurai nyaya yenyu zvizere imi Tisaty taitenga isu ma unemployed Youths
101 · 2 years ago
chikwambo Chavo chakadya mwana
king vybz · 2 years ago
holy sh*****t are yu kidding me ,,,a misterious small boy haaaa vanhu ngavasatijairire ngavataure zvavakaita nemwana uyo kana vakamurovesa nezvehusiku haaa nyaya dzacho itambo kani
Tintin · 2 years ago
imiii taurai zvamakaita mwana.

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