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Zimbabwe Power Crisis: Presidential Aspirant Says "Political Elites Chose Blame Game"

2 years agoFri, 16 Dec 2022 11:38:52 GMT
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Zimbabwe Power Crisis: Presidential Aspirant Says "Political Elites Chose Blame Game"

Elisabeth Valerio, a politician and businessperson who founded the United Zimbabwe Alliance (UZA) party has said the current power crisis could be resolved if political elites were not choosing the “blame game.”

Valerio who is a presidential aspirant urged the government to invest in clean and safe energy. In Twitter posts seen by Pindula News, Valerio said:

The power of solar is a practical solution to the current #powercrisis. It’s sad that political elites have chosen to play the blame game at a time when the nation needs working solutions to redress the #ZESAwoes! #VoteForChangeZW Energy minister Zhemu Soda attributes the current electricity crisis to the wheat bumper harvest alleging that most of #Kariba Dam’s water allocations were used during the winter wheat cropping season. 

Where are we going as a nation when #Harare can’t even power its traffic lights? Gvt must invest in #renewableenergy – a safe & clean solution that will result in #JobCreation & #PriceStability. 

Zimbabwe has a huge power deficit as it is generating about a quarter of the required electricity. 

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The southern African country is generating about 500MW against a peak demand of 2 200MW.

Authorities attribute the crisis to ageing power generators, declining levels of water in Kariba Dam, and reduced imports.

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· 2 years ago
Renewable energy is a scam...Britain is busy reopening another coal mine and thermal power plant
makafelaG · 2 years ago
Its a waste of time only 2 parties are known in Zim!
patriot · 2 years ago
The only solution is a one party state. It's impossible to remove Zanu pf through the ballot paper. The whole system is zanufied even if u try to act using emotions as much as u can. Forming a one party state and all the liberation struggle elements will be removed systematically.
Gwedu · 2 years ago
Ko machine yasakara yakadiridziswa wheat here hatidi minister akadhakwa anohumana musataure semuri mutoilet
Nyasha Blessing Madododo · 2 years ago
ko idzi ndedzip idzi
lnnocent · 2 years ago
Failed regime must be voted out in 2023.if in urban areas we come out in droves we can nuetralise rural votes and win Zimbabwe for change.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Like Goliath provoked God in David, so is zanu provoking God in Chamisa. The result you know if you know. I rest my case.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Another imbecile gunning for an Isuzu D-teq (or is it going to be aGD-6 next time?)
Vaye vaye · 2 years ago
Whats so wrong with what she said?
· 2 years ago
Nothing wrong with what she said. WHAT ARE HER CHANCES OF WINNING THE PRESIDENCY? Answer = ZERO. That is why I said she is only a candidate for POLAD, and getting a FREE vehicle for her efforts
Vaye vaye · 2 years ago
I asked my question because you called her an imbecile yet she said something sensible. I think she has a right as everyone of us to contest for public office, as for her chances of success, let the people decide. Lets not be intolerant, intolerance is what got us in this ****hole in the first place.
· 2 years ago
A clever person knows how to fight, and a wise person knows when to fight. It is a stúpíd person (mentally retarded/imbecile) who decides to fight knowing fully well they will be thrashed.
Nahoreka · 2 years ago
The people shud know that everybody has a role to play to make sure we deliver ourselves from zanu. Munhu wese ngaave nechaanoita somewhere somehow and we will all win this struggle against this regime.
# · 2 years ago
l have registered to vote. That is my only contribution l have
pk · 2 years ago
chekuita tinacho kudzorera Zanu pf pabasa
Mafirakureva · 2 years ago
@pk usatisembure. ZANU has never done a decent day's work since 1980. Basa ripi rakaitwa neZANU?
MuSabatha(SDA) · 2 years ago
Zanu is not afraid of chamisa, it is afraid of us the masses whom they oppress everyday Zanu knows that mazuva ayo akapera kudhaaara, they are living on borrowed time. The people are just waiting for the right time to show their anger and show zanu that we were not fools . Zanu is looting, killing, violating and breaking every law, abducting citizens and doing all sorts trickery just to cling to power..
Vesto · 2 years ago
My view is a slight modification of yours. ZANU is certainly scared of the people. At the moment Chamisa is articulating the mood of the people. Chamisa is important not for what he is as an individual, but what he stands for - the people's icon. So in going for Chamisa, ZANU is only doing what history has taught us - find a scapegoat and work on discrediting that icon. They tried to create an alternative icon in Mwonzora, but that failed dismally. Simply that Chamisa is standing in for the silent majority. That is why ZANU is scared of Chamisa. Because he is the rallying point for the people of Zimbabwe.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Zimbabwe will remain this way till we change our way of thinking. Most of you have gone of topic some already blaming others. What this lady said is true, she has a smarter mind than Ed n chamisa
# · 2 years ago
saka 2023 muvhotereka. Unokoneswa nani
# · 2 years ago
Zanu inotya Chamisa. Hapana zuva rinopera pasina kumbotaurwa nyaya yaChamisa. Ko.ingawani munoti Douglas is leading a biggest opposition party in Zimbabwe
Zuze · 2 years ago
N'anga yeZANU, Makandiwa ings akavaudza wanhi kuti mango inopotserwa mhonya ndiyo yaibva. Anomakwa ndeane bhora.
Crocodile · 2 years ago
@cde Ara Gee unenge unotori nedambudziko wo iwe zvese you blame Chamisa akatanga kunetsa rinhi magetsi kare vana Chamisa tisati tamboziva nezvayo haunyari here kutotaura zvekupenga Mai tenga maZupco ekuendesa kurally Manga musinga zive kuti magetsi ari kunetsa **** rinotsvaga wekupomera kuti sei ratadza basa Zanu pf to blame 42yrs nyika iri kungodonha everyday
· 2 years ago
Ko iwe mabhazi acho aripo andisiri kuona? Asi akamirira erection ya2023?
Cde Ara Gee · 2 years ago
Nyami nyami yakatsamwira Chamisa akaunza masanction
Zuze · 2 years ago
Nyaminyami aneta neZANU, ndosaka ati muvhurike maziso, mubvise mabori muone aondonga nyika. Kana maona kutambura chaiko muchabvìsa joki rakakuremerai. Joki reZANU rarema Hama weeee.
Wisdom · 2 years ago
Siyanai nesu imwi ma**** aneturopa, @Mugabe is to blame the for power crisis aifana kungeakagadzirisa magetsi kudhara
MuSabatha(SDA) · 2 years ago
Apostle Chiwenga was right, this country is cursed zvemashuwa. Nothing seems to work. Nothing. I hope one day we will be delivered from this curse. The biggest curse we have is having zanu in this country. This grouping makes every god frown every time he looks at zimbabwe.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Munangagwa aivapo panguva yamugabe iyoyo saka vakabatsirana kuuraya nyika usangoti mugabe pese pese

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