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HomeCrime and Courts

Parere Kunyenzura, ZTP Supporters' Trial For Criminal Nuisance Continues

2 years agoWed, 09 Nov 2022 12:08:48 GMT
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Parere Kunyenzura, ZTP Supporters' Trial For Criminal Nuisance Continues

Thirty-four (34) members of the Zimbabwe Transformative Party (ZTP), led by Parere Kunyenzura were back at the Harare Magistrates Court on Wednesday on allegations of obstructing the free passage and movement of people and vehicles.

The ZTP supporters, who are also members of Mirirai Jehovha Apostolic Church, were arrested on 9 July 2022 while singing and conducting prayers in full church regalia in Harare central business district (CBD).

The Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) on Wednesday said the ZTP supporters are charged with contravening section 46 of the Criminal Code. ZLHR said:

At Harare Magistrates Court, we continue seeking freedom for 34 members of Mirirai Jehovha Apostolic Church, who are also supporters of Zimbabwe Transformative Party, an opposition political party, who are on trial for criminal nuisance charges and have spent 4 months in remand prison since 9 July, when they were arrested and charged with contravening section 46 of Criminal Code by [Police], who alleged that they had acted unlawfully in a manner which is likely to create a nuisance by walking on roads and pavements in Harare’s CBD while singing a gospel song with the lyrics “Emmanuel tisunungureiwo tanzwa ne nhamo” and thereby obstructed the free passage and movement of people and vehicles. Evans Moyo of [ZLHR] is representing them.

Kunyenzura, a self-styled prophet, claimed God ordained him as the next President of Zimbabwe when he launched the party in May this year.

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He said neither President Emmerson Mnangagwa nor his biggest challenger, Nelson Chamisa, the leader of the opposition CCC, will win the 2023 presidential election.

Kunyezura warned state security agencies not to try to thwart what “God” has ordained.



Anonymous · 2 years ago
Emmanuel tisunungureivo tanzwa nenhamo
Don mugwah · 2 years ago
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 ayaaaas zvandi fungisa song iya sulumani paanozoti zvimwe zvnhu zvnopedza power.
pitikot · 2 years ago
Kanyenzura , chipanga , Talent Madungwe, Talent Chiwenga, kune vanga vasingazivi ndati ndkuudzei kut ndivo varwere vepfungwa vatinavo muZimbabwe
· 2 years ago
a dead hynas head and that of a cat are just nothing
MAPOSTORI FOR ED (ETERNAL DAMNATION). Mweya iriko hobho. Kune mweya mutsvene, mweya wemadzinza, mweya yaDatani naKora use mweya unobva mu****u. Ava madzibaba veKunyenzura vakaudzwa neMweya upi kuti vachaita President? Ndivo maporofita anoshandisa musoro weGora nemusoro weBere kushopera.
Tintin · 2 years ago
😂😂😂 gemenzi ndiro randisetsa...must be made national attire yevarume muZimbabwe.
MuPfungwe Chaiye · 2 years ago
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Rwiyo rwacho runotonhodza mabondo kkkkkkkkk. Sure vanhu vatambura

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