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Civil Servants Want NJNC Disbanded

2 years agoSat, 08 Oct 2022 08:07:51 GMT
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Civil Servants Want NJNC Disbanded

Civil servants want the government to speed up the disbandment of the National Joint Negotiating Council (NJNC).

The representatives of civil servants accuse the government of manipulating the platform to its advantage while neglecting the interests of workers.

Speaking in an interview with Business Times, Zimbabwe Confederation of Public Sector Trade Unions (ZCPSTU) secretary David Dzatsunga said:

In terms of the social dialogue framework, we should move away from NJNC which is a consultative forum to a Collective Bargaining Chamber where we meet as equals.

Under NJNC, the government representatives say they are going to consult but they will just disappear into thin air and the next day you just see an amount which you have not discussed.

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Recently, Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare Minister Paul Mavima revealed that the government was replacing the NJNC with the Collective Bargaining Chamber (CBC). He said:

We are in the process of creating a CBC to replace the NJNC. I, therefore, call upon you all to give your views on this exciting development and to ensure that you contribute meaningfully to this process.

However, the Collective Bargaining Chamber is yet to materialise.

Some unions representing civil servants have accused the government of hand-picking “friendly” unions to attend NJNC.



Marcus Kudzayi Nyagato · 2 years ago
kwese yangowe coup,hapana chakanaka chingaitirwa vashandi nemhando nembavha idzi.muchanzwa vaakuti mushandi vese ngaaende kutoita maGames mabhora rakatengwa, vamwe vaakupihwa matsotsostove avasina kumbokumbira,I wonder if these rulers ever live in this country
I have always commented that [ NJNC ] is a fake bulldog. Employer reprisentitive has been lying that he needed time to consult his principals and come back for the continuation of the meeting. He would go forgood. He would come back only when workers threaten a strike. In the last meeting, the Minister said that he was revisiting the Act to replace [ NJNC ] National Joint Negotiating Council with Collective Bargaining Chamber [ CBC ]. This chamber is going to apportion equal powers to both employers and employers. Dates of the next meeting have been missing. These dates are very important and they must not be altered at one man's call. Ministers must take these meetings seriously and not like Minister Professor Mthuli Ncube did when he falsely promised workers an increment. [ VANA PROFESSOR MTHULI NCUBE VASINGAZIVE AVO NGAVADZIDZISWE ]. [ NGATIISEI VANA ADVOCATE TENDAI BITI VE CCC POLITICAL PARTY ]. Yours truly William Sonboy CHINEMBIRI [THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC].
Ignatius kanyimo · 2 years ago
ko iyo Mari yacho yakazowedzerwa here

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