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Over 4 000 Zimbabwean Doctors And Nurses Left The Country In 2021

2 years agoMon, 21 Nov 2022 11:03:29 GMT
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Over 4 000 Zimbabwean Doctors And Nurses Left The Country In 2021

More than 4 000 health workers have left the country since 2021, the Health Services Board (HSB) has revealed.

HSB chairperson Dr Paulinus Sikosana on Sunday told Reuters that those who left over the past year include 1 700 registered nurses who resigned last year and more than 900 who left this year.

A large number of doctors and nurses in Zimbabwe have found work mainly in Britain, Australia and regional countries such as Namibia.

Zimbabwe’s health workers went on a week-long strike in June this year demanding to be paid in US dollars as inflation further weakened the local currency.

On Sunday, President Emmerson Mnangagwa said the government has to improve remuneration and conditions of service for medical practitioners to curb brain drain in the health sector.

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Writing in his weekly column published in The Sunday News, Mnangagwa said the government will give land for free to those who wished to set up medical facilities. He said:

We have to competitively reward our doctors in order to guarantee greater staff retention in our hospitals, and in the country.

Many of our doctors continue to leave the country for greener pastures; they are hotly sought after, particularly in the rich West, because of their superior training facilities.

The Second Republic has to treat in-country medical staff retention as a foremost national goal.

More visible and substantive steps will be taken in the near future to improve the working conditions for our medical staff.



Blue💙 says · 2 years ago
Another success under the second republic
· 2 years ago
Zanupf destroys first then plays the good guy to fix the problem they created and expects to be applauded for being the good guy.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
A few years ago health workers were always on strike demanding better salaries and working conditions The 2nd republic decided to recruit a former soldier as minister of health so that he would discipline the 'errant' workers who were being 'influenced by opposition parties and the British' The workers started to leave the country in their droves for greener pastures and now the former soldier is left with no one to discipline The president now says health workers should be paid well as if he didn't know anything about nyaya iyi Haa imwika imwi
Comments · 2 years ago
On spot chief
g · 2 years ago
mateacher ndakunwirai mvura mambeli neZanu pf
Crde Van Gal · 2 years ago
kutora munhu asingagoni kuverenga Parasetamol kumiita Ministry of Health 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
g · 2 years ago
g · 2 years ago
u had to go via care giver route if u want th shortest route but th UK will review th requirements

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