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Man Hospitalised After Being Stabbed For "Suspiciously" Parking Near A Homestead

2 years agoSat, 05 Nov 2022 17:12:11 GMT
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Man Hospitalised After Being Stabbed For "Suspiciously" Parking Near A Homestead

A Shurugwi man is battling for his life at a local hospital after he was stabbed in the stomach for “suspiciously” parking his vehicle near the assailant’s homestead.

Clyde Masembu (26) was left for dead following a knife stab in the stomach, NewZimbabwe.com reported quoting Midlands police spokesperson, Inspector Emmanuel Mahoko. The Inspector said:

The Zimbabwe Republic Police is investigating a case of attempted murder where a 26-year-old man of Marishongwe village, Chief Ndanga in Shurugwi was left for dead after he was stabbed using a knife in the stomach, leaving intestines protruding for allegedly suspiciously parking his motor vehicle near a homestead.

What happened:

Mahoko said the incident occurred last Friday night along the Shurugwi–Mhandamabwe Road.

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It is alleged that Masembu was in the company of his girlfriend when he parked his motor vehicle at a lay-by along Shurugwi-Mhandamabwe road.

The suspect, Shepherd Phiri aged 40 of Mashoko Village under Chief Ndanga in Shurugwi, approached them asking why they had parked near his homestead.

Masembu disembarked from the vehicle in a bid to explain to Phiri and he was stabbed with a knife in the abdomen resulting in intestines protruding.

A police report was made at Donga Police Station leading to Phiri’s arrest while Masembu was rushed to Gweru Provincial Hospital where he is in serious condition.

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Anti Rotten Zanu · 2 years ago
Achibuda mumota wat for!! I think he has himself to blame for trying to be a monya infront of babes who is now enjoying other mens' pipes whilst he is in hospital.
The journalist has given the citizens what exactly happened and not results of Police preliminary investigations. But commenting as circumstances stand, the accused had no right for attacking the victim. The victim was not parked in the accused's private property, but in a public place, along a public road. [ I WISH IF THE JOURNALIST COULD GIVE PROGRESS INVESTIGATIONS REPORTS ]. [ MAY ALL CITIZENS BORN OF A WOMAN VOTE FOR CCC POLITICAL PARTY FOR REAL CHANGE ]. [ VERUZHINJI VANOTI CHAMISA CHETE CHETE ]. Yours sincerely William Sonboy CHINEMBIRI [THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC].
... · 2 years ago
obvious pakatariswaa inyaya dzemababie
Tau · 2 years ago
Aa very sory mumwe wangu tnokushuvira kpora nekukaska
Wisdom · 2 years ago
Ngaadzose mota yangu zvekunaiwa ndezvake
mtoriro · 2 years ago
think paakabvunzwa kuti akuitei akapindura rough since anga ane baby akatobuda mumota achitaurisa asingazivi kuti mashurugwi haana nguvai yekubatanidza
mukmeric · 2 years ago
haaa kana dai ndaiva mukorokoza ndisingatombobatike papindula ndiri mumwena bt ndakambogarako hangu

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