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ED Pledges To Improve Doctors' Salaries To Curb Brain Drain

2 years agoSun, 20 Nov 2022 05:00:20 GMT
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ED Pledges To Improve Doctors' Salaries To Curb Brain Drain

President Emmerson Mnangagwa said that the government has to improve remuneration and conditions of service for medical practitioners to curb brain drain in the health sector.

Writing in his weekly column published in The Sunday News, Mnangagwa said the government will give land for free to those who wished to set up medical facilities. He said:

We have to competitively reward our doctors in order to guarantee greater staff retention in our hospitals, and in the country.

Many of our doctors continue to leave the country for greener pastures; they are hotly sought after, particularly in the rich West, because of their superior training facilities.

The Second Republic has to treat in-country medical staff retention as a foremost national goal.

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More visible and substantive steps will be taken in the near future to improve the working conditions for our medical staff.

Mnangagwa bemoaned the doctor-to-patient ratio in the country which he said was too low. He said:

The number of medical practitioners in the country remains unsatisfactorily low. I am told we have 3 777 registered medical practitioners in the country.

Of this number, 1 982 are General Medical Officers; 713 are specialists; 250 are dentists, while 627 are interns. We have to boost our medical corps.

This programme will continue until every village and community is within reach of a medical facility, for basic health provisioning.

Alongside this thrust, we continue to invest in district hospitals until the goal of a fully functional hospital for each district is met.

I also wish to see more and more mobile healthcare services reaching remote communities.

We have done that in the past, allowing mobile clinics manned by specialist doctors to reach such historically disadvantaged communities for superior care.

As in other sectors, no person and no community should be left behind.

He said the government is building rural health facilities in both urban and rural areas, with some projects funded through Devolution Funds.



health · 2 years ago
inotoda kutangiswa harare hospital maternity kwekugezera hakuiite 2009 ndakatadza kugeza
nkosi · 2 years ago
howmuch do doctors earn now in this country
g · 2 years ago
check with HR kuPari they have recent pay slips
nkosi · 2 years ago
is it a good carrer path to be a doctor please help the only thing that is affecting me to take ths carreer path is because of the years to study many people are not motivating me to take this career path please can one give me good advice about this please helpi???? l really need help am just a young man who needs a better future
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Ed ipa vnhu Mari iwewe zvako zvekuti Congress Congress muchiungana muchipanana mari wangu ,kaaaah .... Every civil servant mupe mo**** wakafanira
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Nyika ndeya Mambo neVanhu vose.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Chamisa kudiiiko iwewe unongowazha chinembiri , tirikuda sanduko yedu. Pachedu kwete zvako izvo 💯
I would like to thank His Excellency Advocate President ED Mnangagwa for commenting directly, in as many years, on the problems being encountered by our Doctors. Zinbabwe's Health and Childcare have been a laughing stock for a long time now. It is pleasing to hear that government has taken steps to increase our Doctors' remuneration and improve other conditions of service. I wish if government would improve Doctors' remuneration and other conditions of service to such an extend as to lure back those who left the country in search of greener pastures. [ PAKUNOVHOTA APA UUUMM, VHOTERAI GWETA NELSON CHAMISA]. Yours sincerely William Sonboy CHINEMBIRI [THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC].
Vesto · 2 years ago
It is with deep sorrow and regret that Numero Uno's brain needs urgent surgery to drain the H²0 that has collected in there. For a man who has been an integral part of government since 1980, only to be aware that Doctors are poorly remunerated 43 years later is insufferable. No wonder dinosaurs became extinct
Sir Vast · 2 years ago
@vesto 🤣🤣🤣🤣
gy · 2 years ago
mushandi wese anoda GOOD salary
Doctor V · 2 years ago
Since when singing the same song of promises and it all ends in the newspapers.
Doctor · 2 years ago
Why fr** L**d , just increase our salaries, wat if i need more money to cater for problems at home do i sale a l**d ?,so will i do the same on the next future , will you offer another land or i will remain empty n yearning for greener pastures??
Taah · 2 years ago
Thank you our Father
Gozho · 2 years ago
Munhu wose anodadawo mu**** wakanaka nokti tose tinotenga mu same Shop
Taah · 2 years ago
Ha shaa don't compare yourself with ma doctors shaa. What we do is magnificent and it requires a great token of appreciation
g · 2 years ago
hey doc all sectors needs to b appreciated u can't go to work when u are hungry that's a farmers job to feed you ,no car with good performance u need a mechanic,good roads u need engineers,to look presentable u need a maid so every1 has a duty to play
chikuvire Takawira · 2 years ago
all workers need sound renumeration

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