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ED Castigates Urbans Dwellers, Calls Them "Sellouts"

2 years agoSun, 16 Oct 2022 04:37:34 GMT
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ED Castigates Urbans Dwellers, Calls Them "Sellouts"

President Emmerson Mnangagwa on Saturday described people who live in cities and towns as “sell-outs” for continuing to vote for opposition parties.

Mnangagwa made the remarks while addressing a ZANU PF “Thank You Rally” at Beaulieu Toronto Primary School in Mutasa South constituency. He said:

I have heard that some parts of Mutasa South are rural and urban. I know that in urban areas when we fought the liberation struggle that’s where most sell-outs ran to.

It honestly does not surprise me that those from urban areas don’t support the revolutionary movement because they are sell-outs.

ZANU PF candidate, Misheck Mugadza, defeated CCC’s Regai Tsunga in a by-election held on 26 March 2022.

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The seat fell vacant after Tsunga was recalled by MDC-T leader Douglas Mwonzora.

The ruling party had failed to win Mutasa South since the formation of the opposition MDC in 1999.

Mnangagwa also criticised young people who support the opposition saying they are unpatriotic. He said:

This next generation should be taught to be patriotic about their country.

They should be taught that their freedom was brought through the liberation struggle.

They are the ones to whom we are going to leave the leadership of this country.

He promised people in Mutasa South that they will now benefit from government projects after voting for ZANU PF. | The Standard



Ndimba Ndimba · 2 years ago
Iye ED zvaane dzimba mumatown akawanda dzatinoziva saka naiyewo mutengesi.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
I can see a lot of sellouts here
hello · 2 years ago
Vanhu vakazongwara,,zwenyu zvekuvhara vanhu nesaga re fertilizer azvichashandi, chere chembere nema Dara kumusha dzakatongwara. if someone cast a vote to the correct ballot box, does it mean he/she is a sellout? People want change, they no longer want to be in the same paddock, led by the same old faces, liers .. Urban are voters are not sellouts, they can't endure anymore the heat of the economy prevailing in town.. Zanu PF must go, the bandwagon must perish and be the past
Mkwananzi · 2 years ago
Mutengesi chenjera 🎶 🎶 🎶 Chenjera Chenjera Chenjera 🎶 vana mkoma vanouraya chenjera chenjera 🎶 vanocheka nemapanga. For the few who know the history of the liberation struggle
G Wagon · 2 years ago
I am seeing disaster next year. Zanu PF is going to be beaten dismay by CCC. Half of the people who voted for ED in 2018 are going to vote for CCC. So far mkomana aenda nechimuti. Imwe propaganda inotaurwa neZanu yave outdated. I think ED should resign to save embarrassed next year by mkomana
I beg to differ with His Excellency Advocate President ED Mnangagwa. Citizens In urban are generally better learnt than rural folk. Urbanites understand where they are oppressed and where their liberty is stolen. In communal lands they are fooled by [ PFUMVUDZA AND THE PRESIDENTIAL INPUTS SCHEME ]. They are fooled that the schemes belong to ZANU PF and believe that garbage. In urban they understand that the two schemes belong to government and that whoever wins in 2023 will take over the schemes. His Excellency, went to war for democracy, that is one man one vote. Does His Excellency Advocate President ED Mnangagwa's gospel go in tandem with democracy ? I did not go to war, either as a war liberator or Rhodesian forces, although I was a fully grown up man. [ NDAINGE NDIRI GWARA ]. But while I was still in the communal lands I attended many pungwes where comrades told us that they were fighting good governance, corruption free country, the rule of law, non disappearance of citizens and against continued detention without trial. He seems to preach wrong gospel that anyone in opposition politics is unpatriotic. I want to disagree with His Excellency Advocate President ED Mnangagwa. To be patriotic one has to show that he is [FOR THE COUNTRY, FOR THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE LAW ] OR ........ [ PROPATRIA, PROPOPULO, PROLEGE ]. His Excellency Advocate President ED Mnangagwa must take advantage of these rallies and preach the word of unity. I want to repeat that the President wears two caps, the first one as the head of ZANU PF and the second one which is more important, that one of State President. He must also talk as the State President. [ THE MUTASA SOUTH IS GOING TO DISAPPOINT HIS EXCELLENCY ADVOCATE PRESIDENT ED MNANGAGWA ]. [ ADVOCATE NELSON CHAMISA APA GADZIRIREI MUPINDE PANYANGA ]. Yours truly William Sonboy CHINEMBIRI [THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC].
Fung Ku · 2 years ago
He promised people in Mutasa South that they will now benefit from government projects after voting for ZANU PF so if they dnt vote zanu pf no government projects ? so he admits to misusing state funds for his party vote buying ? the nerve !
HH · 2 years ago
vote for change Chamisa chete ngaapinde haake mkomana
HH · 2 years ago
vote for change Chamisa chete chete
Tanaka21 · 2 years ago
Daniel Gusha · 2 years ago
Daniel Gusha · 2 years ago
Zanu PF mafuctionalism murikuawanza instead of building the country you are busy kuita mapoka mapoka uyu ndewa garwe ndewaGuvhenya muri mhaa taaa dzevanhu ED naChiwenga
Daniel Gusha · 2 years ago
Mnangagwa & chiwenga muri mha taa dzevanhu ikezvimo makupandukurana WY mafuctionalism atanga futi hatina kwatirikuenda yangova nyika yemhandu
Kakistocracy🤣Muchakaka · 2 years ago
Instead of proving that one is a leader worthy of emulation by tangible and sensible results paground the man continues to insult the people he claims voted him into power. "Uburnites" or "ruralites" we are all equal and when government implements national development projects they should not be on a partisan basis. Ndosaka tichizoti, from day one, ZANUPF yaita claim of winning election, they spent the next 5 years campaigning for the next election and looting with no national development paground. It has been like that since 1980 and that is why our country has continues to be emaciated. Zimbabwe yava kaskeleton now. A ghost of its former self. The Bread Busket of Africa is now The Begging Busket of The World. Vanhu VAKAKA weduwee. Pasi nevakapandukira Gwara reChimurenga nedonzvo reGutsaruzhinji. Pasi nevanozvifunga ivo pachavo, vana vavo, vakadzi vavo neshamwari dzavo chete ruzhinji RUCHIKAKA asi vachiti vatungamiriri venyika. Pasi nebato rezvigure nagure president waro. Pamberi neGolden Future. Pamberi neCCC inotungamirirwa naVaNelson Chamisa neboka ravo.
Tio4 · 2 years ago
One is labelled a sellout, after angoita a different view from Zanu pf , to hell with that. Ivo ndo ma sell outs handizvo zvakayenderwa kuhondo izvozvo kuti vanhu va supporter zpf blindly. What meaningful development has been registered kumamisha ikoko ma borehole chaiwo hakuna
myke · 2 years ago
havasati vatanga Mr President, come 2023 he will call everyone a sellout
myke · 2 years ago
havati vatanga Mr President, come 2023 he will call everyone a sellout
Byron Chitanga · 2 years ago
saka kuva "mutengesi" kune staira zvee
Gafa · 2 years ago
A family size fool illegitimate President in fact surrogate
Irvin Kaunda · 2 years ago
the current crop of leaders in zanu lost the aspirations and goals of the original party the party is now in the hands of crooks,corrupt and bandits zvegwara remusangano makatobuda Kare come clean you guys for the sake of this country so you give people like Tongo,ziyapapa a rest
fun time · 2 years ago
Slip of the tongue on the presidency but our politics does not go that far. We shall treat you as equals.
Maparamuro · 2 years ago
The real sell out is you Mr prezo. You have sold out the whole country to your friends from different parts of the world, you have sold out the wishes of Zimboz to self determination, a good standard of living, happiness. You are the actual sellout because you are going against the wishes of the majority, you are imposing yourself on us.
🌚🌚🌚🌚🇱🇷🇺🇦 · 2 years ago
He called me a sellout and I will continue to sellout as long as Zanu pf uses course language.Noone has title deeds to this country .A sellout is better than rapist of a president.
Vesto · 2 years ago
Proud to be a sell-out
Sir Vast · 2 years ago
Car door tea care moon
🤣🤣🤣🤣 @Tk wapedza ma comments 🚙car 🚪door 🍮tea 🫂care 🌚moon 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The Adjudicator · 2 years ago
We are all Zimbabweans regardless of our political affiliation. We say NO to using state resources on partisan lines. Mukuru vakatorasika ava. He talks again about pple who steal presidential inputs but surprisingly the very culprits like WadyaJena and Karoro are freely campaigning for his party and are out of jail. The president indicates right and turns left.What a chaos. This party has proved to be a party of crooks.
Tateguru · 2 years ago
Ummmm sellouts?
Trish · 2 years ago
well said, lets vote for the benefit of all people not a bunch of the elite
Lovegain Sibanda · 2 years ago
Zanu pf is not Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe is bigger than Zanu pf and Mnangagwa. We fought the liberation war to achieve democracy not autocracy. By casting your vote, you'll be exercising one's right not selling out as the octogenarian speaks. Mnangagwa is very old and out of sync with the current world order, he must retire gracefull and allow this country to move forward, we can't be continuously reminded of a war that is history now, each time when it's election time. We did not fight to free Zanu pf but the people.... And we're not voting in order for Zanu pf to live longer, we are voting for the good of the nation. 👆❎
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Louder 🔊 Please.....
DaCool · 2 years ago
Well said
Sir Vast · 2 years ago
Spot on sorojena
Sir Vast · 2 years ago
Spot on sorojena
uGatsheni boya beNyathi · 2 years ago
vanhu havadye patriotism it worked panguva ya Mugabe tisati tskuziva kupiwa ma t.shirt ne Zambia, cup ye beans monzi sheyai mri 10. vanhu vangwara
hh · 2 years ago
Chamisa chete chete ngaapinde haake mkomana
Howard Ndaruza · 2 years ago
having a different mind and wishes doesn't mean that you are a sell wicked
Theonewhoissent · 2 years ago
All leaders should strive to see everyone benefit from national resources irrespective of who they support in government. We are all citizens of this country.

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