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Hotel Shuts Doors On Opposition, Accepts ZANU PF MPs Only

2 years agoSat, 22 Oct 2022 14:18:14 GMT
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Hotel Shuts Doors On Opposition, Accepts ZANU PF MPs Only

Rainbow Towers Hotel has reportedly shut its doors to oppositions MP saying it can only accommodate those affiliated with ZANU PF.

The claim was made by Norton legislator Temba Mliswa who said the move forced the postponement of the pre-budget seminar. He said:

Some hotels are no longer accepting Honourable Members to board there. Rainbow Towers now says only ZANU PF members are accepted there. What is that? How can we operate like that?

Our resolution now is to give us the money for food and accommodation and we make our own arrangements.

People can rent houses or make any other provision. It will be better. The fuel we hardly get it.

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Information centres were passed in the budget, but nothing has been built. This is an institution that stays beyond the current legislator, yet nothing has been done.

Now we have had to postpone the pre-budget from Monday. That is unacceptable. How do we prepare the budget now?

There is a lot of insincerity and contempt in how MPs are treated yet they deserve respect. We cannot progress with such attitudes.

Members of Parliament, especially those from out of Harare are accommodated in hotels each time they come for Parliament.

However, MPs have of late been kicked out of hotels after Parliament failed to settle the bills for several months. | Open Parly



Maparamuro · 2 years ago
Parliament runs gvt if it is made up of the right people if not it is run by gvt as is the case now. If parliamentarians can be tossed around like this it's a clear indication we have a useless parliament, such a parliament cannot hold gvt to account because it is under gvt
kawuluka Binga · 2 years ago
zivai kuti apana chisinamavambo nemagumo.
Faith · 2 years ago
The crazier the laws the sooner the fall of a regime
Kopo · 2 years ago
Zimbabwe is now a military state..
Wellingtons · 2 years ago
ZANU PF is not a party that is progressive, it still want to be the sole party in this nation,every state institution is captured by the party to enable it achieve it's dirty agendas, Parliament should find a lasting solution.
k · 2 years ago
ngatimbotamburai tose guys.
We're are watching the situation very closely and we will vote wisely ☝️☝️☝️
Nahoreka · 2 years ago
These are the result of a failed regime.... Simuka zimbabwe simuka...ramba kupusiswa mwana wevhu. #zanu must fall..
Sorojena · 2 years ago
The opposition MPs must seek alternative accommodation. It's not good for these MPs to be housed in one hotel particularly during the hype of elections, incidents of poisoning cannot be dismissed.
pk · 2 years ago
kuRainbow towers ndokwatinoitira mazheti edu saka imi opposition you are not welcome. endayi kuma brothels
rei de o selva · 2 years ago
Do you even know where the Rainbow Towers is 🤣🤣🤣🤣 munoita mazheti echii imiwo zvenyu vana bhanguza 🤣 #voteCCC
Raymond Gunda · 2 years ago
Raymond Gunda · 2 years ago
It was also the first time for soldiers to shoot and kill unarmed civilians who are Fleming. they will continue to break the records
My assessment is that there is nothing going on smoothly in this so called ZANU PF second administration. This is the first time for MPs to be chased away from lodgings by hotels. [ KANA MUSISAZVIGONE IPAI VAMWE NDUKU ]. [ TESE VANHU NGATIZIVEI POKUVHOTERA PAMA HARMONISED ELECTIONS APA MUNA 2023 ]. Yours sincerely William Sonboy CHINEMBIRI [THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC].
General Hercules · 2 years ago
its also the first time tht PSMAS has closed its doors in most cities,,2nd Republic breaking records
Daniel Gusha · 2 years ago
makutadza politics dzenyu
___ · 2 years ago
I am missing the point. I've been following this MP who often complains about little things... food, hotels... which have nothing to do with the public interest at large. The govt has done a good job by stopping paying hotel bills of MPs. This is just waste and abuse of taxpayers money.
Vusumuzi Mkhosi · 2 years ago
So Mr demented where do you expect them to stay during Parliament sessions.
anhu acho · 2 years ago
stay home Kana musina pekurara coz hapana chemurikuita ma election reforms hapana kana 1 raitwa
I wonder what the Hon member of parliament for Norton is complaining about yet he lives less than an hour from the capital. It is well known that opposition Mps are from the urban areas so we cannot waste valuable resources on people who want to stay in hotels and Flander with their girlfriends. Yours sincerely William Sonboy Chinembiri [THE BUSH LAWYER].

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