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Govt Applauds CCC-led Local Authority

2 years agoWed, 14 Dec 2022 06:25:50 GMT
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Govt Applauds CCC-led Local Authority

The government has applauded the Ruwa Local Board, which is led by the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), for being corrupt-free and for creating thousands of jobs.

The Ruwa Local Board has nine councillors and they are all from CCC. The local authority does not have any pending cases before the courts.

The Ruwa Local Board won three awards at the inaugural Harare Metropolitan provincial awards, which honoured residents, businesspersons and people who excelled in the fields of arts, sports and others in 2022.

Ruwa competed with Harare City Council, Chitungwiza City Council, and Epworth Local Board.

It was voted the best Harare Metropolitan Council, its mayor Kizito Chivafa was voted the best mayor, and the board also got the top investment award.

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Addressing stakeholders at the awards ceremony over the weekend, Harare Metropolitan provincial secretary Tafadzwa Muguti said:

Two years ago l called all town clerks and mayors into one room and l explained the main areas to get development, and one of the major issues was to attract investment.

In a space of two years, Ruwa has attracted US$40 million in investments, has zero corruption cases before the courts, had a budget for roads, and did what other councils have failed to do — fixing roads for investments.

Ruwa has created over a thousand jobs, the mayor is very young and they have nine councillors. We want the other three local authorities to challenge the Ruwa Local Board.

| NewsDay



Anonymous · 2 years ago
Chojwadi panogona vamwe pembedzaiwo .
Anonymous · 2 years ago
I liked the fact that all councilors are for CCC, thus no interruptions from Zanu pf councilors who will take things in a way to blame the CCC as happening in Hre
kb · 2 years ago
mukugona basa vakomana
lowdza · 2 years ago
**** musatukane
i_am_shumba · 2 years ago
wat more if ari president we ccc
mubhabhatidzi · 2 years ago
ichokwadi here kut vanhu vese varikungoti Morocco forED
Major · 2 years ago
Ruwa is a standard example of our dream Zimbabwe.... The infrastructure is just perfect... The roads are great... It's growing fast compared to Buruweyo which is one of the oldest cities in Zimbabwe... Not even a repainted building exists in Buruweyo... That God forsaken piece of our beloved nation... Full of vendors everywhere... Mtshova pesepese no order.... Full of lazy charlatans who only think. Of eGoli once they begin to grow teeth.... Nxaaaa dhemeti mhani
Masendako · 2 years ago
you are a wasted spérm i tell you
@major · 2 years ago
kkkkkkkk ndazosekawo nhasi
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Full of people from the mbebaland called ****aa
Bright · 2 years ago
For the first time ku commenta zvakanaka vanhu ve zanu

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