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MP Demands Answers On Why "No Wheat Farmer Has Been Paid Anything Yet"

2 years agoTue, 13 Dec 2022 05:03:24 GMT
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MP Demands Answers On Why "No Wheat Farmer Has Been Paid Anything Yet"

Harare North lawmaker Allan Norman Markham has demanded that the ministers of agriculture and finance give reasons behind the delayed payment of wheat farmers two months after delivering produce.

He made the remarks while raising a point of national interest last Thursday in parliament, according to Open Parly.

Markham said delayed payment may affect preparation for next season. He said:

My point of national interest is requesting a statement from the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement and the Minister of Finance and Economic Development. 

Currently, we are aware that the Government has yielded and received 255.000 tonnes of wheat. 

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That has been in stock now for nearly two months and no wheat farmer that I am aware of has been paid anything yet. 

Wheat farmers are due to receive $200 to $220 per tonne and also ZWL 255.000 but none of this has been paid.

I think it is a matter of national importance that this House asks for a statement from the Minister as to the delay in payment.

Furthermore, Markham expressed concern over reports that farmers were expected to pay for storage and marketing of the produce because the Government cannot pay them. 

Wheat is among the grain on the controlled produce list that restricts farmers to sell the produce to the Grain Marketing Board or contractor who has financed production.

Earlier in the year the government complained about side marketing by farmers insisting it would cause food insecurity.

The further payment delays to  wheat farmers may result into a shortage of the produce or a rise in price especially considering that there is wheat shortage on the global market due to the Russia-Ukraine war which began in February this year.

Markham added that the delay will push the farmer to borrow in the financial sector with the highest lending rate in the world.

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Soviet Union Leader · 2 years ago
what else did farmers expect from Gmb, a company that pays it's employees less than 80usd ? side marketing is the only way for sustainable farming.
Uncle D · 2 years ago
This has nothing to do with color, the MP is doing something progressive,Just pay the farmers,..The farmers should be paid,just because the point was raised by a white minister doesn't make it lesser important.
Pindula follow up · 2 years ago
What was the response by the implicated ministers? We want progressive MPs like this white guy...... He is even better than E.D.iot for he has a foresight. Let the farmers be paid in time and be motivated to do better next season
towed · 2 years ago
saka minister vatii manje
... · 2 years ago
imii why kutarisa colour bhadharai varimii marii dzavoo , , vakakunyimai wheat chingwaa chodhura moitaa noise futi
Anonymous · 2 years ago
The man is so progressive, he is planning for the next season something our leaders never do..... Noone in Zanu pf govt is worried about tomorrow except enriching their pockets.
Doug · 2 years ago
People should know and be aware of what is going on around them. It is interesting to read that, just because a white Zimbabwean parliamentarian has brought a national issue which affects farmers of all colours, some people who possibly stay in towns and all they know about farming is eating, are castigating the white parliamentarian and talking about whites being brought back. If we talk about people on earth being black and white, what colour are the Chinese?
Dnny · 2 years ago
some comments here are so shallow it's like reading stuff written by retards
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Says another retard
Anglebert Tinashe Chilimanzi · 2 years ago
I am on it because of financial constraints dai zvangu zvaita nditambire kutwitter and facebook kune vanhu vasvinu.dai zvichibvira pindula yacho yavharwa
Zuze · 2 years ago
@Pindula ndeye.... ko wamanikidzwa kuuya paPindula nani? Kana isiri kukuitira buds and don't comment. don't even read. Siya isu varombo tishande nePindula yemahara
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Pane varunhu vane hutsinye but uyu newedu wepanapa Doug ndowega wasvinu vamwe vese pekai mbatya dzenyu
Mafirakureva · 2 years ago
Nevamwe vatema fanika vari kutonga muno vane hutsinye kupfuura Dhiyab****si
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Just goes to show that this second administration is only concerned about themselves not in the interest of the general population because they were swift in allocating themselves so called hefty "$500k US loans". Who then cares if we have bread on the table when they have secured their future with those supposedly "loans".
,,, Dott · 2 years ago
Makudzosa mabhunhu zvakare
Zuze · 2 years ago
Ehe, ndava yekuti vanotaura zvine musoro, kwete zvàanaMasinire vanotaura zvinonhuhwa kuti kutu
Jojo · 2 years ago
Ko uhu akavhoterwa nani futi.. ndiyani akavhotera mubhunu
Zuze · 2 years ago
Akavhoterwa neni, Zuze muera Soko, muzukuru wemuBuja
jojo · 2 years ago
zuze andichatambe newe
Anonymous · 2 years ago
These white people are starting to get too vocal. It's making me uncomfortable. Who's even voting for them and why
thrasher · 2 years ago
uuum interesting I remember reading an article about a black mp in France that was told to go back to Africa and I thought this is terrible but it seems all people are pieces of **** be it black or white. So much hate in the world you can do matter this man has done nothing wrong for you to judge him based on what his ancestors did.I do believe it black people are also racist
thrasher · 2 years ago
he has probably lived all his life in Zim and has grown patriotic and wants to see the land prosperous.
👽 · 2 years ago
racism is everywhere my frend these white people are abuding us left right and center. 1 example just go pa peterhouse for a day and see for yourself but because these white àsßholes have money and employ us, we are just supposed to shut up... to hell with your mindset haven't dealt with these whites close up, fúk them
Me · 2 years ago
in my own understanding ndikunzwa the MP achiti..... since 2months varimi vegorosi vaendesa kwavanotarisirwa kutengesa, sei vasati vapiwa Mari dzavo. izvi zvichaita kurima kwemwaka unotevera kusafambe zvakanaka. Kana varimi ava vakada kukwereta kuti varime next season zvinotozooma worse nekuti Interest rate yemunyika muno ndiyo inonzi yakanyanyisa kuwanda pasi rese. ?/ Where has this MP lost it now? pamwe pacho we lose our minds unnecessarily muma Comment sections umu..... Shaaaaame
tsom tsom · 2 years ago
comment section inoyenda kwayada kana kutosiyana nezve article
Dispatcher · 2 years ago
For your own info he is the only Mp who refused to take the USD loans in parliament.
TK · 2 years ago

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