A soldier based in Beitbridge narrowly cheated death after he was shot eight times by vehicle smugglers along the Limpopo River last week.
The soldier was part of a security team deployed to curb cross-border crime in the border town.
The smugglers opened fire after they were cornered at an undesignated crossing point along the Limpopo River.
ZRP Officer Commanding Beitbridge District Chief Superintendent Tichaona Nyongo confirmed the incident but referred further questions to the Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA). He said:
He was on deployment and no one else was injured. As the norm, you can get detailed facts from the army through their national spokesperson.
ZNA spokesperson Alphios Makotore said he would issue a statement next week.
NewsDay reported sources at Beitbridge District Hospital as saying the soldier sustained several bullet wounds and was immediately transferred to Gwanda en route to Bulawayo.
Tkt says · 2 years ago
I may sound like a fo.ol but this is true
Our borders used to be protected by the Support Unit (Gondo Harishaye), now after Operation Restore Legacy, the Unit was neutralized
As we speak the Unit only exists as a shadow, one that does actually nothing
The Unit was too precious that being a member of it one earned the Respect more than a soldier
Only if the Gvt would restore the powers of the Unit, together with it's Independence I think all will be well
Kudhara MuSUPPORT aitonzi ndiye Mukuru pamusoja when they are deployed together
There was a reason for that:
Because a Black Boot knows the law better & some Reconnaissance better than a lot Army members
He would prepare operations that would make arrests without loss of lives than the Army's, whose operations are Elimination
Anyway, nyango taura hedu hapana zvino chinja bcoz our Gvt thinks every job must be done by the Army kusvika paku tyaira zvitina, kuzvigadzira, and next muchanzwa maZUPCO akunzi aku tyairwa nemasoja apa ruzhinji richi shaya mabasa while an estimated 10000+ Army Members are double, & some TRIPPLE EMPLOYED!
Lovegain Sibanda · 2 years ago
You can say that again... Soldiers patrolling the borders actually invoke a sense of state security threat to our neighbour hence during the Rg Mugabe reign only the police would patrol our borders and do reconnaisance. What is happening at Beitbridge it's like the Russo-Ukraine border.