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Man Struck By Lightning At A Faith Healer's Shrine

2 years agoWed, 02 Nov 2022 05:31:08 GMT
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Man Struck By Lightning At A Faith Healer's Shrine

A Chimanimani man died on Monday last week after he was struck by a lightning bolt at a faith healer’s shrine where he had gone to seek his spiritual assistance.

Tichaona Mathew Ngoma (30) died at Madzibaba Tarisai Misheck’s shrine.

Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) deputy spokesperson in Manicaland Province, Assistant Inspector Wiseman Chinyoka, said the incident happened in Chibuwe Village in Chief Mutambara’s area. He said:

Ngoma visited Madzibaba Misheck’s shrine on October 21 seeking spiritual assistance. Madzibaba Misheck advised him to stay at the shrine for seven days and he complied.

On October 24, Ngoma and his colleague, Valentine Mukomo, went to a nearby river to bath.

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After bathing, they proceeded to a nearby bush to fetch firewood as they wanted to cook.

It started raining and they rushed back to the shrine and left the firewood under a tree.

They sought shelter in a tent that was at the shrine. Ngoma was struck by a lightning bolt and died on the spot.

Assistant Inspector Chinyoka added that Ngoma’s body was taken to Nyanyadzi Rural Hospital mortuary. | The Manica Post



mtt · 2 years ago
chero kwaanga ari hakusi kumuprofita mafake nekuti muprofita akatadza kuona.tsaona iyo chero dzimwe n'anga dzinoona kwazo
mtt · 2 years ago
muchechi mapinda satan achifamba nemakumbo. kuiswa mabhengiro akanyorwa zita remunhu mumaoko ndai rakanzi Jesus zvaive nani. unofunga unoraramiswa nemunhu here
mtt · 2 years ago
most prophets haashandise holy spirit as they claim.thats vachienda nigeria kunobikwa nemishonga neghana
Vesto · 2 years ago
Akashaishira saManyika akanzi tosangana maenza. Finish. Hokoyo naSamaz
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Haiva TChiwenga àkatinyepera chiporofiti kuti madhara ezanupf achabvarurirana hembe achiroverana kutonga. Nanhasi Ed naGeneral Chiwenga vari kuwirirana nekutopana maendorsements. Leviticus anoti munhu anozviti muporofita akataura chinhu achiti chiporofita zvikasaitika murevi wenhema kana muporofita wenhema.
Tichiripo Chiwenga · 2 years ago
Tingapedza ukama nekuda kwa false prophet here kkkkk
Gwedu · 2 years ago
Lightning ⚡ let's take precautionary measures for the season is now upon us. I'm not here to judge again, for this is a natural phenomena and very common is this season unless the shrine owner is found guilty spiritually. But if the guy was tormented for real then he might have again strike by a lightning cooked by the's mystery but it happens. In addition, no one is perfect lest we forget only Jesus Christ is perfect.but when it comes on preaching the word as it is, explaining scriptures and their meanings, , telling the Bible, for T. Chiwenga 🤝you are very right. He do explain without fear or persuasion. However, only have a small challenge with him on his prophesies and may zvakandikita badzi I still need more to understand!!
Jabulani · 2 years ago
Chiwenga itsotsi
pastor · 2 years ago
church yese isingashandise bhaibheri like ana masowe etc ndeya anti Christu. Matt 24:24. 1 John 4, 2 Thess 2. In'anga dzese dziya idzi Acts 8. Rugwaro tinaro. Apostle TF Chiwenga ndiye bedzi anoparidza chokwadi munyika muno. The New Testament order.
🙄 · 2 years ago
NDIYE BEDZI!!!!!????? NDI NDI NDIYE BEEEEEDZI😂😂😂😂😂. Imika musazodaro. Ndokurasika manje. Soon he will be a cult leader if not already. Ndiwo matangire emacult iwaya kuti mafollowers emunhu anoita claim kuti tisu tega tina Kristu wechokwadi. Ah ah ah saka Mwari wanoshandisa nekuparidzwa naChiwenga ega chete muZimbabwe yenyu? Ummm namatai chimwari chenyu mega ah ah ah.
ko Passion Gwavha ke , 🤥
Mazuva · 2 years ago
Chiwenga knows what he preaches (I didn't say he knows the Holy Bible). He deliberately picks verses which he uses to attack every other Man of God who overshadows him. When he attacks other Men of God, it follows that he is saying that he is the only true Man of God. Those who don't know scripture easily get carried away in their ignorance. Remember that the devil knows scripture better than Chiwenga. He calls himself an apostle (maybe he is), but of all the acts of the apostles in the book of Acts of the Apostles, which one act has Farai Talent performed? Beware! Don't be carried away by sweet tounges and human wisdom. The apostles of God taught with demonstration of the Spirit and power. 1 Corinthians 2:1 & 4.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Eish,RIP,there is no way to escape lightning even urimumba inokurova

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