
7th ZANU PF National People’s Congress Starts Today

7th ZANU PF National People’s Congress Starts Today

The 7th ZANU PF National People’s Congress commences this Wednesday, 26 October with a meeting of the Politburo followed by a Central Committee meeting on Thursday before the official opening on Friday.

All Central Committee members are expected to arrive this Wednesday ahead of the 118th meeting of the party’s highest decision-making organ.

In a statement on Tuesday, ZANU PF Secretary for Information and Publicity Christopher Mutsvangwa said:

The Secretary for Administration Cde Dr. Obert Mpofu wishes to advise all members that there shall be an Ordinary Session of the Politburo to be held on Wednesday, October 26, 2022, at the home of the people’s revolution, ZANU PF headquarters, commencing at 1000 hours. All members should be seated by 09:45 sharp.

Several former liberation movements from the southern African region are expected to send delegates to the ZANU PF Congress.

These include Chama Cha Mapinduzi of Tanzania, Frelimo of Mozambique, South Africa’s African National Congress, People’s Movement for the Liberation of Angola, South West Africa People’s Organisation of Namibia, Botswana Democratic Party, Malawi Congress Party, among others.

Some of the delegations arrived in the country on Tuesday and were received at the Robert Gabriel International Airport by ZANU PF Secretary for External Affairs Simbarashe Mumbengegwi. He said:

Now, we have invited many of our friends from outside the country including all the former liberation movements and other progressive political parties in the region and abroad. About 20 of our fraternal organisations will come to witness the National People’s Congress.

The 7th ZANU PF National People’s Congress is running under the theme “Building a Prosperous Zimbabwe, Leaving No One and No Place Behind”. | The Herald
