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Mnangagwa Hails Formation Of Groups Such As MenBelievED, TeachersforED and MahwindiforED

2 years agoThu, 06 Oct 2022 12:08:35 GMT
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Mnangagwa Hails Formation Of Groups Such As MenBelievED, TeachersforED and MahwindiforED

President Emmerson Mnangagwa Wednesday hailed the formation of groups such as MenBelievED, TeachersforED and MahwindiforED, among others in support of his re-election bid, NewsDay reported.

The ruling ZANU PF party has endorsed Mnangagwa as its presidential candidate in the 2023 election. 

Addressing the ZANU PF politburo at the party headquarters in Harare, Mnangagwa said:

Meanwhile, the mobilisation work of all leagues of the party alongside other affiliate organisations is applauded. Government programmes and the overall visibility of our party, through the robust efforts of affiliates such as Young Women for Economic Development, MenBelievED, TeachersforED and MahwindiforED, among others should continue to be encouraged,” he said.

He also said Zimbabweans in the diaspora are welcome to join the ruling party assuring them, “that they are welcome home.” He added:

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The Zanu PF government will never abandon any of our citizens, no matter where they may live.

In addition, I commend our party structures in the diaspora, particularly in the United States of America and Canada for organising very vibrant meetings for me to address party structures on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly.

His remarks came amid rising anti-Zimbabwean immigrant sentiments in South Africa. Zimbabweans have been targets of xenophobic attacks in the neighbouring country.

It is estimated that millions of Zimbabweans fled to South Africa, the UK and other countries seeking economic opportunities and a better life away from poverty.

On Tuesday, the government said 900 000 nationals had crossed the borders between 2020 and 2021.

Pindula News



SecurityGuards4ED · 2 years ago
King👑👑 · 2 years ago
Yah vote ED so that we close boerding schools or pay 3 million rtgs in secondary school 🤣🤣🤣
zoe · 2 years ago
why voting a so Oldman when others are voting younger man. he will be an outcast in meetings. Burkina Faso got a 34year old and us crying for an 80 year old
Guka · 2 years ago
Ko marovha for ED NDOVAKAWANDA moti navo nhai imbwa dzezanu
WhiteHead · 2 years ago
in case you didn't know, this so called fake bush lawyer is the real bush lawyer , so do not be fooled. He's a doublecrosser this one , he cant be trusted just like ZANU PF itself [PASI NEZANU PF , PAMBERI NECCC🇿🇼 ,MUKOMANA ATOZVOPINDA NEXT YEAR BY FIRE BY FORCE , TAZORORA NEKUTUNGAMIRWA NEMACHEMBERE ASINA KUDZIDZA]
Captain Jack Sparrow · 2 years ago
We have reached rock bottom as a nation, politics might be a dirty game ,we have concentrated much of our resources to the demise of our once beautiful country. Every where you turn is poverty robbers looters prostitutes.... Is this the legacy we want our children to inherit? Such hatred between brethrens! Truly if this is not the end of the world then this is actually hell...
men believe end ministrys · 2 years ago
yatoo chechi
Tout · 2 years ago
Am a HWINDI but NOT for ED.
chazunguza · 2 years ago
ed pfee.ZANU ndopanoti Zimbabwe.come 2023
chazunguza · 2 years ago
ed pfee.ZANU ndopanoti Zimbabwe.come 2023
All along citizens have been telling me that [POLITICS IS A DIRTY GAME]. I have not been understanding it. I now admit that true it is. I was expecting His Excellency Advocate President ED Mnangagwa to come out guns blazing against those who are abusing his initials, [ ED ]. But alas, what do we get ? Citizens get His Excellency Advocate President ED Mnangagwa thanking the abusers for forming those groups uumm, [ REGAI NDINYARARE ]. There are those who still dream of me being a member of ZANU PF. Let me reiterate that I was once a strong member of ZANU PF, I packed my bags and left ZANU PF. I am now a strong member of CCC Political Party. I will never revert to being a ZANU PF member again. Yes, I comment differently from others. I do not want to injure other peoples's minds. Or if someone from ZANU PF speaks sensibly, I just blame him, no I do not do that. I give due where it is worth it. [ MAZI ZANU AYE ONDICHEMERA. HANDIDZOKE KANA MUKACHEMA MISODZI YEROPA ]. [ NGAAPINDE HAKE MUKOMANA CHAMISA ]. Yours faithfully William Sonboy CHINEMBIRI [THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC].
Akoma pamangoisa “4” u have already proven weakness by replicating it from ZANU PF. Number haisi yomunhu asi the person who had the idea first. Mu bush hamuna zvozikanwa
Romnive investments · 2 years ago
# ED has my vote dai zvaibvira ndaimupa zana
CIO · 2 years ago
I don't wanna talk about this
Maduro · 2 years ago
Thanks our president ,pliz I would like to be part of MenBelieve in ED , May someone help me .
The Adjudicator · 2 years ago
Inbox me!
Tito · 2 years ago
Just go and lick his ass at the congress.
Tawanda · 2 years ago
@ adjudicator ...there are two bush lawyers one of zanu pf being a copycat and the original one of CCC you just hear the fake one through nonsensical messages
,,,, dott · 2 years ago
Povho for ED takaenda,,,,
Its clear that the CCC is quaking in it's boots it will never stand a chance against the mighty ZANU PF the only party with the masses at heart. [VIVA ZANU PF GOOD THINGS ARE POSSIBLE] Yours sincerely William Sonboy Chinembiri [THE BUSH LAWYER].
The Adjudicator · 2 years ago
@SONBOY the bush Lawyer, Dont be two sided, you are ZANU BE ZANU! JUST COME TO ZANU PF! Nyika inovakwa neVene vayo. VIVA ZANU PF! Huya tikuise muCell redu reZANU!
Lion from woods · 2 years ago
You are not the real bush lawyer. Anyways u r good at mimicking the way people say. I can see from the way you are partsipating on pindula that you are unemployed
fun time · 2 years ago
The president is ok but he is surrounded by incompetent people who want to call themselves Zanu pf to cover their incompetence. They even go further by intimidating each other and their competitors. Time to re brand, forED and dump all those fanatics who are only good at supporting anything no matter how bad it will be for themselves and their children. Ed needs people who are candid and ready to deliver or else the party is busy throwing away supporters when they blindly support things they should be correcting. Wisdomfor ED
fun time · 2 years ago
You do not necessarily have to be in the party structures to contribute towards the development of the country, which cell does Strive Masiyiwa belong to? Structures are synonymous with plundering of resources, corruption, cruelty and blind loyalty. They put scarfs and stickers on their motor vehicles to intimidate law enforcement agencies. They would rather use a Zanu pf sticker instead of buying numberplates for their big cars, ED does not support that, he wants people who defend the brand by doing good. Zimbabwe is for everyone and no one should be left behind. Create a brand which attracts people by doing good. People should feel relieved whenever they see a branded party vehicle i should see young children running towards any party vehicle to get some goodies and even school fees and shopping vouchers. People should not feel like they are about to start chimurenga when they see those party youths exuding ruthlessness in the name of party support. no guys let us rebrand forED
The Adjudicator · 2 years ago
"Meanwhile, the mobilisation work of all leagues of the party alongside other affiliate organisations is applauded. Government programmes and the overall visibility of our party, through the robust efforts of affiliates such as Young Women for Economic Development, MenBelievED, TeachersforED and MahwindiforED, among others should continue to be encouraged,” SPEAK IT MR PRESIDENT! SPEAK IT! VIVA ZANU PF VIVA ED NYIKA INOVAKWA NEVENE VAYO! ED MUST BE VOTED PRESIDENT FOR LIFE!
Citizen raPep naChamisa · 2 years ago
Other Youths drive Ubers Come to Zimbabwe where a grown up 35 year old Youth brags about being ED‘s hwindi 🤷‍♂️
The Adjudicator · 2 years ago
Its better to be a Hwindi whilst in Zimbabwe ratherthan being in the Foreign Land! VIVA ZANU PF MAHWINDI FOR ED!
#Register_To_Vote · 2 years ago
unfocused youths will die touting 😂😂😂

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