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Harare Looking For Alternative Sites As Mupedzanhamo And Glen View Area 8 Are Overpopulated

2 years agoWed, 19 Oct 2022 17:10:09 GMT
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Harare Looking For Alternative Sites As Mupedzanhamo And Glen View Area 8 Are Overpopulated

Harare City Council has said the Mupedzanhamo flea market in the Mbare suburb of Harare is now overpopulated due to high unemployment that has pushed citizens to informal trade.

Council spokesperson Innocent Ruwende said the local government authority would relocate some of the vendors from Mupedzanhamo to new sites. He told NewsDay:

Our plan is to relocate vendors to new sites. As council, we will only look at humanitarian issues such as sanity and other necessities at the marketplaces. We are aware that most people are now into vending because there is unemployment in the country. It is unfortunate that there are people who then go on to harass vendors, using politics to cover up for their criminal activities. Such situations are beyond our control and that is why you see the police coming in to ensure there is calmness in Mbare.

A few weeks ago, Ruwende said the council’s informal sector committee recently made a resolution to regularise some of the unofficial markets, a move that would provide a lasting solution whilst also benefiting the local authority.

He said the Small and Medium Enterprises committee recently toured prospective vending sites in Crowborough North, Mufakose, Glen View, and Sunningdale.

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This comes amid conflict between ZANU PF and opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) activists over control of the market.

Chairperson of the Small to Medium Enterprises Committee Denford Ngadziore said Mupedzanhamo and Glen View area 8 were overpopulated hence the need for the city fathers to create 3 000 informal traders’ markets at Mbare and at Chishawasha markets.

He said the target was to create over 10 000 market spaces before March 2023.

Mupedzanhamo has the capacity to accommodate slightly above 1 000 traders.

Pindula News



FBI · 2 years ago
I like your point 😂😍😂
Vesto · 2 years ago
City council should allocate ZANU space barons the entire Chancellor Avenue, from Josiah Tongogara Avenue all the way to KG VI barracks. Plenty security (24 hour military presence so they don't have to dismantle their tables every night, and havarohwe nemasoja because imhuri imwechete. Isu veCCC tosara hedu kuMupedzanhamo kwatajaira nhamo
@vesto · 2 years ago
unemuono wakaisvonaka iwe kkkkkkk
X · 2 years ago
Vangaite parking ye mota mumupedzanhamo vanhu vachitengesera mu street kana nemiwo zvine logic ipi izvozvo, back in the days taingoziva kuti topinda mukati, there wasn't these running battles because it was ordered, the city council is also to blame because they created that environment which was conducive to that lawlessness because there was no proper management, vema part ndovanga vakutopanana nzvimbo.ll
The solution is in the Harare City Council to create more market spaces for the unemployed youths. I suggest these spaces are created in specific suburbs. Harare City Council must not let ZANU PF thugs control these markets. It should be in full control itself. [ ZANU PF' must be defeated at the Harmonised Elections in 2023 ]. CCC POLITICAL PARTY MUST URGE ALL CITIZENS TO REGISTER AND VOTE CCC POLITICAL PARTY FOR REAL CHANGE ]. Yours sincerely William Sonboy CHINEMBIRI [THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC].
SWART · 2 years ago
feel strongly backed advocate
dispenser · 2 years ago
register to Vote 😭😭😭😭😭

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