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"TeachersforED Now Playing A Key Role In Recruiting Teachers" - Report

2 years agoWed, 23 Nov 2022 08:48:27 GMT
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"TeachersforED Now Playing A Key Role In Recruiting Teachers" - Report

The Teachers for Economic Development (ED) union is reportedly forcing unemployed teachers to attend ZANU PF’s Herbert Chitepo School of Ideology for orientation so they could secure employment in the public sector.

Teachers for Economic Development code-named TeachersforED is a shadowy union reportedly championing President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s re-election bid.

Sources in the civil service said the TeachersforED group was targeting qualified, but jobless teachers for recruitment, according to NewsDay.

An anonymous source is quoted as saying:

Teachers for Economic Development is now playing a key role in recruiting teachers across the provinces. They are targeting mostly qualified teachers without jobs and they are first told to attend the Chitepo School of Ideology.

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They are targeting provinces and all provinces have responded to the recruitment drive.

A TeachersforED official, who only identified himself as Masekesa, yesterday said there is nothing wrong with unemployed teachers going to the Chitepo School of Ideology. Added Masekesa:

This is practised even in Japan and America.

Primary and Secondary ministry spokesperson Taungana Ndoro said he only spoke for teachers who are employed by the government. He is cited as saying:

If there are those who are not employed with us, we don’t speak for them because they will be employed somewhere and if they are employed with us we will be able to speak for them. If the Teachers for Economic Development have some initiatives, it’s a noble idea.

Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (ARTUZ) president Obert Masaraure said the initiative would divide teachers and condemned the politicisation of the civil service.

The Teachers for (ED) union is reportedly storming schools countrywide to mobilise support, disrupting learning at some institutions.

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spookie · 2 years ago
recrute those without maths vaende kuteaching plz Mr president Maths dzakaoma
Winner · 2 years ago
ini personally hazvindibatsiri but chakatobaya chikatyokera ZANU kuseri handichinji
· 2 years ago
kana mazogara musakanganwe bhora musango,zvese zvi4ED hazvina kana basa izvi.vanhu vari kuziva zvavari kuda kunze uku kwete zvekumanikidzwa
Ndimba Ndimba · 2 years ago
Nxaaa ,this is a high level of desperation for political support by a group of Zanu PF brainwashed underpaid teachers. How can employees of the ministry direct how other teachers should be employed as if they are policy makers. So what is the role of Education Directors if ordinary teachers do their job ,wrongly of course. No amount of force will win them support, the bulk of the teachers support Chamisa and CCC like it or not but that's the reality on the ground. Support haibatirwi vanhu shamhu sezvizvi, ndiko kunonzi kupererwa but zidhara ravo harisi kuzohwinha nyangwe vakamanikidza vanhu,it will not work !!! !! !
ccccccc · 2 years ago
MaZanu meseg ho. ro dzenyu
Tinashe · 2 years ago
ZANU PF · 2 years ago
I'm impressed with you Teachers for ED, keep up the good work and stay patriotic. 👊👊👊
Zanu Pf Pro · 2 years ago
Zvema 4ED campaigns itai guys ndo infiltration point, paHerbet Chitepo School just attend ndo pabattle field paticha mounter a strong resistance. PAMBERI NE Zanu, vote for CCC. 👆❎
VYBZ KARTEL · 2 years ago
Good work ma cde now vana vachadzidza chaizvo chaizvo, kwete zvemateacher ana Chamisa anoswero chema chema vachida strike kuti vaite manegotiations nyambisirwa varikuda kumwa tea ne ma biscuits emahara kuma GVT office. Pamberi nedzidzo dzevana nyika inovakwa be vene vayo
Int · 2 years ago
Actually we can not say someone is apolitical as said but wat happens is tht Zanu pf activist now forcing everyone if u are reluctented you will b identified with the opposition even if it has not been proven. Note that not all teacher 4 ED azvimanikidzwi
Raymond Gunda · 2 years ago
Teachers and all civil servants are supposed to be apolitical according to the country's constitution get it @ maparamuro Its only people who are desperate who want to contradict this
Anonymous · 2 years ago
yaa this is not right at all.
Masendako · 2 years ago
Teaches for Every Demon
Maparamuro · 2 years ago
You cant be alive and be apolitical cde Masaure. It's like saying a fish should not be aquatic when it lives in water. People live in politics so can't stay out of it

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