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Pregnant Nine-year-old Girl Opens Up On Sexual Abuse

2 years agoSun, 13 Nov 2022 04:58:38 GMT
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Pregnant Nine-year-old Girl Opens Up On Sexual Abuse

The pregnant nine-year-old girl from Tsholotsho, Matabeleland North province, has opened up about the sexual abuse by “a goblin”, it has emerged.

According to her foster parent, the girl doesn’t know that she is pregnant but believes she has an illness.

Speaking to The Sunday News, the foster parent said in the first days she would cry a lot, but now they have developed a bond. She said:

She came in with the Social Welfare Department in August. In the first days, she would cry a lot, maybe because of being away from home but I would comfort her.

She loved me a lot and we developed a strong bond that even when she was being picked up for medical check-ups, she would cry for me to go with her.

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If I wanted to leave the house, I had to explain to her that I was leaving and would return later that day or after a few days because she did not want me to be out of her sight.

She would ask me when the “thing” in her stomach would get out and how the doctors will do it. I would explain that the “thing” will be removed eventually.

This is because she did not know what was inside of her, she knows she has a disease that has affected her stomach and not that she is pregnant. When we stayed with her, she was well-behaved and very open.

The foster parent said the pregnant nine-year-old said the sexual abuse was done only at night.

The girl said she shared a bedroom with her parents and her father told her that a goblin was going to come and “insert something in her private parts” at night. She said this happened on several occasions. Said the foster parent:

According to what she says, this goblin would come at night and abuse her and the father would tell her that the goblin has left through the window.

… into leyi iyangimangalisa, umama uyavala iwindi elivalela ngaphakathi kodwa ukuthi into leyi ibivula njani ibisingena, angikwazi, kodwa ubaba nguye owaye vala iwindi nxa sekuqedile” (the whole thing confuses me because my mother would close the window at night from inside, but I don’t know how this thing (goblin) would open and come in. But my father would then close the window after it has finished).

The girl also disclosed that the goblin would only enter when the father was home, but when he is away the goblin would not come. She said:

She said to me she would cry after the sexual violation and the father would console her and then put on the light. She also mentioned that if the light was on, the goblin never appeared but it showed up in the cover of darkness.

The goblin is said to have stopped violating her when her aunts’ children visited as she was now sleeping in the same room with her cousins.

The girl, however, does not know when exactly the abuse stopped but said she stopped sharing the bedroom with her parents when her cousins visited.

The father of the child was arrested on 29 August after it was discovered in the hospital that the child was pregnant. He is currently assisting police with investigations.

The girl is expected to deliver at any time, using a Caesarean operation, as she is still too young to undergo normal delivery.

She is under the care of United Bulawayo Hospitals and is staying at a safe house in the city.



chiri · 2 years ago
zvinhu zvinorwadz kut sure mwana anga itewo mwana wake hr otonz amai nhingi aaah zvakaoma vanhu manyanya kubata Bata mushonga batai zvenyu ac musashungurudz vana zvekudar
C ten · 2 years ago
Tinashe mugabe aripi basa iro
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Akabatsirwa nezuro maksen
Chris brown · 2 years ago
....sad sorry🙆😭..... Baba ngavatourayiwa
SHADRECK HODOBO · 2 years ago
Baba varimo muground
Tynash T.P.C.T. · 2 years ago
Ummmm sad. Pakaipa mwari tibatsirei nyika yoenda kumagumo.
Stylez Beatz Productions · 2 years ago
Haa zibaba iro raitosvi.ra mwana everyday richitodururira mbeu mumwana ,ma 1 iyi i rape case chaiyo ngarigare mu jail zibaba iro
Hoo nhai · 2 years ago
Lady t · 2 years ago
Baba ndoochidhoma zvakaoma ivo mai kuvata kunge vakafa mapurisa sungai vese mai vataure mushe
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Akula zagoblin ekhona amaDNA tests yiwo azaveza iqiniso
Ashley · 2 years ago
Dai zvakakasika kuzikanwa akabvisiswa hake...Now achatokanganisika shame Mwari ngavave naye
Bolt 🔩 · 2 years ago
Ndibaba obvious abusing the kid in dark 🌑 then switch on the light voti goblin if DNA matches that man must be castrated and rot in jail, it's paining the girl is too young to know , if she could have fought or instill some marks during the assault, mybe just mybe this puzzle could be solved quick, but thanks to DNA, Time will tell
iyaa · 2 years ago
vaitokanganisa kodzero dzemwana pakurara nemwana ava nemakore akadero muimba mumwe chete ..mapurisa nemasoja kombai murove..
Mazwi · 2 years ago
Nyika yashata
Cde hondo · 2 years ago
It's now clear, DNA will provide indisputable evidence. The mother should also be arrested as an acomplice she knew what was happening and why didn't she protect the child. Evil couple vese mujeri
EPL · 2 years ago
Its clear kuti baba ndovane mhosva nekuti hakuna baba vanoudza mwana kuti pane magoblins achauya ivo vachitadza kudzivirira mwana. These are some kind of rituals avaiita pamwana
Asalif · 2 years ago
@mwenewazvo and uyo asina Zita sembudzi English is difficult we know but I think it's wise not to rush to comment before you understand the story. mwana aibatwa only if the father was around . Do you see it possible amai vakangwara , vazvino vachisiya mwanasikana naBaba in the same room during her absence ???
Pride · 2 years ago
Behold, brace ready.
Pride · 2 years ago
pasi pano hapachina rudo, ****ual immorality, ngochani dzakutopembedzwa etc, kunge zvakanaka,...kune vanoverenga bhaibheri although some of the scriptures are manipulated asi mamwewo ndeechokwadi vanoti these are signs of the end times. Hongu hapachina nguva, Muridzi wezvese Zviripasi nekudenga avekuuya zvirokwazvo. pasi pano pane nguva yekunaya, nguva yekurima, nguva yekukohwa, nguva yekutonhora, nguva yekupisa , nguva yekufara, nguva yekuchema, nguva yekutambudzwa, nguva yekusungungurwa, nguva yekufa etc zvino iyi inguva ichashamisa vakawanda, vamwe muchadedera nekutya nekuda kwezvivi zvenyu mukasatendeuka....ndinoti kwamuri kutendeuka kwandinoreva hakusi kuenda kuchurch asi ku tendeuka pazviito zvamunoita....iwe zvaunoitira vamwe ndizvo zvaunoda kuti uitirwewo here? ehe hapachina nguva asi pamaseconds asara you can change and you will be saved....rapture is near...vachasara vachaona ndondo zvekuti zvichange zvakavaomera kuti vatendeuke. hero Jira kufunga kana the end ndinongoti sarudzo ndeyenyu vanhu kusarudza hupenyu or rufu.s
Asalif · 2 years ago
Hey hey hey iwe muti usina Zita chirungu toziva chonetsa , parikunzi goblin yaisauya kana Baba vasipo not yaiuya Mai vasipo , Mai vaishaikwa vaendepi vachisiya mwana achirara naBaba
Thoko · 2 years ago
According the reports the mother mother is 25 years and the child is years which means means the mother got pregnant when she was about 15 years. Saka baba ava vane mhosva mbiri yekuroora under age nebhinya mwana wavo and 9 years
chipo · 2 years ago
Zimbabwe ngatinamate mwana apone mwana mupenyu naiyewo ararame.
this E.d.i.o.t of a father is the one kamurume me brugwa kamupengo ke munhu... what happened to the hang man jobs here is a piece job. okunye okungabafana okuzibiza amandoda kulengisile nje kodwà yizilima zabantu. a normal person doing it with his own child. 100yrs in prison to this useless boy
gogodera · 2 years ago
nyika yaipa baba havasirwe mwana huye sooo
Muroyi · 2 years ago
murume uyu haadeserve kunzi baba muroyi
Ndini ndareva · 2 years ago
Ndikuroya uku
Mutongigava · 2 years ago
Vabereki ndakumbira siyayi kutambudza vana nehurombwa hwenyu....Mwari vachatonga vega
Anonymous · 2 years ago
mwenewazvo · 2 years ago
ko mai vacho vari kusiirwei,navowo ngavaende kujeri futi.hapana pavaitadza kunzwa mwana achichema hazviite
PVC · 2 years ago
the whole truth will unfold, it's imminent, vachataura zvese.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Inga zvanyorwa kuti the creature called goblin would only visit when the mother was not around. In mother's presence, the goblin used not to pounce. Remember, the goblin was aware of mother's movements.
· 2 years ago
verengai futi,goblin yaitouya mai nababa vese varipo.mai vaitovhara window nemukati asi goblin yaipinda chete then baba vozovhara window.goblin yaisauya kana baba vasipo uye kana light rakabatidzwa.ska mai vane zvavanoziva kana kuti vaidhakiswa
PVC · 2 years ago
I don't think he is the biological father. anoda kubviswa masvurugudu iwayo. ASI chii nhay mishonga here.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
I vote with you, he is not a biological father to the child.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Nyaya iri pachena
Tangira Enterprises · 2 years ago
Haaa baba avo vaikwira mwana vachinyepera chi goblin. Men like those don't deserve to live in society.
pk · 2 years ago
mwana ayitofanira kuchema zvokuti mai vanopepuka chete kunyanya pa first time...
rrrr · 2 years ago
iko kuzodzima light baba ava ahwasi bho
Jale · 2 years ago
Nyaya yacho yave clear, muridzi wenyaya tamuona
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Goblins are deadly dangerous, I wonder how and why some of our sisters have chosen a profession of trading their in-between-legs thing in bars and night clubs.
Rudo💅 · 2 years ago
tichada humwe humbowo here apa
pk · 2 years ago
DNA ndoichapedza zvose
Anonymous · 2 years ago
EPL results

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