
"Broke" Zimbabwean Man Commits Suicide In Botswana

"Broke" Zimbabwean Man Commits Suicide In Botswana

A 30-year-old man believed to have been residing in Botswana illegally killed himself by hanging from the ceiling of his rented accommodation in Ditladi village last week.

According to Tonota Station Commander, Oteng Ngada, before taking his own life, the man reportedly told his friends that he was contemplating suicide saying life had become difficult for him. Said Ngada:

He complained of being broke without anything to eat and that he does not see a reason to live.

He then went inside his room around 1200 hours and his landlord noticed his house was dark around 2050 hours.

After knocking several times without an answer, the landlord entered only to find him hanging from the house rafters.

His body is still at Nyangabgwe mortuary, with the Post-Mortem set for Thursday.

Ngada said the deceased’s relatives back in Zimbabwe were notified of his demise. |
