
Harare Woman Kills Hubby For Being Absent From Home For 3 Days

Harare Woman Kills Hubby For Being Absent From Home For 3 Days

A 27-year-old man from Harare’s Marimba suburb was killed by his wife after he left home and returned after three days but then failed to explain where he was and what he was doing.

The woman, Rachel Gomba, also aged 27, stabbed her husband Paddy Mangisa Mlambo with a kitchen knife on the thigh. She has since been arrested.

Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) national spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said the incident occurred on Sunday around 6 AM. He said:

ZRP Marimba have arrested Rachel Gomba aged 27 for a case of murder in which she allegedly fatally stabbed her husband, Paddy Mangisa Mlambo aged 27, with a kitchen knife once on the thigh in Marimba, Harare, on October 23, 2022, at around 6 AM.

The couple had a fight after the husband, who had been away for three days, failed to give a satisfactory answer.

The police said investigations on the case are in progress.
