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JSC Opens Public Debate On The Wearing Of Judicial Wigs

2 years agoThu, 20 Oct 2022 12:46:27 GMT
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JSC Opens Public Debate On The Wearing Of Judicial Wigs

The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) has invited members of the public to air their views on whether judges should continue wearing Judicial wigs or not.

The Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) recently said judges in higher courts to abandon the wearing of judicial wigs arguing that the practice is outdated and therefore irrelevant.

The lawyers said the money being used to buy the wigs could be used for other important things.

In 2019, the JSC purchased 64 of the wigs in question at a total cost of £118 400 (US$132,973.86) from UK firm Stanely Ley Legal Outfitters in London.

In a statement, the JSC said that Chief Justice Luke Malaba has established a Judicial Wigs Committee to see if the regalia is still necessary. Reads the statement:

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Judges as part of their judicial attire, wear judicial wigs both ceremonial, worn during occasions such as the official opening of the legal year, and the normal court wigs, worn during ordinary court operations or proceedings.

There has been an ongoing heated debate worldwide on whether or not both types of judicial wigs, should be retained or removed as part of the official judicial attire and the transformation of the judiciary.

These calls have now gained considerable traction and are now echoed in the Zimbabwean Judiciary.

The Honourable Judges of the Superior Courts debated the subject matter at the end of the First term Symposium held in April 2022 in Masvingo.

It is on this basis that the Honourable Chief Justice, Mr Luke Malaba, constituted the Judicial Wigs Committee(JWC) to stir discussions and solicit the views and comments of all stakeholders in the justice delivery system and the public.

Thus, as a way of promoting inclusivity and democratic governance, the Judicial Wigs Committee wishes to elicit public opinion as part of the concerted efforts to inform and direct public policy on this issue.


Anyone intending to contribute towards this debate on judicial wigs in the Zimbabwean judiciary can obtain consultation forms or questionnaires from:

i. The office of the Secretary, Judicial Service Commission House, No 161 Josiah Chinamano Avenue, corner Josiah Chinamano Avenue and Seventh Street, HARARE or

ii. The website of the JSC at where the forms can be downloaded.

Please fill out the consultation form or questionnaire to assist the Judicial Wigs Committee in gathering data on the above-stated inquiry.

Once completed, the forms must be submitted to the office of the Secretary, Judicial Service Commission House, NO. 161 Josiah Chinamano Avenue, corner Josiah Chinamano Avenue & Seventh Street, HARARE, OR electronically on or by no later than close of business on 3 November 2022.



. · 2 years ago
These dishonorable judges don't deserve to wear these wigs, so yes let's do away with them. One day when we have honourable judges then we can decorate their heads.
Gwedu · 2 years ago
...but that does not put food on the table. Those judges are captured already!!
cde chipopi · 2 years ago
munhu mutema ane problem yekupedzera effort yake kuzvinhu zve nhando. Don't abuse the word colonisation imi muri kuzvi coloniser mega imo muno. Now we have a very much polarised society were the gap btwn the rich and the poor is getting bigger each and everyday
Anglebert Tinashe Chilimanzi · 2 years ago
uri kutaura nezvei???🙄🙄🙄
g · 2 years ago
i read this thrice tried to link with the story ummm mdhara muri mbudziiiii
g · 2 years ago
cde chipopi makaneta imiiii chiiiko join journos 4ed,trs4ed
George of the pindula🙈🦁🐯🐘🦍🍌🍌🍌 · 2 years ago
George says on wig issue "Shata Dhula Dhaka". George miss Soulja Luv.
Tanaka Marizani · 2 years ago
iii zvi wig izvo zvinotodhura zvekudaro ei I'm shocked
Evaluator · 2 years ago
Wigs promote corruption,, I've decided to bring this subject we shall debate on sometime later
The comment of the year goes too @anonymous 🙌 contact pindula for yr prize. · 2 years ago
zifa was ban the football of zim but everything talking corruption everyone in zifa fraternity but of course ban football is disaster international because exposure no more for local player good.
Fascinated · 2 years ago
I second you bro Mr Anonymous is a phenomenon 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Vesto · 2 years ago
With all due respect, the wigs debate is a non-issue. Vesto would have welcomed a discussion on judicial capture, especially whether the current incumbent at the apex of the judicial system is worthy of the high office he holds. Ruka, Ruka, Ruka kani.....
onashe · 2 years ago
ngavaise ma bhareta mumisoro imomo
Anglebert Tinashe Chilimanzi · 2 years ago
akakosha anovharidzira mhanza.
chinondidya chii · 2 years ago
those wigs are achaic ,expensive a relic from colonial times they must be dispensed forthwith
wig committee 🤣🤣🤣 · 2 years ago
just get rid of the wigs and get on with life why waste time n resources establishing a committee nxaaa
Big Boy · 2 years ago
Zvimawig izvo zvakashata hazvina basa izvo. Plus zviri racist sei zviri zveblonde apa zvinodhura futi, hazvina kana advantage one
Gwedu · 2 years ago
...for the mean time, that does not put food on the table nor realease political prisons.Lsts firstly deal with captured judges/ or the whole judiciary system before removing wigs

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