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Govt Schools Using Black Market Rates | Report

2 years agoFri, 09 Dec 2022 04:49:47 GMT
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Govt Schools Using Black Market Rates | Report

Parents and guardians claim that some government schools are pegging school fees for the 2023 first term using black markets rates.

The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education directed that schools should accept both foreign currencies and local currency but the latter should be pegged at the prevailing bank rate when the payment is made.

Currently, the official rate is US$1:$661 but some schools are using rates as high as US$1:$2 000.

A parent whose son is at Seke 3 High in Chitungwiza told NewsDay that the school was charging US$40 or $40 000 per term, placing the rate at US$1:$1 000. Said the parent:

I think it is a method (devised) by school authorities to discourage the RTGS [Real Time Gross Settlement] payment method.

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But this is also a big disadvantage for us as parents, especially those of us who earn in the local currency.

The behaviour of these school authorities exposes that government is not serious about the poor accessing education because the working poor are the ones who are receiving salaries and wages in RTGS.

A parent with a child at Patsika Primary School in Pfungwe, Mashonaland East Province, told the publication that they were paying $15 000 or US$15.

At Hokodzi Primary School in Murewa District, parents are reportedly paying US$15 or $30 000, giving a rate of US$1:$2 000.

At Chemapango Primary School in the same district, fees are pegged at US$25 or $35 000 which translates to US$1:$1 400.

Kotwa Government School in Mudzi District, Mashonaland East province, is reportedly charging $30 000 or US$30.

Meanwhile, the director of communication and advocacy in the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education Taungana Ndoro said that defying a ministerial directive on school fees was illegal. He said:

It remains illegal to violate government policy and such schools and their heads risk heavy sanctioning.



Mhat@ · 2 years ago
Facts are facts. Munondida imi mese but munonyara chete. Ndiripo pa every lady that's why muchingogara muchifunga ma ladies. Iwe wati kune umwe musoro une mvura usingazivi kuti wako unema sewage.
Talent Matola · 2 years ago
Did you know. Reading comments is even more interesting than the post itself ...
Robert Mugabe · 2 years ago
Baba vaBoba eheka Puma Mai vaMugabe yesaya Baba vaBoba inzwa kutonga Baba vaBoba inzwa kutonga Baba vaBoba inzwa kutonga Baba vaBoba
antisoshari · 2 years ago
pamberi na RG Mugabe
Zanu · 2 years ago
Pindula, munhu aisa pic re100 bond pa side pe100 US denga achariona asi haaripindi. Achaita rekuona pa Google. Anyways, ngaagare akadya tirikumutora anytime.
Headmaster · 2 years ago
Asi vabereki tinoita seiko isusu. We always complain kuti RTGS rate wat wat isu tichiziva hedu kuti haisi mari. Isu tinoiramba ku business kwedu. Kana zvadaro just avoid RTGS wobhadhara neUS racho 40US instead of 40000rtgs worega kuchema-chema. U want to avoid black market rate bcoz ndimi murikuda kubhadhara bt kana muri imi murikubhadharwa munoida semhat@
Headmaster · 2 years ago
innovative in beating the Pindula antisocial software wati "munoida semhat@ has wakapenga iyo mhat@ yemukadzi varume inovapengesa sewe une musoro wakazara mvura nepamusana pekukara mhat@
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Takazvitaura izvi kuti haripere mushe iri tinenge tabhogedza ipapo pachinodaidzwa kuti thaza kkk. Zanu woyeeee pfototo-to
market rate · 2 years ago
apo paiswa mastard ndanga ndanyora kuti makondomu kasoftware kePindula kakzisa mastard but takabhita maiziva kukabinha chaiko zvekutodaro
market rate · 2 years ago
yamuri kuti black market rate ndiyo market rate mufunge dzidzai kushandisa ma****s pamafungiro nhaika
Big Boy · 2 years ago
Mhhata yako @market rate
market rate · 2 years ago
yamuri kuti black market rate ndiyo market rate mufunge dzidzai kushandisa ma****s pamafungiro nhaika
· 2 years ago
ZIMRA uses rate yemusika mutema. All companies owned by ZANU barons use Black Market rates

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