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Provision Of Total Free Education Will Take Time - Mthuli Ncube

2 years agoMon, 19 Dec 2022 05:04:19 GMT
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Provision Of Total Free Education Will Take Time - Mthuli Ncube

The government has seemingly reneged on its earlier promises to provide free basic education starting next year.

In 2020, President Emmerson Mnangagwa signed into law the Education Amendment Act which compels the State to provide free basic education.

In July this year, Primary and Secondary Education Deputy Minister Edgar Moyo said that the government says it will commence a State-funded basic education programme next year.

However, in the National Assembly, last week, Finance and Economic Development Minister Mthuli Ncube said the provision of free education would take time to implement. He said:

To fully transition to total free education, we have to undertake a thorough evaluation of requirements, identifying gaps to debate and implementation of activities that broaden coverage for education to every child.

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So, this is a process, we will get there because we have started but we are already doing a lot in terms of education access.

I have said earlier that provision of free education is a process, hence the budget increased allocation to the sector by 2.1% from the previous years.

Ncube allocated $631.3 billion (US$976 million) towards providing quality infant, junior and secondary education but the bulk of the allocation will go towards teachers’ salaries and other learning costs. Added Ncube:

Let me take this opportunity to advise the august House that already government is the main funder of basic education and that is from paying of teachers, construction of schools, provision of teaching and learning materials, supporting public examinations access, payment of fees for some schools and learners such as the Basic Education And Assistance (Beam) programme.

The government is already doing a lot in terms of making sure that there is better education access, indeed education is free.

Speaking during the debate on the Finance Bill, ZANU PF Chief Whip in Parliament, Pupurai Togarepi, said the budget was insufficient to facilitate free education.

Mberengwa East legislator Marko Raidza (ZANU PF) said the budget allocation for education was inadequate to meet the needs of the Basic Education And Assistance Module (BEAM) facility. | NewsDay



Anonymous · 2 years ago
Eubert Angei Foundation has a tradition of paying school fees for selected schools for the whole year. If a church organisation can do that, what more can a willing government do. It's a matter of prioritising selfishness over free education by these ruthless leaders who make sure their bellies fed while the masses starve to death on paltry earnings.
That Guy · 2 years ago
"free education" from people who can't pay teachers kkkkkkk dream on suckers
Chiweti · 2 years ago
Free education is a thing of the past. Please forget it. Even developed nations like the US, France, Britain, Australia don't have free education. Why do Africans still have guerilla mentality? Where do you think money for that will come from? People must pay for education. It's better to say free healthcare not education. It can't be free. That's a ****ass mentality
Hitla · 2 years ago
People are responding to what the gvt said,it's them who said,"Free education" Why defending it?
· 2 years ago
Primary education should be free.
Maparamuro · 2 years ago
Ministers are getting $500kUS loans, their deputies $350k, MPs $40k, this is also extended to other senior gvt officials. Mthuli then says he does not have funds to finance free education. Very ironic. How did these people in parliament get there without their own houses such that today they need housing loans, how did we vote for people who do not have their own accommodation to be our lawmakers?? They want so much luxuries they won't think about the voter at all, they are busy lining their pockets with cash while telling us gvt does not have money. We need to wake up as voters
· 2 years ago
Well said đź‘Ź
Anonymous · 2 years ago
A whole country rich in a variety of mineral resources finds it difficulty to offer free education as a basic benefit from its natural resourses for it's people. Such stinginess is uncalled for, yet a few well to do dive and swim in national resources as if they own the land.
lnnocent · 2 years ago
Gvt ine mawrong priorities iyoyi. Kuswera kupa mahousing loans kumacabinet ministers nema MPs vachitadza kuita kuti vana vaende kuzvikoro mahara. Ma****

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