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HomeElections In Zimbabwe

Mnangagwa Likely To Summon Parliament Back For The Delimitation Report

2 years agoTue, 27 Dec 2022 11:05:49 GMT
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Mnangagwa Likely To Summon Parliament Back For The Delimitation Report

President Emmerson Mnangagwa is likely to summon Parliament back from adjournment to deal with the urgent delimitation preliminary report, reported OpenParly.

Parliament adjourned after passing the 2023 national budget and is not due to return before the 24th of January 2023.

However, Zimbabwe Electoral Commission chairperson (ZEC) Priscilla Chigumba on Monday submitted a copy of the Preliminary Delimitation Report to Mnangagwa at State House.

Mnangagwa has 7 working days after receiving it within which to cause the tabling of the report to Parliament.

The 7 days end on the 6th of January 2023 and this means that he has to summon Parliament so that the report can be tabled.

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After receiving the report from the President, Parliament is given 14 sitting days to study the report before submitting its opinions to the President.

If the results of the report are going to be used for the 2023 general elections, Section 161 of the constitution says the final report must have been gazetted at least six months before the polls.

A few months ago ZEC said general elections should be held between July and August 2023. | OpenParly



Ali Tinasheba albamohamed · 2 years ago
Zvema elections anodzoka ku rivhi even kana arikusei nyaya idzo vanodzidzokera Coz mmmm umwe nxt anonyura
I can see His Excellency Advocate President ED Mnangagwa going into problems with this delimitation report in that citizens across social and political divide have spat at the report. I see it being rejected by both the ruling party and the majority of the opposition political parties. I do not see people staying in the same area for the past 10 years. They move around. [ MAY THE REPORT NOT CAUSE PROBLEMS FOR PRISCILLA CHIGUMBA ]. [ VOTE FOR GWETA NELSON CHAMISA ]. [ THROW ZANU PF TO THE DUST BIN ]. Yours truly William Sonboy CHINEMBIRI [THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC].
Eric Cartman · 2 years ago
Why are you still alive?
Tkt · 2 years ago
Inasmuch as we differ, Bush Lawyer is right and as to why is he still alive, bcoz the devil in you failed him
@¢€→π · 2 years ago
bush lawyer when did ed become an advocate
Nyasha Blessing Madododo · 2 years ago
i doubt acting president Chero vakavapa that document pane zvavanonzwa unless kana kune copy ye shona
Dofokanzi · 2 years ago
Even Shona yacho inogona kuvavhara..

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