
MOPA Is POSA By Another Name - ZCTU

MOPA Is POSA By Another Name - ZCTU

The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) has condemned the Maintenance of Peace and Order Act (MOPA), saying it is still the draconian Public Order and Security Act (POSA) by another name.

Speaking at a recent workshop held in Mutare attended by representatives from government, Labour and other business representatives, ZCTU president Florence Taruvinga said all the provisions of POSA are still in MOPA. She said:

Government responded by enacting MOPA. Regrettably from a labour point of view, government simply changed the name from POSA to MOPA.

Prove us wrong because we believe that all the provisions of POSA are still in MOPA.

What worries labour most is what we see as the deliberate ignoring of what the law says for instance on the contentious issue of public gatherings.

Even POSA exempted trade unions from seeking permission for public gatherings.

The police have used MOPA to bar opposition political parties and civil groups from holding meetings. |
