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Magistrate In No Show For Ruling In Case Of Vapostori Leader Parere Kunyenzura

2 years agoThu, 22 Dec 2022 07:00:50 GMT
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Magistrate In No Show For Ruling In Case Of Vapostori Leader Parere Kunyenzura

Harare Magistrate Tafadzwa Miti was Wednesday not in attendance for the judgement in the case of State vs Parere Kunyenzura leader of the opposition Zimbabwe Transformative Party.

The party’s Vice President, Mr Simon Goshomi, told Pindula News that they could not establish the reason for the magistrate’s absence.

Pindula News was told that the court record for Parere Kunyenzura was not found, “it could not be located!”

The case was, as a result, remanded to the 11th of January.

The case has been in the judgement stage since the 25th of November which means Parere Kunyenzura would have spent 187 in custody without his case being finalised if the judgment is delayed to the 11th of January 2023. Goshomi told Pindula News:

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We can safely conclude that this is not a judicial procedure but political persecution! Justice delayed is actually denied. The judicial system is captured and used to punish dissenting voices. It’s a tool for unashamedly and unjustifiably imprisoning and silencing opposition politicians in use by the despotic regime of ED Mnangagwa.

Parere Kunyenzura is being accused of convening a church gathering without notifying the police.

He was arrested on the 9th of July 2022 leading a prayer procession of 35 Mirirai Jehovah Apostolic Faith Mission Church congregants including senior citizens as old as 77 years.

Parere has been in custody since the 9th of July and tomorrow the 21st of December is day number 166 of his incarceration.

His trial has stalled for too long due to a number of reasons including the absence of the prosecutor or the judge, and the fuel crisis at the prison to bring prisoners to court.

Parere is denying the charges arguing that the Criminal Law and Codification Act which the police quoted on the charge sheet exempts churches, funerals and weddings to seek clearance from the police.

He argues that the state is ignoring the essential elements of the case adding that the case should have been dismissed from the onset for lack of merit as the state has brought up the wrong charge.

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Anonymous · 2 years ago
Vaye vaye · 2 years ago
Why is nobody making noise about the incarceration of this guy
Luke Malaba · 2 years ago
Makandisiya garwe achindidzosa m****. Panguva yangu zvimhosva zvisina basa rose yaiwe hard labour nyika yobatsirwa majeri oita kudya
Andrew · 2 years ago
this judiciary and their captors are a shame
Doug · 2 years ago
The legal system should realise that they are draining money made by systems which are productive by their delaying cases by being absent and by being indecisive and postponing even minor cases. If this is a way of them trying to be seen to be busy, they should realise that by indecision and unnecessary postponements they are using money which could have bought medicines for hospitals or that could have been used to develop the country. I think the country can plug out such wastefulness by strictly auditing time usage of the ministries that are given money but bring nothing in return.
gumlaz · 2 years ago
ibasa ravo rekuratdza masimba ko iwo mtemo unoti munhu anotenderwa kgara mazuva mangani ari mujeri asat atongwa chingonzwawo kt dai ndriin ndainzwa sei majudge itai bsa nemazvo ipapo ndopaunonzwa vakt dare raona usna mhosva chienda kmba apa wambogara nguva yese iyi unoibhadhagwa nani mumatare umu ityai mwari
patriot · 2 years ago
political system Iri mumaoko e Zanu pf , tinogara tichikuudzai asi hamunzwe , mune nharo dzisina maturo. Everything dances according to the tune of Zanu pf. Zanu pf is the system itself. Judiciary, defense, Zec, Police etc.they dance according to the tune of Zanu pf their master. Only way forward is to form a one party state and campaign against sanctions.
Anonymous · 2 years ago
We are already living under the one party state you so vehemently advocate for, and all systems are operating from the same authoritarian, segregatory and dictatorial regime. So you have no point.
Zuze · 2 years ago
One party state tyranny? No thanks, one ZANU with a majority in Parliament is too much without adding a lifetime tyranny under a party with no checks and balances
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Who doesn't serve their master?
Mdara Odza · 2 years ago
This Tafadzwa Miti woman has joined a list of special purpose Magistrates, who the system turns to when they are in trouble with the law. At the end of the day, she will receive money and gift in exchange for injustice.
Disgraceful · 2 years ago
A deafening silence by the JSC
Vesto · 2 years ago
That JSC silence speaks volumes about its captured status
Ghostface Killah · 2 years ago
maifunga kuti zvinoitirwa Sikhala chete kaaa Saka makandiwa asati aita service anonopihwa police clearance ?? ZRP and our court continue to embarass themselves 😅😹😹😹
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Modern day church prophets and Roman Empire of Pharaohs and Herodians
Vesto · 2 years ago
ED creates another martyr. If Parere Kanyezura had called his church Mirirai Jehovah Apostolic Church 4ED he wouldn't have spent 160 days in prison. I bet he would have been showered with I don't know what by ED's sycophants.
Vesto · 2 years ago
Vote MDC only Douglas Togarasei Mwonzora can bring freedom
Vesto · 2 years ago
Up yours you and your quisling Nzvonyora. Basa kupisika madhoti eZANU. Mudhídhí unonhuwa . Ndosaka makasiirwa danga risina mombe.
Anonymous · 9 months ago
This captured judiciary used to punish opposition political parties is so shameful.

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