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Teachers4ED Says UK And Zimbabwe Should Have An Agreement To Protect Teachers

2 years agoFri, 23 Dec 2022 08:41:48 GMT
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Teachers4ED Says UK And Zimbabwe Should Have An Agreement To Protect Teachers

Teachers for ED (Economic Development), has urged the government to enter into a bilateral agreement with the United Kingdom government to protect teachers from possible human trafficking.

The UK government had listed Zimbabwean teachers as eligible for a qualified teacher status (QTS) in that country with effect from February 1 next year.

But in a statement seen by NewsDay, Teachers for ED, a shadowy group formed to prop up President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s 2023 electoral campaign, believes human trafficking is a possibility. The group said:

Regarding this new development, Trs4ED is of the view that government needs to intervene so that those teachers willing to take up the offer are protected from the jaws of human traffickers, incidents of irregular migration and being ripped off by the so-called visa sponsors.

In this regard, Trs4ED is set to engage with the government of Zimbabwe; particularly the Primary and Secondary Education ministry (MoPSE) and Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare ministry to ensure that a system is developed that protects our teachers from trafficking, human smuggling, human organs trafficking among other transnational crimes.

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The group called for a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) or some form of a bilateral agreement between the government of Zimbabwe and the UK so that ‘our teachers are protected, respected and the profession remains dignified.

Our view is to push for a similar agreement between Rwanda and Zimbabwe that saw teachers working in Rwanda. Lastly, Trs4ED can be represented in the diaspora where economic development projects are implemented back in our motherland.

Educators Union of Zimbabwe President Tafadzwa Munodawafa said this was a ploy to restrict teachers from working in the UK.

Munodawafa said the government should not introduce stringent measures to deter those who want to leave the country to seek greener pastures.

Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (Artuz) president Obert Masaraure said the government should pay a competitive salary to prevent teacher mass exodus.

Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (Ptuz) president Takavafira Zhou said the government needs to ensure that teachers are motivated as the employment of teachers by neighbouring countries and the UK might end up compromising the quality of education in the country.

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Raymond Gunda · 2 years ago
Its the Zanu regime hiding behind this pseudo teachers union They want it arranged the Rwanda way so that they get something out of it They are vampires thirst for blood
Anonymous · 2 years ago
Ngavadye mari vakanyarara ava Vanoda kutsvaka relevance nenyaya yavasineyi nayo They should instead be lobbying government to pay teachers and other civil servants living wages We know what they stand for.. ZFTU ZICOSU etc etc
Mdara Odza · 2 years ago
The Teachers4ED morons are salty that anti-government teachers will leave the country for greener pastures in the UK were they will earn more than five time what Mnangagwa is giving them
· 2 years ago
Correction. NOT 5 times. 10 times.
Of a truth ... · 2 years ago
... it is this bogus union of teachers whose interests are solely for it's master to craft measures meant to stifle those who qualify from going to graze and browsing in greener pastures abroad. What development can this government do from beneficiation of teachers in diaspora that it fails to do from massive wealth of daily looted resources traded in diaspora secretly by the connected elites.
Fo di pipo · 2 years ago
Ngavatange vamirira kodzero dzevari kimbunyikidxzwa muno vozobata Uk
Vesto · 2 years ago
Here was me, thinking that the whole function of a Teachers' Trade Union was to look after the welfare of its members. Are the teachers going to the UK members of Teachers 4ED? Surely in the UK there are unions quite capable of representing teachers in that country! What's so special about teachers in diaspora that this Pseudo Teachers Inion wants government-to-government pact? Are Zimbabwean doctors and nurses in the diaspora covered by government-to-government agreements? Are the Zimbabwean domestic workers in the diaspora covered by such agreements? Do these pacts exist for gardeners in the diaspora? (I recall one in South Africa's Fourways who was necklaces by Dudula). Caregivers in the diaspora? Footballers? What about all those well-known "Rese Rese" Zimbabwean workers all over the world? Or am I right in saying it is ZANU and its government who are really worried about mass exodus of trained teachers to the UK? After all a starting salary of £2,800 (US$3,360) is no peanuts compared to the equivalent of US$300 that Zimbabwe is paying its teachers.
Fo di pipo · 2 years ago
Kkk uchatsvakwa nevanhu beZANO vesto hayas but if ED keeps allowing those groups to form ndoichaita fall yake coz they expose a lot of things in trying their bootlicking antics
· 2 years ago
Bootlicker's are people of low intelligence 😂 😂 😂 😂
Vesto · 2 years ago
@for di pipo, kusiri kufa ndekupi? Ndinonzi Chiwoko because I got 'a long sleeve' in 2008. This time they are welcome to chop off my neck. But I have made a resolution. Handimirire kudaidzwa kuBase. Vanondiwana n****. Asi I will take at least two with me.
pk · 2 years ago
there is always first time and starting point. this time we start with teachers then nurses and doctors followed by DWs
Fo di pipo · 2 years ago
Do you mean it when you mentioned zvelong sleave apo??
· 2 years ago
Yes to protect the teacher's from the zanupf government and police 😢 😢

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