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Zimbabwe Starts Repossessing Idle Gold Claims - Deputy Minister

2 years agoTue, 13 Dec 2022 05:55:28 GMT
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Zimbabwe Starts Repossessing Idle Gold Claims - Deputy Minister

The government of Zimbabwe has begun cancelling gold mining licences owned by companies that are failing to utilise their claims.

This comes amid reports that a local mining company is sitting on 6 500 gold claims, which are underutilised.

The mining claims could be given to small-scale miners, NewsDay reported citing Mines deputy minister Polite Kambamura.

Addressing small-scale miners over the weekend during the launch of the Miners for Economic Development (ED) Mashonaland West chapter at Golden Valley in Kadoma, Kambamura said: 

We have started cancelling EPOs (exclusive prospecting orders) and we started with Matabeleland North where we have cancelled many. We are yet to come here in Mashonaland West, but we will be going to all provinces. We have a company sitting on 6 500 gold claims. We will use the ‘use it or lose it’ principle as we have discovered that people with EPOs are not really doing anything, but they are holding the areas for selfish reasons. In future, we are going to cancel EPOs if those companies go for six months without providing exploration reports.

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Kambamura refused to disclose the name of the company sitting on 6 500 claims.

In 2019, President Emmerson Mnangagwa said there were companies that had been holding on to mining claims for more than 100 years, thereby denying new players an opportunity to venture into the mining sector. 

The mining sector is one of Zimbabwe’s major revenue generators.

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Tateguru · 2 years ago
If these mines are given to locals no problem. I hate to see the given to Chinese.
King · 2 years ago
whoever is censoring comments on pindula is overdoing the job, haaaaaaaayas
Phidza · 2 years ago
Dzokorora ipapo
King · 2 years ago
Youths4ED to get land and gold mine claims. In reality the major beneficiary will be HE himself through his acolytes, queen bee n co.
Nyasha Blessing Madododo · 2 years ago
How can one unnamed company sit over 6500 claims how did u give them 6500 claims in the first place,,,vamoda kupa ma claims tovaziva hedu
... · 2 years ago
inii ndodawoo mugodhiii
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Ko vanonzi vapambe pfuma ndivanani gara zviya?
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Ko vanonzi vapembe pfuma ndivanani gara zviya?

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