
Shona And Ndebele Versions Of The Highway Code Out This Week

Shona And Ndebele Versions Of The Highway Code Out This Week

Transport and Infrastructural Development Minister Felix Mhona has said the distribution of 20 000 copies of Shona and Ndebele versions of the Highway Code will begin this week.

Authorities are also working towards translating the Highway Code into the remaining 13 official languages.

The minister also said additional copies will be printed based on demand. He told The Sunday Mail:

An initial number of 10 000 books for each language is currently under production and these are expected to be available to the public on November 4, 2022. Additional copies will be printed to order based on demand.

Some people understand the processes and systems of driving concepts better in their native languages than the foreign language, and no one will be hindered from obtaining a driver’s licence due to the language barrier. I am pleased to advise that the translation process for the Highway Code as well as road and traffic charts has now been completed.

The minister also said sample copies in the two languages were printed, presented to Cabinet and subsequently launched officially, and an order for the actual production of the books has been submitted, with production work in progress.

The Highway Code, which will be available for US$5 or the local currency equivalent at the official exchange rate, seeks to highlight the main legal, regulatory and practical aspects of road usage.

Police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said the translation of the Highway Code should help reduce violations of traffic laws.

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