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Harare Mayor Says Projects Stalled As Only A Fraction Of Allocated Devolution Funds Was Received

2 years agoSun, 25 Sep 2022 14:28:40 GMT
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Harare Mayor Says Projects Stalled As Only A Fraction Of Allocated Devolution Funds Was Received

Harare Mayor, Jacob Mafume has said some of the local government authority’s projects stalled due to delays by the central government to disburse the money allocated through the intergovernmental fiscal transfers popularly referred to as the devolution funds.

Addressing a budget consultative meeting at Town House, Mafume called for the full implementation of devolution to ensure that local government authorities have access to devolution funds in time to enable them to provide service delivery.

He said the money which Council is receiving from Government’s devolution funds and ZINARA is not enough. He said:

As we prepare the budget, we are advised of our allocation in terms of the intergovernmental fiscal transfers popularly as the devolution funds.

For the year 2022 we were allocated ZWL$2,3 billion and so far we have received ZWL$165 million which was predominantly for the Water, Sanitation and Health (WASH) and Roads programmes.

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This means all projects that were supposed to be funded using the IGFT cannot be completed. It is now pertinent that the requisite policy, regulatory and institutional frameworks necessary to fully operationalize and entrench the implementation of devolution agenda are put in place so that we can access our allocation fully.

Mafume says ZINARA failed to allocate the council ZWL$825 million for the roads programme and only managed ZWL$248.7 million which is a quarter of the budgeted funds.

He said Harare’s infrastructure has a backlog of over 20 years and the area can be a huge opportunity for investors and or the private sector.

Mafume added that dependence on rates for infrastructure development was not ideal.

Pindula News



Bonzo · 2 years ago
Panoti mayor ndizvo varatidze mazanu Zvinoitwa example yamarakidza vachanyara mazanu anongofunga humho di Ngaapinde hake mukomana CCC 2023
It is obvious that the mayor is telling lies. If they are given the money the CCC led council will run and go buy luxury cars they are an incompetent lot. [NO MAN BORN OF A WOMAN WOULD VOTE FOR CHAMISA ITS SUICIDE]
Disappointed citizen · 2 years ago
Then suicide is the only option out of all this poverty which is a Zanu Pf creation.
albert ruzai · 2 years ago
iwee unozviti William unenge unotodawo zanu iwe unorambira vanhu nekuvaendera divi sei kana uchiti vamafume vanonyeba ko iyewo mukuru vezinara ngaabudewoka achitaura kuti Mari inorehwa navamafume ndeyekunyeba takawapa Mari yakati so that ruzhinji rwuzive kuti Mari dzirikuperera papi
mtt · 2 years ago
bhora harina mari muzim
mtt · 2 years ago
mabhawa aita mari makapanana pakuzivana kwenyu council yaita maprojects emari kwete anodya mari sebhora

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