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Marriage Has No Formula, Beauty, Brains, Virginity Don't Matter, Says Mai TT

2 years agoSat, 08 Oct 2022 07:14:20 GMT
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Marriage Has No Formula, Beauty, Brains, Virginity Don't Matter, Says Mai TT

Comedienne, Mai TT, whose real name is Felistas Murata, says marriage has no formula and married people can still have problems even if they do everything right.

Mai TT, who has been having challenges in her marriage, posted her remarks on Facebook.

Critics believe Mai TT was taking a dig at another comedienne Madam Boss, who is reportedly facing serious marital challenges. Wrote Mai TT:

Marriage has got no formula

Each time when a man does his shenanigans we blame women, hee dressing, character, personality bla bla bla come on guys.

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A man will still cheat on his decent and perfect wife who he met whilst she was still a virgin.

A man will cheat on his wife despite the wife being respectful, responsible and beautiful.

Beauty will not keep a man, even brains will not, respect, and being faithful won’t keep him too.

Even if you are the sexiest woman on earth if a man wants to cheat he will do so with the least of the person you were expecting. So let’s not do fault-finding in relationships, some men married strippers they met in the pub till now they are together.

Some men get beaten by their wives but they are still together and you wonder what are they still doing there.

Some men live with the most talkative wives ever but still, they are going strong.

Love, Marriage and how to keep it longer is unknown, it’s an unknown equation.

If you are in a perfect marriage or relationship then thank your God because it is not a bed of roses.

Whilst you are at it do not laugh at those failing to keep their relationships, they also are putting in effort just like you are doing.

When it turns out bad It is also up to you to stay or leave, you do not need any advice when you are the one wearing the shoe. You know how painful it is.

However normalizing cheating is one of the most painful things ever.

There are really good people out there who are still asking themselves, what did I really do? or where did I get it wrong?

But hey listen! You did the best you could to keep it together but what keeps someone is someone who wants to be kept.



tychmann · 2 years ago
She is an EX 5 kkkkkkk.wise words from the wrong source
Taah · 2 years ago
Kana vakadzi makangotsarukanA hatimboende kunochita that's the truth
Chokwadi Chorwadza · 2 years ago
I'd never put the words "****y" and "Mai TT" in the same sentence
Scrutta · 2 years ago
Zvinemusoro asi zvikubuda pasina musoro
Elder Zaoga · 2 years ago
Ma**** munonetsa ukudzidzisa chiii vana
Dr OLIVER MTUKUDZI · 2 years ago
Mai vangu vaiti kana kuri kuCOPER,coper dhoiri rine pattern yakanaka.kwete kungoCOPER nerisina pattern yakanaka!!!
DJ · 2 years ago
kwabela ma ****e kkkkk
CHAWABVUNZA · 2 years ago
MAI TT vanetseka 'arumewee !!!!! Ko hapana angavapewo mupfuhwira here, Zvikurukuru uye unonzi, [RAMBA AMAI] kana iwoyo waramba kushanda, opiwa, [MUDYADHODHI]. Pamishonga miviri iyi panotoita mumwe uchasevenza chete.
Chipoko chaQueen · 2 years ago
Type yevarume varipano ndotype takadyiswa nevakadzi into supporting everything these **** women say How can one agree nemunhu anzwa nemadivorce Ndimi type inogona kungoroora Mai Titi after all she’s been through Ndikukuonai zvangu ana fombo
Mbanje ne Kachasu · 2 years ago
Chipoko cha Qeen wasvuta mbanje uchibva wana kachasu ndizvo zvinonyorwa nemhunhu adakwa zvauri kutaura izvo. Chakanaka ngachirumbidzwe kwete kuzikanwa nekungosvora zvauri kuita izvo
gogodera · 2 years ago
Ever ndiye akaparamhosva but ini ndakashingirira nanhasi ndine wanimurume zvemarrage hazvidi chiramwa
Jah🇿🇼Tsvarie-07 · 2 years ago
Hindi nechirungu if dog starts barking at you, know someone is feeding it and that dog can be either male or female being fed outside 😀 saka even if a marriage come from GOD sometimes those blessed with it fail to maintain it...
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Vybz Kartel · 2 years ago
Never take comedians and comediennes seriously
The Adjudicator · 2 years ago
Comedienne, Mai TT, whose real name is Felistas Murata, says marriage has no formula and married people can still have problems even if they do everything right. WELL SAID👏🏽
Bambo · 2 years ago
Chero uri **** hako asi apa wataura idi.
sorojena · 2 years ago
true ! u can say that again.
Tawanda · 2 years ago
@ chasura what mai tt said is true but my problem with her is how can she have 5 ex vese vakakundikana iye ndiye anogona
Joel Mgwazi · 2 years ago
mataura dama sisi
ex · 2 years ago
this is true maybe for the first or second or third relationship but ukaona waane ma ex 5 somewhere somehow they is something wrong with you. Saka ma ex ako ese 5 ari wrong iwewe ndiwe uri correct here
Chasura · 2 years ago
@tawanda learn to appreciate what others wld have said.. this is a piece of good advice but kungoshora sometimes I wonder what u mean when preaching but failing to appreciate simple things like these
pk · 2 years ago
mashoko akanaka but munhu wacho ataura ndiye wrong. zvabva pamuromo unodya ****
Tawanda · 2 years ago
yes to a lesser extent you are right but to a greater extent you are wrong totally wrong God is the one who started this thing so if it is not going on well go back to him problem amudi kunamata prayer conquers all.what worked for vee won't work for Kay so find solutions that suits yo partner kwete kuda kuteedzera..anamai tt kuda kungonzwikwa nyararai uko atikopere ma book emado'fo akaitasemi xaa nonsense how many marriages where at your hand and you break them kana zvako zvaramba usati zvevanhu vese zvaramba go find your own loving husband
Solliy b the great · 2 years ago
Pane chakanaka hapashaikwe chakaipa. However, mai tt wataura chokwadi.. anenzeve anzwa.. zvekuti pane yakaitika in your life hatichazvitarisi
boss tito · 2 years ago
saka apa iwe tawanda ukuti mai tt aresveyi apa nxlaaa
Chasura · 2 years ago
This is one of the most sensible talk ever from Mai TT... Keep it up wataura dama apa
Imwe Mbeu · 2 years ago
Zvomene wagona Felistas wambobvisa r paDrama
Mboyi Vagoyo · 2 years ago
1st Time kunzwa mai TT vachitaura zvine musoro. Apa mataura
Women's league · 2 years ago
Mai TT for Zanu pf Central committee position.
Mai Chisamba · 2 years ago
Mashoko makukutu 👏👏
Citizen raPep naChamisa · 2 years ago
Vazongokanganisa pakuty Virginity haina basa and who is she to tell us about marriage ivo vane 6 akaparara ?ndokudzidziswa Finance naMthuli ka uku kana kupihwa malesson eLeadership nana manBeleivED Mwari ndivo vega vane manotes emarriage nekuty ndovakakusikai zvimwe zvese izvo fake fake fake
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Very very true

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