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HomeCrime and Courts

"Some Prosecutors Losing Their Minds Due To Drug Abuse"

2 years agoWed, 26 Oct 2022 12:50:45 GMT
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"Some Prosecutors Losing Their Minds Due To Drug Abuse"

Drug and alcohol abuse among National Prosecution Authority (NPA) workers is so rampant that some are losing their minds.

This was revealed in the NPA strategic plan review 2022 governance and administration report from January to October prepared by the acting secretary Tafadzwa Mupariwa. He said:

There is a surge in drug and alcohol abuse in the National Prosecution Authority as some prosecutors and support staff are losing their minds. Some are blaming it on other factors such as evil spirits.

Mupariwa urged heads of stations and supervisors to report at the earliest possible time any suspected cases of drug and alcohol abuse so that remedial action can be taken. | Chronicle

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Reward Ncube · 2 years ago
Musati mava blamer tangai mavabvunza kt why vachibhema
Chenjerai Muzondiwa · 2 years ago
Trent · 2 years ago
Kopo · 2 years ago
Mumwe akat "Give them peanuts and the will behave like monkeys". Kutotadza kutengao husvuku munhu wa prosecutor,, vapei inotenga team iri.
mtt · 2 years ago
mabribes avari kutora ovapedza
The High Priest · 2 years ago
Hallucinogenic drugs
uGatsheni boya beNyathi · 2 years ago
serves them well
mtoriro · 2 years ago
imagine prosecutor wako akarohwa ne mtoriro kkk ukanzi ten years kwaari dzishoma
If Public Prosecutors engage in drugs to the extent of losing their minds, then [ HELP US LORD !!!!! ]. This is why many accused persons come out of our courts unscathed. Citizens did not expect drugs to be an issue with the "learned". If drug problem is an issue with Public Prosecutors, how much is it a problem with our magistrates ? [QUESTION MARK NGA] It may mean that some of sentences which are meted out may be questionable. [ REGAI KUTI KANA MADZIMAIDZWA NEMA DRUGS MOKURUDZIRA MA SUPPORTERS ENYU KUTI VAITE MHIRIZHONGA ]. [ NHAI IMI VANHINGI, NEZERA RENYU IRO MUNGAWANIKWE MUCHIKURUDZIRA MHIRIZHONGA HERE ? SVODAIWO IMI !!!!! ]. Yours sincerely William Sonboy CHINEMBIRI [THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC].
Anonymous · 2 years ago
The one anonzi hangman of human rights pa Rotten Row haa ndewe ma drugs uya, hakuna prosecutor ari normal akadaro
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Boe hr apo
🙄 · 2 years ago
Same Whatsapp Group nemaCIO and CID mazhinji. Drug Abuse and Mental Instability. Chokwadi hakuna zororo kune ane hutsinye or akaipa.
Raymond Gunda · 2 years ago
Ehe ngazvirambe zvakadaro basa rekuisa vanhu vasina mhosva mumajeri
SlowActingPoison · 2 years ago
They know that much of what they are forced to goes against their professional oaths and thus human conscience, shame and guilty leads them to drug abuse. That is how collosal/colossal kkkk the mighty ZANUPF can be. If they were to openly admit it, l wouldn't be shocked to know that at least 75% of ZANUPF bigwigs use drugs even very expensive injectables only cooked in the countries like Mexico and China. There is no peace, whatsover, for the wicked. Hadziuyi nyore uchigaroona zvipoko zvevakasasa maoko ako neropa pamwe nezvidhoma nenyoka dzekuromba kwemapoliticians aya, especially eZANUPF. Drugs, kusabva mumachechi echipostori, kumachechi ana papa nen'anga kuedza kutsipika zvinetso. NPA guys are in a tight fix.
Lodza · 2 years ago
let them be after all they're doing nothing to the general citizen that state suits them
jjjj · 2 years ago
ummmmm lodza mhaniii nyarara usone muromo wako
dispenser · 2 years ago
@Mudhara lodza ,handinzwisisi language yenyu

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