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"Murderers And Corrupt Elements Are Being Granted Bail, Why Not Nyatsime 16" - Masarira

2 years agoMon, 26 Sep 2022 10:08:06 GMT
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"Murderers And Corrupt Elements Are Being Granted Bail, Why Not Nyatsime 16" - Masarira

Linda Tsungirirai Masarira who leads the opposition Labour, Economists and African Democrats (LEAD) party has called for the release of 16 Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) members who were arrested in June over the 14 June 2022 violence which erupted in Nyatsime.

Among the arrested are Members of Parliament (MPs) Job Sikhala (Zengeza West) and Godfrey Sithole (Chitungwiza North).

They have been in prison since June with courts denying them bail on several occasions

Reflecting on her past, Masarira said she was once arrested during the time of the late founding leader of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe and she reckons the system under which she suffered hasn’t changed despite the fact that it’s about five years since Mugabe’s departure.

Mugabe’s predecessor, President Emmerson Mnangagwa, is being accused of presiding over a system that violates human rights. Masarira said in a Twitter post seen by Pindula News:

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6years ago I faced political persecution under Mugabes regime. Fast forward 2022 people are still being persecuted for differing political opinions & being denied bail which is a fundamental human right. If murderers & corrupt elements are being granted bail why not #Nyatsime16

Her remarks echo those of the opposition CCC which argues that its members are being arrested for political reasons.

Government critics argue that the arrests are meant to intimidate and destabilise the opposition ahead of the 2023 harmonised elections.

Sikhala is one of the most vocal senior leaders in CCC.

While the CCC activists are being detained for a prolonged period of time, several political elites accused of stealing millions of dollars from the state are being released from jail and in some cases, their charges dropped, much to the annoyance of the opposition.

Only recently, ZANU PF MP for Gokwe-Nembudziya Justice Mayor Wadyajena who was accused of defrauding Cottco of about US$5.8 million was granted bail.

Pindula News



Anonymous · 2 years ago
His Excellency Advocate President ED Mnangagwa used to be a listening President. I wonder what has happened this time. All these people can not be wrong to suggest that our judiciary has been captured or that they reflect a captured Judiciary. Are all these people wrong, EU, England and United States of America. They can not all be wrong. The Nyatsime 16 are being held for a ransom which the ZANU PF second administration knows. This is very shameful. I am right to always compare these three administrations, the Rhodesia Front [ RF ], the ZANU PF first administration under Robert Gabriel Mugabe [ RGM ] and the ZANU PF second administration under [ ED ]. I have always said that RF was better because Ian Douglas Smith persecuted only black people and spared whites. The first administration had not captured judiciary in the manner the so called second administration has captured the judiciary. The Judiciary has been captured so clearly that the whole world is in agreement that the Nyatsime 16 are paying a price for being in the opposition. [ KUTONGA MAJANA, NHASI NDIMI. MANGWANA NDI ADVOCATE NELSON CHAMISA ]. [ MUSATI NYEPERE KUTI NYIKA INOVAKWA NEVENE VAYO, ASI KUTI INOURAWA NEVENE VAYO, IMI ]. Yours sincerely William Sonboy CHINEMBIRI [ THE BUSH LAWYER ].
The Champion Of Truth · 2 years ago
Zvimbwasungata kandai marikiti mokanda kuseri ,tigogaraa tozogara togogara togotosvika pakukangamwa kuti varimukati tozoyeuchidzwa nekuhukura torega zvakadaro togara tozogara totokangamwa nezvazvo ...pasi nemhandu ! pasi mhandu VISION 2030
Richard Dube · 2 years ago
Dear Fellow Zimbabweans I don't see any imminent release of the Nyatsime 16, I forsee them being released 2023 after the General elections on a free bail clause. The release of Activist Job Sikhala is not imminent because Zanu Of want to use the law which is on their hands to cause confusion and fear within Citizens. Towards the general elections let's campaign in peace and avoid unnecessary demonstrations as this will lead to half of our leaders [CCC] being detained and some perpetration, disappearance so let us be wise enough. God is watching them [Zanu PF] , let's just pray for the Nyatsime 16 for their safety. #PROPOPULO #PROPATRIA #PROLEGE Yours Sincerely Richcracy Junior
Solliy b the great · 2 years ago
@richcracy Wataura important message
Da Truth · 2 years ago
Watch and learn .
The Champion Of Truth · 2 years ago
Puppets of the West should rot in jail
Da Truth · 2 years ago
kkkkkkk champion of what .Kunhanzva ku back and u call of truth for what .U have a brain tumor .
pk · 2 years ago
musafananidze nguwo nedzanhingi. nyatsime is enjoying peace without those 16. even sikhala's wife is leaving in peace without her abusive and violent husband.
Soviet Union Leader · 2 years ago
@pk bvunza amai vako kuti baba vako varikupi, mhepo irikukuteera ndeyedzinza risiri rako
citizen raPep na Chamisa · 2 years ago
iwe unongohumana msoro bhangu wako. May God release the 16 like what he did to Peter yes my God is able zvinoita zvakanaka Mwari vanotiitira zvakanaka
Godless · 2 years ago
Dont fool yourself for God does not exist, only in your mind.
king vybz · 2 years ago
heeey dont be so hillarious right ,,grow up and mature for the lord is real and he is almighty..
VYBZ KARTEL · 2 years ago
*BREAKING: Mnangagwa Ally Mike Chimombe Arrested* Police have arrested former Affirmative Action Group president Mike Chimombe. Chimombe, who reportedly has close ties with President Emmerson Mnangagwa was arrested Monday morning amid allegations of fraud. He is alleged to have resisted arrest forcing detectives to storm his Borrowdale Brooke home. "Former AAG president Mike Chimombe has been arrested at his Borrowdale Brooke residence in Harare, allegedly for fraud. Chimombe was allegedly resisting arrest by uniformed officers, forcing CID to storm in," reported ZimLive

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