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Warriors Duo Urge SRC And ZIFA To Let "Let Bygones Be Bygones"

2 years agoThu, 15 Dec 2022 06:24:56 GMT
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Warriors Duo Urge SRC And ZIFA To Let "Let Bygones Be Bygones"

South African-based Warriors players Onismor Bhasera and George Chigova have implored the Sports and Recreation Commission (SRC) to consider the futures of young Zimbabwean footballers and ensure that the FIFA ban on the country is lifted.

FIFA suspended Zimbabwe from international football over a year ago after the SRC, a government body, suspended the Zimbabwe Football Association (ZIFA) board on allegations of corruption, mismanagement of funds, and sexual harassment.

FIFA says SRC should reinstate the Felton Kamambo-led ZIFA board for Zimbabwe to participate in international football tournaments again.

Speaking in an interview with FARPost, Bhasera, who plays for SuperSport United, said football authorities seem not to care about the future of Zimbabwean footballers. Said Bhasera:

I’ve been following the events back home. It’s unfortunate that no one is considering the future of these footballers.

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Some of us already made the break, but there are many still waiting for that breakthrough. Those ones have mainly been disadvantaged by the suspension.

We have been deprived at the continental and regional levels. It’s unfortunate that even player movements have slowed down since these events.

It’s the players that have suffered the most while the high offices are in an argument.

We can only wait for common ground to be reached for the sake of progress.

For the sake of our future, there must be an amicable resolution. We can’t remain stagnant in one position like this. Like other nations, we must progress.

Goalkeeper George Chigova, who also plays for SuperSport United, contends that Zimbabwe’s suspension by FIFA means that local footballers have no international platform on which to showcase their talents. Said Chigova:

I got an opportunity to play in South Africa after impressing during the 2013 Chan finals.

So, with the country suspended, it means no one is in a position to showcase themselves.

Many of us here in South Africa came via these tournaments. It’s the only possible breakthrough that footballers back home are waiting for.

Unfortunately, under these circumstances. It’s very hard to get such opportunities.

The future of Zimbabwean football is seriously under threat.

Kenya had their suspension lifted by FIFA last month, leaving Zimbabwe as the only African country suspended from international football. | FARPost



Anonymous · 2 years ago
They should keep the suspension for a couple of more you. It's not like Zimbabwe will ever win anything. Just save us the embarrassment and CIMA yonk' into.
Hlongwane Sifiso George · 2 years ago
Zim soccer clubs can now migrate to neighbouring countries and register under soccer governing boards, like Zambia, SA, Bots or Malawi.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Let's close everything thing in Zim even education must be suspended This is no longer a country it's now A sadc military training base Coz there is hardlife no freedom hard activities for nothing Controled by generals and ex CIO director Zvava izvi
me · 2 years ago
Yeeees the potential of youngstars is being derailed due to the decisions. I don't think letting bygones left might be the best option [if not terminology]. I rather suggest that the concerned parties urgently reach the core of the matter and resolve it accordingly..... kana pane akarasika pabasa ngaabatwe zvooneka for the sake of clear tmrw.
Gerald Mlotchwa · 2 years ago
pressure zero
Bright · 2 years ago
Chokwdi bcz vechidiki vanoita zvenhabvu ndoritori basa ravo so ngavaite kti vamwe vashande sezvo ivo vari pa basa iyo src yakambobvepi ko ministry ye sports inozo Shanda papi apa
whistle for 4Ed · 2 years ago
When phil chiyangwa stole money from zifa and balls donate by laliga no inquiry came on .... if there think if arresting kAmambo they should arrest phil chiyangwa and curthbet
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Taura shona iweee
Yz · 2 years ago
Pano panobvumirwa ma language ose mufunge henyu ndichizama kti imbosiyai kunyora nechirungu nhai ka

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