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Fake Lawyer Dupes Home Seeker Of US$15 800

2 years agoMon, 03 Oct 2022 18:07:16 GMT
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Fake Lawyer Dupes Home Seeker Of US$15 800

Issac Mugiti has appeared before the courts for duping a home seeker of US$15 800 after lying to him that he was contracted to process the sale of residential stands in Ruwa on behalf of a certain company.

Mugiti appeared at the Harare Magistrates Court charged with fraud, The Herald reported.

What Happened:

Mugiti allegedly lied to Toddy Muchongwe that he was a lawyer contracted by Exodus and Company to sell their residential stands.

He then allegedly handed over a fake residential stand confirmation letter in the name of Vannesa Marufu and told Muchongwe that he was processing title deeds for the transfer of No. 32844 Phase 2, Mabvazuva, Township Ruwa.

Sometime in July 2022, Mugiti accompanied Muchongwe to the stand where he also allegedly made him believe that it was a genuine stand acquired from Exodus and Company.

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Mugiti allegedly asked Muchongwe to pay US$ 15 800 towards the purchase of the stand.

Mugiti was not asked to plead to the charges when he appeared before magistrate Mr Dennis Mangosi.

He is expected back in court on October 24.

Pindula News



cleopas Tambo · 2 years ago
ma advice ose awo. heyo yangu. ndinotsvakao zvekuita ne usd2000. mazano enyu ose ndinotambira.
Ngatihurei Tife tikunde miyedzo yepano panyika · 2 years ago
enda unomamisa moms vako kumusha wovaripa ne2000
Munhu waShe · 2 years ago
Asi dai vanhu vanobira vamwe nenzira yakadai pavanobatwa vobva vanzi vabve vadzora zva vakaba ipapo ipapo kana asina mari yacho zvoonekwa kuti anei kana ainemota ,imba or mombe kumusha zvese zvinotengeseka zvotengeswa munhu odzorera mari yake vozomukanda mujeri .Dai matsotsi emhando iyi arimashoma
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Sandura Commission · 2 years ago
Do you remember Willowgate yaana Nyagumbo naana Fredrick Shava. Before then vana Kumbirayi Kangayi vakanga vatambawo yavo not to mention mari dze demob dzayibirwa magandanga. Corruption & theft yagara iri mu DNA ye Zanu.
[ THERE IS CORRUPTION EVERYWHERE NOW ]. Thomas Mapfumo sang like that in the late 1980s. These were the years when corruption was evolving or starting. Corruption started with government workers. This is where it is full time now. Why is corruption rampant in government circles or departments ? The answer is in the government remuneration. Government does not pay well its workforce. [ GOVERNMENT MUST PAY WELL ITS WORKFORCE ]. [ APA PAVA KUTODA ADVOCATE NELSON CHAMISA APA ]. Yours sincerely William Sonboy CHINEMBIRI [ THE BUSH LAWYER ].
Nimrod · 2 years ago
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Pride · 2 years ago
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John Ndumeya · 2 years ago
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VYBZ KARTEL · 2 years ago
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anonymous · 2 years ago
tenga airtime hobho.ufone fone haungashaye 1 munhu angakupa basa esp pakuti une family.mari yaunayo ishoma kuita business uye you are not in the right frame of mind.shandisa Mari iyoyo kutsvaga rimwe basa.
Blue💙 says · 2 years ago
Bush Lawyer
Faith · 2 years ago
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