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ZRP Distances Itself From Officer-In-Charge Who Begged For Stationery For A Police Station

2 years agoMon, 03 Oct 2022 07:10:42 GMT
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ZRP Distances Itself From Officer-In-Charge Who Begged For Stationery For A Police Station

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has distanced itself from a public appeal for help with stationery allegedly made by one of its senior officers.

In a letter seen by Pindula News, Inspector Kamutanho, the officer-in-charge at Harare’s Southerton police station, appealed to an unnamed company for a donation of stationery. Reads the letter:


1. The above subject is referred.

2. This station is appealing for donation from your company in form of cash or kind to buy tonner, 5x 2quire counter books, 5x 1quire counter books, bond paper and carbon papers.

3. Your contribution in the fight against crime is highly cherished and treasured and will go a long way assisting in the ZRP Sot/Merton area.

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4. For any further information don’t hesitate to contact our Officer-In-Charge +242 665517 or Sgt Chimanya on 0712354355 or CO Gwatidzo 0773986227, CST Chikowe 0774018908

5. Respectfully referred

Signed 052288J



Responding to the letter on Sunday, ZRP said the officer-in-charge acted on his own. Reads the statement seen by Pindula News;

The ZRP has noted the several media inquiries in relation to the Officer –in –Charge ZRP Southerton’s letter which went viral on the social media 29/09/22. The Officer-in-Charge acted on his own accord and the import of the letter is dismissed with contempt it deserves. The public is accordingly informed that the Government is providing stationery and other ancillary needs for the effective performance of duty by the Zimbabwe Republic Police stations throughout the country. Any inconvenience caused by the circulation of the letter is unfortunate.

This comes amid reports that the condition of service in most government departments is disgusting.

Pindula News



Peter Date · 2 years ago
This is not surprising for those who normally visit police stations in search of police service.They have normally one copy ,say,of an affidavit,finger printe forms etc,and they instruct you to go and photocopy at your own expense to get the service.They do that citing shortage of stationery.Thats not only limited to, stationery, too often police are collected from their stations by victims in their vehicles citing shortage of transport.So the Souderton Police Inspector shouldn't be a sacrificial lamb for asking for crow-funding for police stationery. This is typical of every police station in Zimbabwe!
Vic Bullion · 2 years ago
Truth be told, Zrp has been soliciting donations for years! Even fuel they request. They been known to request transport to ferry officers to crime scenes, too. That response from the top echolons of the police service must be dismissed because its not only contemptous but reaks of familiarity to the general public psyche. My party ZANU PF must really look into the police service especially regards reoriantation from being a para military organ to being a fully fledged service organisation, in name and practice! Fie! Fie! Fie! For Shame!
jhh · 2 years ago
fun time · 2 years ago
Mr Matanga is tired relieve him please, allow him to go and rest. All 50 year old officers should be retired we do not know why you keep dead wood in the police service
fun time · 2 years ago
Mr Matanga is tired, Mr Nyathi should learn to keep quiet on some matters as sensitive as this one. Allow those who have served their 20 year term to retire. All police officers 50 years and above MUST GO police work is tough it needs fresh blood.
fun time · 2 years ago
Mr Nyathi and his team at PR should have not commented on this one. The running of stations is being done by the communities in which they serve. Mr Matanga has no solution as this has worsened under his command. Find a way to retire everyone who has served his or her 20 year term and everyone who is 50 years old must go. Time for a new and dynamic force. Our Cops are the most hardworking department in the civil and security service please support them with abundant resources. They are the Executive arm of the government, together with the president!!
Tangira Enterprises · 2 years ago
Ndo hunhu hwavo mapurisa iwaya, kumaraini kwangu vanofamba vachipemha hupfu hwekubika sadza pa lunch muzvima shop
Fani · 2 years ago
Mukanyapazvese · 2 years ago
Nhai out of bundle browsing yenet one ndoactiveta how
⁉️ · 2 years ago
Big Yout · 2 years ago
Endai kuHarare Centra Police Station muone mega kuti vemafingerprints varikushandisa chii pakuyisa ink pazviminwe. Mapurisa haana zvinhu zvakakwana.
🌚🌚🌚🌚🇱🇷🇺🇦 · 2 years ago
You haven't seen anything yet,at Chikanga vpolice station in Mutare people are forced to part with USD 20 to withdraw cases against suspects and at Hobhouse police base parties are forced into negotiations.Once the complaintwithdrewd his case the suspects is made to pay the police officer for facilitating the withdrawal.
Talent Mundandi · 2 years ago
In my administrative experience stretching over 10 years ndichitenderera in companies around Zimbabwe, chandogona kutaura is ZRP yopemha nepamwe pasina need. Pen chaiyo inopemhewa wotoshaya kuti ndepapi pakanzi mushandi anotengerwa pen na employer. Pen ndeye 30c yopera after 2 months if you are a heavy user but havadi kutenga. Munhu anobva nyamapanda to vicfalls ne uniform nekusada kubhadhara bhazi chete. There is a culture in ZRP yekuda kutamba that card rekutambura and isu ma civilians tovahwira tsitsi yet ndovanhu vakutotambira i.e. kana taisa mari dzehuori hwavo. Mafinger printer unoita drink. Iye akazouya neye 2 quarts mwari ave naye.
Talent Mundandi · 2 years ago
Vese vaifana kungozorodzwa pamwe nachihuri coz culture yake haina kubuda mavari
g · 2 years ago
macivilians whi ply local routes can make zro members pay fir ferrying them if u dnt pay u stand up no seat in th bus for you thats why u see zrps looks **** they will b standing th whole journey why wearing a unifotm,some transporters could say i only need 3 staff the rest oay
Skirid Rebhara · 2 years ago
Most police stations rely on donations from well wishers because the government is incapacitated to do so.vaNyathi is just singing for his supper .gvt hyna chnhu
g · 2 years ago
zrp haisi kutombotambura but yakazara nembavha chete mari yavarikutora kuvts pakutengeserana motor,imwe irikuuya nemotor bike vachisunga mishika shika maUSD not mabond ndakaenda kunotorwa mafinger prints ndakatonyora 5usd ,kucid HQ ndakaiswa 20usd ndichida police clearqnce so pavanhu 100 vanouya kusoutherton each achirova 5usd that 500usd ,kuzoti motor dzavarikutora vachibhadharusa imbavha imbavha full stop
corrupt · 2 years ago
very corrupt who doesn't know that gvt dpts have nothing to use ngavamusiye it's bad.
DDT · 2 years ago
in marondera you unotouya nemari yekuzo photocoper mapaper.neye transport neyefood neyechiwoko muhomwe kuti nyaya ifambirwe
Silas Gwatipedza · 2 years ago
Kutuka mukadzi kuti asakumbira sipo kumaraini iwe usingatengi sipo yacho
Wisdom · 2 years ago
Handione chinonyadzisa apa
Desmond Ncube · 2 years ago
I know Nkulumane police station has what they call a donations book that they use to go around asking for stationery and other items from businesses in the area. Looks like all stations are doing it
g · 2 years ago
the biggest problem with this stations is corruption if u check how they exorts money from civilians u wont belief that they are professional beggars,,police ikutora mari thru usingbtraffic police bike combi inosiya 5usd yoswera ichishanda,buses 10usd the whoke day ,all unlicensed businesses are being penalised and pays fines,mushikashika blits which is running now so who is benefitting from this public scumming if i may ask
Talent Mundandi · 2 years ago
Hakuna kwazvisiri its everywhere and they are proud of playing the victim pese pese.

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