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HomeElections In Zimbabwe

War Veterans Demand Promised Benefits Before They Could Back ED's Re-election Bid

2 years agoSat, 05 Nov 2022 07:42:21 GMT
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War Veterans Demand Promised Benefits Before They Could Back ED's Re-election Bid

War veterans have demanded that President Emmerson Mnangagwa approves “commensurate benefits” before they could back his re-election bid for the 2023 general elections.

Their demands include loan guarantees and rebates for duty-free car imports, NewsDay reported citing ZANU PF central committee report tabled at the party’s elective congress last month. Read the report in part:

Consideration should be made to award commensurate benefits to vetted members of Zimbabwe Ex-Political Prisoners, Detainees and Restrictees Association (ZEPPDRA), war collaborators and war veterans cadres to avoid disgruntlement ahead of the 2023 harmonised elections.

That the veterans pensions should not be static but should be pegged as an equivalent of a salary scale in the civil service so that the government does not have to constantly review the amounts.

Government should honour its promises and debts, as well as enforce its own rights against the war veterans and their dependants amicably without resorting to litigation.

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Pension should not be reduced upon the death of the member in order to cater for the surviving spouse and dependants.

Facilitation should be made for war veterans to have ease of access to affordable capital finance from the banking institutions whereby the government should be called upon to offer guarantees in instances where the much-demanded collateral is not available.

The party should engage the government for the establishment of the War Veterans Bank as part of the economic empowerment agenda.

The party engages the government in order to establish a quota for war veterans in mining and to facilitate access to capital and machinery.

The party directs the government to accord qualified children of war veterans opportunities to access employment and other empowerment facilities in recognition of the crucial role and sacrifices made by their parents.

Some context:

The government this year said 160 000 war collaborators were now eligible to receive their payouts after missing out on the 1997 first round of disbursements. 

In 1997, thousands of former freedom fighters were given a lump sum of $50 000 each after they protested against the lack of pensions. This led to the collapse of the Zimbabwe dollar.

The ruling ZANU PF party which recently formed a new wing, the war veterans’ league, to strengthen and broaden its campaign strategies ahead of the polls will likely yield to war veterans’ demands.

War veterans have in the past campaigned for the ruling ZANU PF during election campaigns.


Political commentators Effie Ncube, Methuseli Moyo and Vivid Gwede told NewsDay that the war veterans’ demands were extortionist and illegal.

The government will be forced to take the taxpayers’ money and give it to war veterans at the expense of other development initiatives.

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16 Comments · 2 years ago
Vapei zveshuwa ndokuti hurumende
I want to acknowledge the good work which our gallant sons and daughters of Zimbabwe did to liberate our glorified country. War veterans must learn to appreciate where they have out stretched their hands to accept or receive. In 1981 they were offered a certain amount of money which they squandered in hotels, beerhalls, bottle stores and brothels. Then in 1997 war veterans were given 50 000 ZMD most of which was spent again lavishly. They now want more money !!!!! Outrageous in their current demands are two outstanding ones. They can not demand that His Excellency Advocate President ED Mnangagwa's government guarantees them in their personal loans from banks. It is most obvious that most of them shall not repay those loans. Government may only assist them to access the loans. Another outrageous demand is that one where they want their spouses to continue receiving full pension emmulments after the demise of the partner. Zimbabwe Government must not forget that our economic problems started as soon as they paid 50 000 ZIM Dollar to each war veteran in 1997. Our economy has not recovered since then. [ HIS EXCELLENCY ADVOCATE PRESIDENT ED MNANGAGWA MUST NOT AGREE TO EXTORTIONISTS ]. [ MOST PEOPLE NOW WANT A CHANGE OF GOVERNMENT FROM MAZI ZANU PF TO CCC POLITICAL PARTY FOR REAL CHANGE ]. Yours sincerely William Sonboy CHINEMBIRI [THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC].
Tindo · 2 years ago
Imi vanhu mnongogara mchtukana nekuda kweZanu kna Ccc ndezekumba kwako here shandra mhuri yako idye ichiguta kwete kngosimbirira kpoliticks hazviunze salt mumba rega wanogona kugadzrisa wazviite kwete iwe
Leny · 2 years ago
Asi imi vanhu mnotukirana Zanu kna CCC ndezvekumba kwenyu her itai zvektsvaga mari mraramise mhuri dzenyu mosiyana nePolitics **** nenzara uchingotaura zvsina bsa
5 · 2 years ago
@patriot you are also legally allowed to to air out your views though they may not necessarily be shared be others
patriot · 2 years ago
kunyange ukasvotwa ukandituka sei svoto meter Yako ndoichatoputika Zanu pf ichitonga bedzi kusvika madhongi amera nyanga. Zvese zvana CCC zvichapera sekupera kwakaita MDC. Come 2023 u shall witness another landslide victory for Zanu pf then u will surely realize kuti u are a daydreamer my brother.
Bhoso s · 2 years ago
nyarara iwebhangu nhamo inokunetsa
pk · 2 years ago
those rushing to the press are fake war veterans. real vets vanoziva gwara remusangano havango vukuri sezvizvi pese pese.
g · 2 years ago
but have nothing to show material things ,not productive,no savings jus 20ks rtgs from nassa and many kids who are not attending xuls winky baba maivepi,vamwe vachitenga dzimba nemotokariii,daddy mayiitei
Boss Lie · 2 years ago
Kna mchinyora macomments pliz pliz msabva maita sekut ndimi murkutipa news dzacho nyoraiwo mawords mashoma kwete kuuya kzopedza shungu dzekppota pano
g · 2 years ago
vanhu vakaita history,shona ,english at Alevel do paragraphs its an old system which needs to b abolished learn to put your thoughts in point form
patriot · 2 years ago
You see what I alwayz say. Under normal circumstances these War Veterans should be apolitical bodies. The whole system is zanufied gyz and all the levers of power are with Zanu pf including the Electoral body itself. With a one party State all things will run smoothly in this country . So never dream kuti CCC will ever win elections when the whole system is zanufied. The system will always be biased towards Zanu pf and CCC will only get the Urban vote and a few Mps whilst the rest will go to Zanu pf. USA, Britain and all their Western allies will do nothing to change that even if they apply sanction, the Chinese , Russians , India etc will always trade with Zim and their impact will be cushioned. ED re engagement policy will neutralise a lot of things too. Change of gvt will never happen in Zim unless kana CCC yatokwanisa kuwana means dzekuita overthrow the regime with all it's machinations. Chamisa nehumbwende hwake handione achizvigona izvozvo , zvinotoda oppostion Ina leader ari very radical indeed not just being eloquent in speaking and Twittering. The Urban vote will loose patience with time and start to develop mixed feelings and some will deviate to Zanu pf being lured by promises such as stands, farming land, mineral rights , informal trading places and mini industrial opportunities etc. Rural vote will always be under guard from the traditional leadership there. So in conclusion One Party State is the only way forward rather than to continue day dreaming about a change of gvt.
Jah 🇿🇼 Tsvarie-07 · 2 years ago
Common sense How many true war vets r left 😂
pk · 2 years ago
a lot alof wars were fought after independence eg. mozambique campaign, the DRC war, hondo yeminda. soldiers who were involved are war veterans as well. saka hatipere mawar vets. ini ndri vet rehondo yeminda 3rd chimurenga, ndiri kutoluma pahombe
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Assuming the youngest war vet back then was 20 years at independence, it would mean that now the youngest surviving war vet is now between 62 and 63 years old. Surprisingly we have seen people who are masquerading as war vets who are even younger than this 62 age group. It will not be surprising to still find this country talking about war vets 100 year into independence. Are we ever going to be free from this curseas a nation. Being constantly reminded of war that happened some 45 - 50 years ago is not beneficial at all for progress. There is nothing to be proud of when we know we have blood that has been spilled, even innocent blood. National healing and reconciliation is of utmost importance. I was 12 years when my brother joined the liberation movement who never returned up until today, so this war vet thing makes me sick to the bone.
pm · 2 years ago
zanu chiororo
Lodza · 2 years ago
zanu isakupei zvese zvamunoda ...after that bhora musango ccc yobva ya winner ...CCC yokupai Mari kwayo inotenga
Vesto · 2 years ago
ma 'O' veterans acho asara mànganiko?

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