Harare City Council To Hold Meeting With Vendors

The Harare City Council has invited all vendors in and around the Central Business District (CBD) to a meeting at the Town House on Thursday.
Council’s Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) committee chairperson, Councillor Denford Ngadziore (Ward 16) said the meeting will try to find long-term solutions to problems caused by illegal vending in the city.
Members of the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP), the Environmental Management Agency (EMA), and officials from the Harare Metropolitan Provincial office will also attend the meeting. Said Ngadziore:
I am inviting all vendors to a meeting at Town House to discuss ways of solving problems vendors are facing as a way of finding long-term solutions.
The City is ours together and the Mayor, His Worship Jacob Mafume, will attend the meeting and engage with every one of us. So let us all come for this engagement.
Harare, like other urban areas across the country, is struggling to deal with vendors who sell their wares in undesignated areas thereby obstructing the smooth flow of vehicular and human traffic.