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HomeCrime and Courts

Magistrate Frees Father Of 9-year-old Tsholotsho Girl

2 years agoMon, 19 Dec 2022 17:46:25 GMT
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Magistrate Frees Father Of 9-year-old Tsholotsho Girl

The father of a 9-year-old Tsholotsho girl who got pregnant and later gave birth last month has finally been freed by the courts reported CITE.

The girl from Masekesa Village under Chief Gampu was eight years old when she fell pregnant.

Her father was arrested for rape following allegations that he would tell the girl that there were some creatures (goblins) that entered through the window and slept with her.

The girl later gave birth to a baby girl via cesarean section at United Bulawayo Hospitals (UBH) where she was being attended to by specialists.

DNA tests conducted by the National University of Science and Technology (NUST) to ascertain the father of the newly-born baby showed that the father was not responsible for her daughter’s pregnancy.

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Instead, DNA results proved that the minor was impregnated by her 13-year-old cousin.

In his ruling, Dzira said the court has no reason to hold him as the recent DNA results from NUST exonerated him. Said Dzira:

The state has decided to set you free since the DNA results from NUST have proven you innocent. The court hereby withdraws the charges laid against you.



Newlarman · 2 years ago
Does that mean that he didn't rape?..
AK47 · 2 years ago
If we talk about goblins did they asked the father if he said that or not . We just believe that the father said that because the child have said so . Did we also asked the father of he said that what was the reason to said that . We just believe the girl because she said so . If the girl was telling the truth why she didn't mention that she was in relationship with a 13 year old boy . Ngatinyatsoongorora kwete kungomhanya .
Guka · 2 years ago
level headed · 2 years ago
today vanhu vanoshandisa pfungwa: saka baba vaitaurirei kuti pane tokoloshi ichauya kuzorara newe wozoti nepahwindo kuti tokoloshi tapedza yaenda?vane zvavaiitawo baba doubt.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
This girl fabricated her story of goblin entering through the window, otherwise she used information from a folktale or play story or something. The girl is not innocent.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Police Detain Father Of Pregnant Nine-year-old ____________________ Crime and Courts 03 Nov. 2022 Police Detain Father Of Pregnant Nine-year-old Police have taken into custody the father of the nine-year-old girl from Tsholotsho who is eight months pregnant and currently admitted at United Bulawayo Hospitals. Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) national spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi was quoted as saying the father of the child is in police custody to assist with investigations into the rape case. Said Asst Comm Nyathi: The father of the nine-year-old who is pregnant at the United Bulawayo Hospitals is in police custody assisting in the investigations of this issue. As police, we are engrossed with this issue so that we get evidence on the perpetrator of the alleged rape. The Chief of the area where the child comes from, Chief Gampu was reported as saying the child is refusing to reveal the name of the man who raped her. Chief Gampu said: As the leader of this community, I’m really worried about what happened to this child as she’s too young to become a parent. Measures have been taken to get the child to open up about who exactly ****ually harassed her but she’s not revealing anything to show that she was intimidated by the perpetrator not to say anything. The pregnancy was revealed after she was taken to Tsholotsho Hospital as she was complaining about stomach pain. The doctor examined her only to find out she was pregnant. From the hospital, they came to inform me about the jaw-dropping incident when I told them the issue was a police case. For now, the father of the child is with the police helping with investigations. Family members have reportedly asked prophets to reveal the identity of the rapist, and if that fails, they will go for DNA tests once the child delivers the baby. Said a source: Family members realised that the only way to get the truth would be to gather each and every male’s DNA samples who once stayed with the family and neighbours so as to determine the perpetrator
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Chief Gampu Speaks On Nine-year-old Pregnant Girl From His Area ____________________ Crime and Courts 08 Nov. 2022 Chief Gampu ___________________ Speaks On Nine-year-old Pregnant Girl From His Area Chief Gampu Sithole of Tsholotsho has condemned the rape of the nine-year-old girl from his area who became pregnant as a result of the ****ual abuse saying it was uncultured and unacceptable. According to officials, the girl, who is eight months pregnant, is not aware of the pregnancy as she believes she has a “stomach ailment.” Speaking at a press conference on Tuesday, Chief Gampu urged society to protect young children from ****ual predators. He said: I’m here to address the situation that occurred in my community involving the nine-year-old girl who just so happened to become pregnant. Being the leaders that we are, we strongly condemn this heinous conduct. Soon after learning the tragic news, I was able to visit the family and meet the child’s grandmother. I was told the girl had gone through puberty earlier than planned. The child was supposed to receive medical attention because that alone should have been a concern handled by a doctor. We want this innocent minor to receive the justice she deserves. Chief Gampu said he will undertake awareness campaigns in his community about issues related to child abuse. He also spoke against child marriages. He added: We highly condemn this particular issue, I personally refuse to accept it as a normal crime and justifiable. I doubt God can accept this, the government definitely does not, the community should not normalise or accept it as well. Although we do not yet know who the perpetrator may be, we leave that decision to the legal system in the hope that a just penalty will be meted out to the offender
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Mai nomwana vakadungisa murume uyu zvimwe vaifunga kuti haadzoki kujere. Thanks to Nust for the DNA. Otherwise murume uyu arirovera Mukeri. I also big up chief gampu for mentioning kuti kune mukomana aigara pamusha apa .
kylian mbappe · 2 years ago
well well Lionel Messi is the reigning and Presiding Officer of Global football
Nahoreka · 2 years ago
Pressure from pindulaens freed this man. Am sure those judges read our input here and cud see how wrong they were in imprisoning an innocent soul...big.up pindula..
kylian mbappe · 2 years ago
He is out because Lionel Messi the 🐐
luke · 2 years ago
this girls mother knows it all
mugurameno · 2 years ago
ndofunga dare rapedza nyaya isu vanhu tisafungire vanhu pazvinhu zvatisina umboo nazvo
porongi · 2 years ago
some people are very cruel and **** who told you that this man raped her daughter why mune mweya weruvengo nemurume akatosungirwa mhosva yaasina kupara vamwe vanhu mucharoya masikati hapana huroyi hunokunda ihohu
porongi · 2 years ago
thanks this man was treated unfairly especially by her daughter but because of her age the father should forgive her , that's life man zvoitika
Tintin · 2 years ago
he must sue the state...ZHRL where are you?☹️☹️☹️
k · 2 years ago
bt mamboratidza utsinye.wy kutanga kushungurudzwa munhu musati mabata chokwadi
JAH🇿🇼Tsvarie-07 · 2 years ago
Double Trouble...
Anonymous · 2 years ago
But that does not mean he did not rape his daughter he just could not impregnate her
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Zvorwadza hazvo his name has been tarnished some people speak about him every day especially those without access to update
😢😢😢 · 2 years ago
Eric Cartman · 2 years ago
Kamwana kanoda **** hako ikaka. Paka bviswa virginity hakana kana kutaura, kwakuzongona ya nhumbu. I'm sure kanotodya **** ipapa pa 9 years ipapa. The world is a jungle
kylian mbappe · 2 years ago
haaa Messi Chibaba handitambirane naye
kylian mbappe · 2 years ago
haaaa Messi Chibaba handitambirane naye
Didier Deschamps · 2 years ago
well Messi is the greatest GOAT of all times

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