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Govt Refutes Claims That 63% Of Rural Pupils Dropped Out Of School In 2022

2 years agoSat, 05 Nov 2022 14:47:49 GMT
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Govt Refutes Claims That 63% Of Rural Pupils Dropped Out Of School In 2022

The government has refuted claims by the Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (ARTUZ) that about 63 per cent of rural pupils dropped out of school in 2022.

Ministry of Primary and Secondary education spokesperson Taungana Ndoro said the union was exaggerating the number. He responded to the report:

It’s just an allegation; a sensational one too.

In its report titled: Beyond geographies of inequality: Public Education Financing in Post-COVID-19 Zimbabwe, ARTUZ said rural learners are behind their urban counterparts. Artuz researcher Tamuka Chirimambowa said:

There are 63% of school dropouts in the rural areas and most of them are girls at secondary schools. The level of dropouts of girls which is continuously increasing is so disturbing. So when we look at this, it actually raises questions.

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There is a lack of reading skills with 85% of schoolchildren lacking reading skills, while 86% lack numerous skills compared to the urban schoolchildren where only 19% lack reading skills and only 14% lack numerous skills.

There is rural-urban divide inequality. In terms of digital infrastructure, schools in the rural areas lag behind. They are technologically behind. Physically, they don’t even have infrastructure like labs and this actually raises more challenges for the students.

There is a shortage of school teachers. There is a shortfall of 20 000 teachers and this affects more rural schools because there are some teachers who wouldn’t want to go teach where there are poor services and poor infrastructure. Inappropriate teacher-pupil ratio is also worsening teachers’ incapacitation.

While Chrimambowa did not state the reason why pupils are dropping out of school, some reports observe that school fees and pregnancies are leading factors.

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T jay · 2 years ago
Vana havachade chikoro
Dr N · 2 years ago
uyo patriot i **** chairo iro
HomeTrackOrg · 2 years ago
ko sei
HomeTrackOrg · 2 years ago
63% is an exaggeration. zvoreva kuti all schools are housing only 37%. Chokwadi chakanaka. vana vave kuona school as a waste of time and money because artuz yacho iri kuswera mustaff room vachishandisa wifi yakabhadharwa nevabereki vevana vavasiri kudzidzisa. look at the growth rate of private schools izvozvi. chero kuMaruva maPrivate schools aveko.
HomeTrackOrg · 2 years ago
when I amalysed the report, it looks like a piece of allegations with ripple effects. 1. 63% dropouts : meaning to say there are only 37% of learners remaining in the schools. Which entails that, an equivalent percentage of teachers (63%) havafanirwi kunge vari pabasaka. Kana variko vari kudzidzisa ani ivo vana vasiko. 2. this report does not show maturity and is baseless. it causes malicious damage to the education sector and the teacher organisation from which it came. they are earning tax payers' money for doing nothing since the bulk of the learners dropped out. 3. what is the teacher organisation doing to avoid dropouts ? Instead they are not attending lessons and learners also think it's waste of time going to schools where teachers spend the whole day in staff rooms on learners sponsored WiFi . Either vana ava vanoswera vachiitana mumaclasses imomo or vanobva kudzimba vachiti vanoenda kuskuru vasingasviki nekuti hakuna zviri kuitwako.
Doctor Stats · 2 years ago
Hakuna zvakadaro, 63% of rural learners. Zvichida Researcher uyu weARTUZ akasangana ne63% yevana vangava vemhuri imwe or village imwe chete, izvozvo zvinogoneka kwete kuzoreva nhema dzinonyadzisa kudaro kuti 63% of all rural learners population
Makaz · 2 years ago
Iwe Patriot usanyepa iwe let's talk about my home school situation now ,,paiva nevana above5000 but now pave ne below 1500 so toti kudii pakadaro ..vapfanha vese vakuchikorokoza vasikana vari kutizira hey zvosiririsa zviri kuruzevha kwangu uku ummm!!!!!
tpo · 2 years ago
ko ma form fours acharewriter here hama dzangu
mukmeric · 2 years ago
batai dzozviti patriotic dzopenga idzo kana kusiri kupenga ingozi chete
Bhoso s · 2 years ago
taura hako anenge akauraya chte 2008 nezanu yake anengozi hombe
patriot · 2 years ago
kana usingazive ma avenues anopinza Mari muno munyika they are unlimited hama yangu. Gvt at the moment is sitting on a lot of forex plus rtgs. Agriculture, mines, NGO's, exports, diaspora remittances , donors , Tax, customs duty, Tourism etc mari dzichingopinda chete ! Saka musazvinyepera kuti Zanu pf gvt will ever broke. Never I husa chete chete ! Kana America haikwanise kupa CCC Mari yakawanda kudaro
@patriot · 2 years ago
As a convert of Professor Vostro, you are welcome to swallow his vomit. Are you gunning to be his spokesman?
Anonymous · 2 years ago
John Chibadura · 2 years ago
patriot · 2 years ago
@ndini ndareva . Kumaruzevha kupi ikoko kwauri kutaura. Kana usingazive kumaruzevha ndokurikutochinja bigtym manje bcoz ndokune vote yese yemusangano. Imi munongotemba Urban vote chete ndokusaka muchigara makadyiwa. Sig irikubatsira zvisingaite ku improver ma schools muruzevha hama yangu. Ma text books varikupiwa zvese ma laptops, solar systems nema boreholes. Uri chichoni chemutaundi iwe ndakuona manje ndokusaka muchingofunga kuti Zim I urban area bedzi
@patriot · 2 years ago
EPL · 2 years ago
Man city 1-1 Fulham 30mins
Ndini ndareva · 2 years ago
@patriot ko inhema hre state yemaskulls haitaurike kumaruzevha vana vanodzidzira pasi pemiti imagine nemanairo ari kuita mvura muchapedzisira moti masanctionz futi...
Silas Gwatipedza · 2 years ago
Artuz have really exaggerated the figures, hakuna zvakadaro kwaisara munhu here dai kwakabva 63% of the learners
@Leakman · 2 years ago
Please leak your own statistics. Don't just criticise without proferring alternatives
mtt · 2 years ago
shandisai common sense 63 % its pure ****. in a clasd of 40, 25 student vodropout haa its nonsense mombobvepi ko kwakasara kudero kwedu magetsi ariko science labs, boreholes vanomwa mvura paTape
ndunge · 2 years ago
ndaona kunge pakanxi aARTuZ so ccc yazopinda papii
ndunge · 2 years ago
numbers dont lie cmred petso
patriot · 2 years ago
it is CCC and it's agents of who are trying to tarnish the gvt. Come 2023 vachaona moto!
Vesto · 2 years ago
Am I to understand from Comrade patriot that ARTUZ is part of the CCC strucures now? Please Kamaradha, not all professional associations are politically aligned like Teachers 4ED

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