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Mliswa Says MPs Were Never Invited To Tour New Parliament Building

2 years agoSun, 20 Nov 2022 16:58:42 GMT
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Mliswa Says MPs Were Never Invited To Tour New Parliament Building

Norton MP, Temba Mliswa (Independent) is not happy over Parliament’s failure to take legislators on a tour of the new Parliament building in Mt Hampden before the presentation of SONA and the national budget.

Last week the Clerk of Parliament Kennedy Chokuda announced that the State of the Nation Address (SONA) and 2023 Budget, to be delivered by President Emmerson Mnangagwa and Finance and Economic Development Minister Mthuli Ncube, respectively, will take place from the Mount Hampden site.

However, Mliswa believes MPs should have been taken there first before they sit for SONA and the national budget presentation. Said Mliswa:

Unfortunately, the new Parliament building in Mt Hampden is set to start being used when the Fifth session of the Ninth Parliament begins without the MPs having visited it. It’s a very queer arrangement to me.

The President visited, some Ministers and so did the Speaker of Parliament also. However, we, the legislators who shall be utilising the facility were never taken there to see and proffer our thoughts. The level of disrespect for the office of the MP is gross.

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Now we are like cattle being herded into the dip, ignorant and blind about its state. Chero imba yawavakirwa you don’t just start using it before assessing it.

I suspected that this would happen and even thought of raising a point of order about it.

We cannot even respect our own institutions and national offices. This country is strange at times.

The New Parliament Building was built by Shanghai Construction Group (SCG) and fully funded by the Chinese government as “a gift to the people of Zimbabwe”.

The US$140 million 650-seat structure comprises a six-storey office complex and a four-storey building housing the National Assembly and Senate.



Maparamuro · 2 years ago
If all parliamentarians were independent this would not have happened. It's happening because parliamentarians are servants of their sponsoring political parties and not the people. Noone respects a subordinate
Percy Wiseman · 2 years ago
Please enlighten me on how Cde Mliswa expects to get invited for a tete a tete concerning the mstter at hand. Fellow honourables, that New Parliament Building is for us (me and you) As the People of Zimbabwe. You can just notify the administration of your will to visit and get booked for a session. Cde Mliswa is merely an invitation to the general public to consider visiting the place. If you interpret things the wrong way you will merely get the wrong message. Mliswa is going to be be there, no doubt. You should be there too
Percy Wiseman · 2 years ago
It's a mere issue indeed 🤔
· 2 years ago
If he goes without an invitation he won't get Transport & Subsistence Allowance
Asalif · 2 years ago
Barking dogs seldom bite . Baba Mliswa you should have told them when you heard that the building was complete and ready for use was the official opening not done ??? if not maybe it's the day
Cde Temba Mliswa ataur zvine musoro apa. NDIWO maitiro ema ziZANU PF iwayo ekuita sema zivanhu vanopenga. Vachasevenzera muimba iyoyo ma members of Parliament. Varume navana mai ivavo ndivo vaitofanira kuona imba iyi pakutangatanga. VA Mudenda makaita SEI mumusoro menyu umo ? Chinozororai kumusha kwenyu ku Binga.
Jacob · 2 years ago
Handidi. Kunonditongesa naKanzura weCCC inini manje?
govidho rijimoti · 2 years ago
Anoda kunoita tour anoenda hake its allowed, its not a crime. Especially for MPs they can go pavadira for a tour. Va Mliswa varikuda kudeidzwa so that vanopiwa ka transport allowance ne food allowance. Takumaziva maguruvha aya. Just go and tour on your own if you feel it necessary
Percy Wiseman · 2 years ago
Izvokwadi iyoyo
Tateguru · 2 years ago
Yaa pakaresveka. Musi weSONA maMPs anenge ari buzy kuringaringa zvokuti kuteerera kunoita kushoma nokuti vanenge vachida kuona kuti nzvimbo yavari yakamira sei. Akaenda kuLoo anotombopindapinda Dzese Kuda kuona. Shuwa pakaresveka.
Sorojena · 2 years ago
Mliswa should have taken advantage of the virtual tour of the parly to satisfy his curious appetite. I'm a simple person but I grasped the view of the parly through a virtual tour. With technology some things have become easy for us... just chrome cast and head gear on you can make a virtual visit to Jerusalem.
Mliswa if you campaign for president you might stand a chance just saying though
Percy Wiseman · 2 years ago
Lies. Period.
Mukuru mukuru · 2 years ago
Musanyengedze mwana

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