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Lobels Boss Arrested Over Sexual Harassment

2 years agoSun, 11 Dec 2022 18:03:33 GMT
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Lobels Boss Arrested Over Sexual Harassment

Lobels Biscuits Company in Bulawayo’s chief operations officer (COO) Andrew Dinhidza has been arrested for allegedly sexually attacking several female subordinates who feared losing their jobs.

B-Metro reported a source as saying four women had since filed rape charges against Dinhidza.

Complainant One

According to the B-Metro source, one of the victims is a 29-year-old woman who is employed as a packer. Said the source:

Sometime in 2017, the 29-year-old woman went to look for a job at Lobels Biscuits Company at the time Dinhidza was the Human Resources Manager and he recruited her.

After that, he approached her demanding payment for employing her. At first, she turned down his request, but he threatened to expel her, forcing her to give in and slept with him.

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Sometime in October this year, the woman said Dinhidza called her to his office and demanded to have sex with her and she did not resist because she was afraid of losing her job.

The woman then reported the rape incidents at Kumalo Police station after protests were recently staged against Dinhidza over allegations of nepotism and sexual harassment.

Complainant Two

The alleged rape victim is a 33-year-old woman who resides in Nkulumane suburb.

Allegations are that the woman failed to report for duty for two consecutive days.

When she eventually reported for duty she informed her immediate supervisor who allegedly turned her away. Said the source:

Desperate for her job, she approached Dinhidza who told her that if she wanted to save her job she must have sex with him and she agreed before they had sex in his office and her job was saved.

The victim reported the alleged rape at Donnington Police Station on Tuesday last week.

Complainant Three

A 40-year-old woman from Entumbane suburb was allegedly sexually attacked by Dinhidza when he called her to his office and asked her if she wanted to be employed permanently.

He promised the complainant that if she wants to be employed as a permanent worker she has to sleep with him and she agreed before he drove to a lodge in the city centre and had sex with her.

It is further alleged that the two had sex on another occasion in Dinhidza car near the company premises.

However, Dinhidza reportedly never fulfilled his promise.

On 7 December the woman joined a protest against all forms of abuse and later filed a rape case against Dinhidza at Bulawayo Central Police Station.

Complainant Four

A 37-year-old woman who is employed as a machine operator reportedly fell prey to Dinhidza after she approached him to have her husband who had been fired reinstated. Said the source:

She approached Dinhidza in his office and pleaded with him to have her husband re-hired but Dinhidza told her that he could only be reinstated on condition that she had sex with him and she bowed down to the demands and had sex with him. After that, the victim’s husband was re-hired.

On another occasion, he picked her up at the company premises and had sex with her at a lodge.

The woman reported the alleged rape cases at Donnington Police Station on 7 December 2022 leading to Dinhidza’s arrest.

The alleged rape victims and about 496 aggrieved employees are being represented by their lawyers Task Vhiki and Mary Nyika of Macharaga Law Chambers. | B-Metro



Mutinhidzi · 2 years ago
There is no rape cause you do have an option of aborting it...it's prostitution being covered by ...he raped me....lol it's fun ....let's say I'm hungry i go to a women and ask for food...n she says i should sleep with her to get that food then I go forward doing it n get food....then tomorrow it happens again....should I go and report it as a rape case? Is this rape...when I did it willingly....i Blv rape is by force...at gun point... knife at yo throat ...ua sick n not able stop fight.... drugged....not wen I'm willingly out of my desparations ummm I DNT think so...wen I do hv option to choose lol haa guys....
Dinhidza · 2 years ago
Vakadzi vacho vaitodavo kurohwa chinhu bcoz dai ndaiRaper vaidai vasinga chemereri
never · 2 years ago
why reporting today. After many years what's the logic behind.
munyaradzi p mugunde · 2 years ago
anemkadzi kubasa mukudya nemaboss.makamira pamamonya ipapo.big up
Jjj musviristiya · 2 years ago
? Number 1-vaisabatirira here vakadzi ava zvese nekuchemerera🙄🙄
tamirira sakutombo · 2 years ago
chinhu ngachirohwe
Love · 2 years ago
Ngaaoworere kujeri Dinhidza wacho
Ntaba · 2 years ago
Dinhidza rot in jail
The Truth · 2 years ago
Boycotta iwewe toto tadza kudya ma products ekuno ku Harare nemhaka yevanhu vaitonakirwa havo years ago???
Vibesat · 2 years ago
hey it's tight,imagine having a wife who works there & hasn't said a word.
Crde Van Gal · 2 years ago
Registered Voter · 2 years ago
Pangonzi 4 kuti zvityise but im sure mu court kuchauya vamwe vakadzi. Anyura uyu. He is going the Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein route. Anopinda mukati chete. Aka winner case people need to boycott the company products
.b · 2 years ago
Anonymous · 2 years ago
The problem with rape allegations and cases in Zimbabwe is that they allow a long period to elapse to such an extent that no traces of evidence can be exhibited before the courts. The only material that remains is the complainant's testimony upon cross examination. Any woman can report and accuse a man of rape even after 20 years and come out victorious even if it is a lie. Recently we have witnessed the case of a father who was sentenced and convicted of raping his teenage daughter after the teenage's mother had coached her to raise a false accusations against her father so the mother could level it out against her husband on a dispute they had.
Putin · 2 years ago
Vakadzi havadi kuDinhidzva vakawanda ndoosaka vano reporter ku porisi , hapana rape apa .
me · 2 years ago
Uyo ngaavharirwe, unonyanya kukwapura nyi**.
mugurameno · 2 years ago
ko vakadii vakaramba vakaburitsva basa vozoenda kumatare kuti ndaburitsirwa kuti ndavarambira zvakaida ,nokuti kupomerwa hazvirevi kuti guilty vanogona kusabatwa nemhosva vakadzi ava vakutozosiya basa uye kurasikirwa nemisha yavo ndiani angada kugara nemunhu asina kuvimbika kudaro
Edith · 2 years ago
whatever happened to you CIO I'm so sorry. kasi women are the victims here, and they're taken advantage of by over****ed men, not all men do it but a few who tarnish the image of our good men
loren · 2 years ago
I wish he gets barkinafasoed in jail nxaa
Donald Trapu · 2 years ago
l hope they washed their hands after doing it with the man before packing ma biscuits .
laugh emoji1
Mhanduwe. · 2 years ago
I don't see tape here it's just a case of sour grapes They were in agreement so as to save their jobs.
ngingo · 2 years ago
this dinhidza man fulfilled his promises so why saying he raped them ,some of them even comes to him to avoid being charged for job misconduct so they benefited from their ****ual encounter
Dick Boss · 2 years ago
hoto idzo vaidii kuramba basa racho ngarigare nxaaaaaa
Mdc 4ED · 2 years ago
Your female relatives could be faced with similar situation. Vana Gumbura should be stopped. Developed world woke up to this a while ago. Now they are visiting cases that happened over 60yrs ago
Mastermind · 2 years ago
these descendants of Eve are at it again,,,they wanted to have the whole clan employed in exchange for ****,,,,nxaa shame on you women
worker · 2 years ago
lni ndakatsvakirwa basa kwalobels nemkadzi wangu toshanda tose ikoko handina basa nazvo chero ndichizviona ndongoita sendisingaoni chero ichiuya monthend
Anonymous · 2 years ago
ʍkօռօ ʊʏʊ ɖɨռɦɨɖʐ@ ռɖɨʐʋօʐʋօ... 😂😂😂
@maduro · 2 years ago
Fair, pa fair Dinhidza aka raper wangu aichichidzira vanhu nokutya kudzingwa vozvicommiter kwavari plus number yavo yakazowandisa kunyange vanga vasingadi kureporter vanitozopedzisira vadaro nokti vavakuziva kuti pandaikwirwa ndichiti ndini chete inga takawanda. Ratova godo ravakushanda apa
Zelensky · 2 years ago
why hide the names of those woman,, this Mr Dinhidza is yet to defend himself in court , so why expose his name, If a men is accused of rape noone bothers to listen to him , Look at that father of 9 year old from Tsholotsho everyone thought he was a rapist , why should men be treated unfairly, every organization supports women .
qhobhoza · 2 years ago
A most valid point there @Zelensky.....too much men bashing, its even institutionalized
katsandr · 2 years ago
👏👏👏👏👏👍👍👍 very true. Press on!!
Maduro · 2 years ago
Is there any element of rape here ?These ladies were in agreement with Dinhidza , they wanted favours , They are now reporting coz vazo dhinhidva vakawanda , I understand noone is below eighteen years which I think they are above legal age of consent, why didn't they report in 2017?
they had no choice but to fall in for the boss request iwe Maduro
T Chiware · 2 years ago
Yes, on the face of it, there are a number of elements of rape such duress & undue influence & abuse of authority. Some of the victims did not freely consent, but did so only out of fear of losing their jobs. That cannot count as wilful & free consent. There are also issues of ****ual harassment of women at the workplace. However a good lawyers will simply make the state witnesses look like they have no credibility. These may be work place grudges & it seems like the workers are acting in collision against a despicable boss.
Job · 2 years ago
@Maduro it's called ****ual exploitation, remember the metoo in Hollywood where women exposed directors and producers who traded roles for ****ual favours
ed · 2 years ago
kana mukadzi akadyiwa naye dinhidza
aaaah in other countries when companies act this way. they just say no to buying their products. but manje those who have money and connections they walk scott free from such cases
Artwell · 2 years ago
Haa boys ndaingoda kunakirwawo
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Kkk vanhu vakutotya ksuendesa vakadzi kumabasa uku
Anonymous · 2 years ago
dinhidza anotinhidza hadzi
Anonymous · 2 years ago
ɮt sɦʊʄʊ aʋa ʊʍʍʍʍ ʍʊst ʄaċɛ tɦɛ ʝʊstɨċɛ ɮʊt ɦaʋasɨ ʋօɢa ʍʊʍa օʄʄɨċɛ ʊʍʊ ʍʊռɛ ʋaռa
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Basa rakakosha kudarika bonde.
,,, Dott · 2 years ago
Wese ane mukadzi arikubasa,, chibva waziva kuti ukudya nemaboss
T Chiware · 2 years ago
Ichokwadi. Kumabasa zviriko. In ndakamboshanda pane imwe NGO yaive neoffice pamba. One day ndichibva kunoitisa training workshop kuMash Central ndakasvika kumaPast 7 vanhu vese vaenda. I parked outside ndokuvhurirwa gate naGuard. Ndakanopinda nedoor rekuseri. Ndakanzwa Moms yekuAccounts ichichemerera iri muOffice maDirector. They took a long time vachichemedzana. I waited. Mom's iya yakazobuda ichigadzirisa skirt nebvudzi. Vese vatori nemhuri dzavo. Kubva musi iwowo ndanga ndakubvumidzwa kuenda kumba neFord Wildtrak yebasa. Plus maFavours hobho.
TT · 2 years ago
But ZANU guys ma1
,,, Dott · 2 years ago
Takakuudzai kare kuti musaendese vakadzi kuma basa honhai vanzwa nekutemwa chinyina nemaboss
Big Boy · 2 years ago
@Chikumba zvino kana mukadzi ariye arikutenga hupfu pamba tomurambidza sei kuenda kubasa, tinofa nenzara zvee

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